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Mycology Online

Photo Gallery

Fungal Jungle


Fungal Descriptions

Laboratory Methods




Kaminski's Digital Image Library



Dedicated to Geraldine Kaminski OAM 1918-1985.


In 1975, Geraldine Kaminski produced sets of 100 colour teaching

slides on the subcutaneous and systemic mycoses, which were

distributed by the Australian Society for Microbiology. Gerry was an

eminent Australian and mycologist who worked at the Adelaide

Children's Hospital from 1937 to 1985 where she established the

present day Mycology Reference Laboratory in 1960. She was a

meticulous investigator, a gifted teacher and a person of rare

humility. As a memorial to Gerry, this collection was upgraded in

1987 to include a collection 480 colour 35mm slides covering the

mycoses and pathogenic fungi likely to be encountered in Australasia,

South East Asia and Oceania. An additional 120 new slides have now

been added to produce a set of 500 high quality digital [JPEG] images

covering the clinical and mycological features of most pathogenic

fungi encountered in the world.



This project has been sponsored

by an educational grant from Pfizer.

For a full description of all slides available download the legends

pdf file.




The slides are arranged in the the following powerpoint files which

may be downloaded.


General Mycology [33 slides 6.2 MB]

Aspergillosis [22 slides 6.7 MB]

Blastomycosis [7 slides 856 KB]

Candidiasis [39 slides 11.4 MB]

Chromoblastomycosis [11 slides 3.6 MB]

Coccidioidomycosis [11 slides 4.3 MB]

Cryptococcosis [26 slides 5 MB]


Histoplasmosis [13 slides 3.6 MB]

Hyalohyphomycosis 16 slides 2.8 MB]

Lobomycosis [3 slides 396 KB]

Malassezia infections [12 slides 3.9 MB]

Mycetoma [12 slides 1.6 MB]

Mycotic Keratitis [12 slides 2.8 MB]

Paracoccidioidomycoses [6 slides 512 KB]

Penicillium marneffei infection [12 slides 2 MB]

Phaeohyphomycosis [26 slides 6.5 MB]

Pseudallescheriasis and Scedosporium [8 slides 1.2 MB]

Rhinosporidiosis [3 slides 272 KB]

Sporotrichosis [10 slides 2 MB]

Tinea nigra [6 slides 1.8 MB]

Entomophthoromycosis caused by Conidiobolus [8 slides 2.5 MB]


Entomophthoromycosis caused by Basidiobolus [8 slides 2.1 MB]

Subcutaneous zygomycosis (Mucormycosis) [19 slides 5MB]

Systemic Zygomycosis (Mucormycosis) [23 slides 3.6 MB]


Fungal Jungle

© 2006 The University of Adelaide

Last Modified 04/07/2006 David Ellis

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