Guest guest Posted December 21, 2003 Report Share Posted December 21, 2003 Thanks Norg! J <norgesen september_eleven_coup <september_eleven_coup > Saturday, 20 December 2003 17:41 [september_eleven_coup] Re: White House Web Scrubbing QuietNetResearch Re: White House Web Scrubbing Fri Dec 19 21:40:11 2003 ------- Re: White House Web Scrubbing Fri, 19 Dec 2003 20:34:06 EST QuietNetResearch apfn In a message dated 12/19/03 12:17:26 PM US Mountain Standard Time, apfn writes: > Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, administration Web sites have been scrubbed for anything vaguely sensitive, and passwords are now required to access even much unclassified information. Though it is not clear whether the White House is directing the changes, several agencies have been following a similar pattern. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and USAID have removed or revised fact sheets on condoms, excising information about their effectiveness in disease prevention, and promoting abstinence instead. I can speak for what I've discovered on this one, so far. It actually goes back to WWII and projects that the German Nazi's were doing in the concentration camps, experiments with viruses. That was why I sent you the URL on the Nazi Virus Projects, which sites only government documents on those projects (Nuremburg military tribunal, US Army documents, etc.) You see, what they didn't complete doing was the research or follow up on key Nazi persons. The CIA may have taken Dr. Eugen Haagen into their Project Paperclip Program, but they failed to keep an eye and reconstruct burned or destroyed key documents and connections. For example, Dr. Verscheur and Dr. Fischer were both key SS doctor trainers at Berlin Universities. They trained just about every SS doctor out there. What CIA did know was that Verscheur burned/destroyed two truckloads of documents, documents that also contained their key contacts and studies among German colonized regions in Africa. The only thing that the CIA recovered was the documents at Auschwitz, and none of the documents in the universities where the doctors were trained, even though many of the universities were active participants in the virus projects. The idea of the virus projects was simple. They used human beings in the concentration camps for their " medical research " . Human beings were injected with various diseases, many of which were viral STDs, including hepatitis (Hepatitis B is sexually transmitted). Dr. Gutzeit and Dr. Dohmen in Auschwitz were working with animal viruses and the sexually transmitted virus Hepatitis B. However, they weren't the only ones. When Germany was conquered, the universities burned/destroyed the documents of their involvement and their connections to the African countries that were German colonized. People in those countries continued the experiments after WWII, using the black populations of Africa. This is actually very obvious if anyone studies the Hepatitis Viruses and their patterns in Africa. In the region of Cameroon, Hepatitis A then turned into a new form of Hepatitis, or Hepatitis E. Hepatitis B became Hepatitis C and Cameroon has the most subtypes of Hepatitis C, enough that some of the subtypes could be considered a Hepatitis H or a Hepatitis J. (Cameroon was colonized by the Germans in the 1800s). In the region of Ghana/Togo (also colonized by the Germans in the 1800s), Hepatitis B became Hepatitis D, and Hepatitis D is still is still centrally located among the equator regions of Africa, but expanded, sexually into Brazil overseas and up into the Mediterranean. In the region of the former South Africa, Hepatitis B became Hepatitis G. Not only was the former South Africa German colonized, but a SS doctor, trained by Dr. Fischer in Berlin became their prime minister, or Dr. Verwoerd. For about 30 years after WWII, South Africa was under complete Nazi government administration and Verwoerd's successor was an even bigger WWII Nazi supporter. The experiments on human beings conducted up at Auschwitz continued on human beings in Africa after WWII in the German colonized regions. Now, let's look at the HIV patterns. We know that the predecessor animal to HIV, Type 1 (HIV-1) came from a simian virus in chimpanzees, or SIV-1. Dr. Hahn of the University of Alabama tested chimpanzees infected with SIV across Africa to determine the genetic match to the HIV-1 predecessor. The genetic match comes specifically from chimpanzees in the German colonized region of Cameroon. Rolling Stone magazine actually tried to point the finger at the Belgian Congo and the polio vaccine, but if you ever look at the inside cover of Rolling Stone magazine, you'll see that it is also owned by the Germans. Chimpanzees don't cross water, because they can't swim, thus chimpanzees stay in fixed regions. The chimpanzees used for the polio vaccine came from the Belgian Congo and they have NO genetic match to the SIV predecessor. The only possible genetic match comes from Cameroon. They were German chimps according to the genetic evidence. Clearly, German-owned Rolling Stone had a motive in pointing the finger at the innocent Belgians. When you look at HIV, Type 2 (HIV-2) you find that it's SIV predecessor doesn't come from chimpanzees but another type of specific monkey called a matabey. Matabeys are a rare animal in Africa and pretty much only come from the German colonized region of Ghana/Togo. So both the chimp SIV-1 predecessor to HIV-1 was German and the matabey SIV-2 predecessor to HIV-2 was German. You basically have to overlay HIV subtypes with Hepatitis new types to see how the experiments worked. Generally you'll find that those infected in Africa with HIV are NOT infected with Hepatitis, so it meant that some of the people were intentionally injected with hepatitis to " study " and others were intentionally injected with HIV to " study " . It's basically what they did at Auschwitz up in Europe where the doctors (SS doctors) each requested so many people to study and they would then inject the people with diseases to study them. In Africa, the German doctors told the blacks that they were giving them " vaccinations " , when they were injecting them with diseases to study. So the pattern stands. Cameroon: HIV-1, Group M, Clade A HIV-1, Group O Hepatitis A became Hepatitis E Hepatitis B became Hepatitis C with hundreds of new subtypes Ghana/Togo: HIV-2 Hepatitis B became Hepatitis D former South Africa Region: HIV-1, Group M, Clade A HIV-1, Group M, Clade B Hepatitis B became Hepatitis G in South Africa you'll see a definite equal injection pattern. 4.2 million blacks have HIV and 4.2 million blacks have Hepatitis G. It's roughly 19.9-20% of the population infected with both or 40% infected with the two diseases combined. Many doctors have the Myth that Group O, HIV-1 from Cameroon developed later, but it would have had to have been injected into the blacks around the same time or in the 1950s. We know this because Norway traced back an HIV case to find that a father and daughter died of Group O back in 1967, meaning that Group O was global at the same time as Group M. All present testing for antibodies to the disease was based on Group M, or specifically, in the US, the testing is based on the antibodies to Group M, Clade B, of Type 1. The present tests are failures. The ELISA test claims to be able to test for all, or at least the company that puts that out claims that. We already know that the ELISA fails in many cases to detect the non-B clades. The ELISA cannot test at all for Clade G, H, and J of Group M. The ELISA cannot test for Group N, nor Group O. The ELISA cannot test for HIV, Type 2. Let's just say the CDC fucked up big time. They tried to claim that Group O came after Group M, which it did not in light of the Norway study of Group O in the 1960s. Since the ELISA fails to find or identify Group O (and the Beta test also fails to identify Group O), the only time that Group O is identified is when a person is testing false negatives on all American tests, false negative on the ELISA, false negative on the Beta, and the person clearly has a loss of an immune system or a disease that one could not have unless they had HIV, while testing falsely negative. That means that at present, all Group O's have only been identified after death or near death in a hospital, while they were testing negative. However, since Group O has been around as long as Group M, Group O has also divided into many different subtypes as Group M, it's just that the subtypes haven't been officially identified, because the United States lacks the ability to test for them. Back in the 1990s, the CDC tried to claim that they supposedly screened the blood banks for Group O, but there was no test available for them to have done so. In fact, the first test for Group O wasn't even developed until August of 2003 or this year. To complicate this, the company that has the first Group O test is none other than Bayer. Surely, you remember hearing about Bayer in WWII? Doctors that worked for the German owned Bayer company were actually SS doctors in WWII. Bayer doctors actually funded many of the experiments at Auschwitz and their own company's doctors were actually a part of many of the unethical experiments on people. When Group O was officially discovered, the Bayer corporation bought a world wide patent on testing for Group O, thus, no other company in the world is allowed to even attempt to come up with a test to detect group O, leaving the world at the mercy of Bayer for it's tests for this group. The company that manufactures the ELISA isn't even allowed to develop a test for Group O, because of Bayer's world-wide patent. The makers of the Beta test aren't allowed to develop a test for Group O, because of Bayer's world-wide patent. The only company in the world that is allowed to create a test for Group O is Bayer and unfortunately, Group O has been around as long as Group M, withOUT a test for it until August of 2003. So what's so special about Group O that the German-owned Bayer corporation wants such a powerful patent on testing for it? What's so special about Group O that the SS doctors, still employed and trained successors, from within the Bayer corporation want to be the singular company providing testing for it? Well, Group O is resistant to anti-viral medication. Group O is resistant to anti-retroviral medication. It means that Group O can't be treated. And so far in the studies of Group O, which are limited, when anti-viral or anti-retroviral medication is given to a person infected with Group O, the virus mutates into a new subtype as a result of the medication. That's why Bayer wants the market. Cameroon is an interesting area. There is NO freedom of speech in that country. The media is completely controlled by what appears to be a puppet black government. Whenever someone attempts to run against the present president, the elections and speeches are edited so that the previous president wins. Reporters attempting free speech are beaten and murdered to silence their publications. There is no internet free speech. They don't even have radio/music freedom. You see, Verschuer, who burned/destroyed the two truckloads of documents had a thing for studies on twins. It was Verschuer who trained the famous Dr. Mengel. Mengel who was doing twin " research " at Auschwitz was entirely funded by the Bayer corporation. We know that that experimentation on twins continued in the Cameroon area after WWII because Cameroon now has one of the highest twin rates in the world among the blacks and Bayer's presence in Cameroon is extremely powerful. The CIA fucked up to say the least. They failed to reconstruct Verscheur's connections in Africa, because they had only focused on Dr. Haagen's connections. Because the CIA didn't watch Verscheur, the Bayer corporation in present day has complete control over Group O, HIV-1, the most dangerous form of HIV. Or is it the most dangerous form or HIV? Group O is definitely resistant to anti-viral and anti-retroviral medication, meaning it's untreatable. It's been around GLOBALLY the same time as Group M, and has more than likely evolved into as many different subtypes as Group M. Only, no test was available for Group O at all until 2003, when the disease has been around since the 1950s. The CIA definitely fucked up. Presumably, thousands have already died of Group O and their death certificates identified the secondary deaths as causes. A person with Group O had cancer, cancer was listed as cause of death rather than the Group O because ELISA tests were showing negative. A person with pneumonia and Group O had their cause of death listed as pneumonia, because the ELISA tested negative. Since Group O was global, thousands died but they failed to identify Group O unless the secondary disease was unique only to people with HIV. If the secondary disease was a common disease, then the cause of death was listed as the secondary disease, rather than Group O with no testing available for 50 years. Thus, the blood banks are definitely NOT safe. But the CDC will continue to bullshit the public claiming they are. The Bush administration actually had a reason for cutting all funding to condom education. Condoms aren't safe anymore. Some of the newer STD viruses that were developed by those Germans in those regions of Africa CAN AND DO pass through double dipped condoms. Usually, in normal latex gloves the pores are 5-10 microns in diameter. HIV viruses can range in size from 50-150 nanometers depending on the type of HIV. And theoretically, some HIV viruses may be smaller than 50 nanometers, meaning that they can definitely pass through latex gloves. The FDA already did a study in 2002 showing that HIV, hepatitis, and other STD viruses can pass through latex gloves. The argument is that condoms are " double-dipped " rather than single-dipped, like latex gloves. The fact is that under a microscrope, those double-dipped condoms aren't what the manufacturers claim, at the fault of the condom companies cutting cost corners. Some of those " double-dipped " condoms have cracks and splits in them, invisible to the naked eye, but under a microscope, the cracks and splits are 17 microns long, more than enough for any STD virus to pass through. The killer study had to do with Ultrasound. When pregnant women get Ultrasounds, the actual head of the ultrasound is covered with a double-dipped condom. They found that in 5% of the tests that visual blood and vaginal fluid somehow passed through the double-dipped condom onto the head of the ultrasound. That was the VISIBLE. It was completely VISIBLE to the eye 5% of the time. And the movement of an ultrasound is relatively mild compared to a penis during sex. What they needed to complete was the microscopic level. If 5% was visual, what was not visual in double-dipped condoms? How many 50-150 nanometer viruses were passing through, not visible to the eye? We know that since HIV-1 and HIV-2 were developed by the Germans in the 1950s and injected into blacks in the 1950s, then what exactly did those companies and those doctors come up with in 50 years? Do you think it suddenly ended with HIV? HELLLLLL NO! Thus there are theoretically STD viruses that they have developed that most definitely pass through those double-dipped condoms. They got away so far with Group O, which no one has been able to test for in 50 years. Most that died of Group O around the globe never had their Group O identified, but only had the secondary causes of death listed. Then you have to throw the American mafia and adult industry into the picture. We all know that the American mafia definitely had CIA ties and FBI control in the 1950s and 1960s. It's a well-known fact that the mafia had Hoover blackmailed for his sexual relations with prostitutes. Thus, during the 1950s, they (the mafia) used Hoover and the FBI to gain key positions in the media and Hollywood. They tried to accuse everyone in Hollywood and key AB Then you have to throw the American mafia and adult industry into the picture. We all know that the American mafia definitely had CIA ties and FBI control in the 1950s and 1960s. It's a well-known fact that the mafia had Hoover blackmailed for his sexual relations with prostitutes. Thus, during the 1950s, they (the mafia) used Hoover and the FBI to gain key positions in the media and Hollywood. They tried to accuse everyone in Hollywood and key ABC, NBC and CBS positions of being supposed " communists " . Once the mafia had gained those key positions, then we see their involvement, clear-cut involvement in the assassination of JFK. Those media positions were silenced from reporting what the people had seen. It was Jack Ruby, a definite connection to the mafia that shot and killed and silenced Oswald. Robert Kennedy had feds down in Mexico City investigating a meeting between Oswald and an assassination trainer from the Russian military, and it was Hoover (blackmailed by the mafia) that ordered the investigation in Mexico City to be stopped. Clearly it was the mafia that wanted to silence any investigation into Oswald, by having Ruby kill him and having Hoover stop the Mexico City investigation. Their press contacts refused to report anything, which is why now 77% of the American public feel that they were lied to about it. And the only people claiming that Oswald did it alone is none other than the present 2003 head of the FBI (see Forensic Files, head of 2003 FBI is trying to claim that Oswald did it by himself). But then again, if Oswald did it by himself, then why did Hoover order the investigation in Mexico City of a meeting between Oswald and a Russian military assassination trainer stopped? That would seem pertinent to an investigation on an assassination, don't you think? Majority rules. 77% of the American public know its a lie, irregardless of what some head of the FBI says. Unfortunately, it also means one other thing. Dipshit mafia have been in control of key government positions, and they have used prostitution as a means of control over key government officials, such as Hoover. Since the mafia uses prostitution as their means of control over people, such manipulation has continued. Unfortunately, the Germans are more intelligent scientifically with their disease studies (unethical) on human beings in Africa, making our government look like a bunch of frickin' idiots. No matter how much money and power American mafia has, they cannot control a company like Bayer, nor does the American mafia have the intelligence to even comprehend most of the diseases out there. The American mafia's goal has been greed, money and control. But there's just too many people that they cannot buy. Do you think scientists and doctors in Bayer are scared of the dumbfucks in the American mafia? Not really. Considering that most in Bayer are stemming from Eugenics, an idea of German superiority, do you think that an Italian American mafia would be able to buy them? NOPE. So, who's really in control here? American mafia doctors might play with viruses like the influenza virus. Meanwhile, German Nazi doctors have been playing with HIV for 50 years. The German Nazi doctors make American mafia doctors look like cave men. So when I say that the American CIA fucked up big time by not tracking Verschuer and his African contacts after WWII to reconstruct the documents they destroyed, I truly mean it. Bayer has global control over Group O. But that's not all Bayer has control over. Bayer is also the sole maker of Cipron. Cipron is the ONLY anti-biotic for Anthrax. In fact, Bayer corporation won't even allow any other company to come up with a cheaper or a generic version of Cipron. Those companies that attempted to make generic Cipron were sued shitless by the Bayer corporation, leaving the entire American public at the control of Bayer once again, in the event of any sort of Anthrax attack on the American public. How did feds and CIA and the U.S. gov't respond to that? They forced their men to get the untested Anthrax vaccine made by another company. The problem is that there are many problems with the untested vaccine. But clearly the government didn't want to be at the mercy of Bayer, so they forced their own soldiers to get the experimental/untested Anthrax vaccination. Have you caught on yet to the major players? And now the Bush administration has cut all funding to condom education. The Bush administration made the CDC take down all info on condom effectiveness. Because are NOT effective anymore and haven't been for some time in light of Bayer and German technology. The Bush administration dumped $30 million into abstinence-only education, in hopes of SAVING the next generation. But even the Bush administration has its limitations, because the American mafia still has much control over government officials, using blackmail with prostitutes as a means. Unfortunately for those prostitutes and those being blackmailed, they won't survive the next 20 years. But the Bush administration cannot reveal the real reasons behind the condom cut. BECAUSE 1) Mafia still has control over key gov't with prostitution-blackmail. Mafia still has a good hold on American media at the major networks, especially ABC and the Associated Press. Mafia still uses and pimps their prostitutes to key politicians, key FBI and key CIA. The mafia makes money off their prostitutes. 2) We're at war! for crying out loud. Those we are at war with like to use biological weapons. No one wants to point them in the direction of Nazi virus STDs, like HIV. If a country like Iraq started to figure that one out, there's no telling what they would try to create. 3) Bayer still holds control over the US, not only with the global patent on Group O, but also with Cipron. In the event of an Anthrax attack on the American public, American's are entirely dependent on Bayer. Thus, politicians can't let Bayer get pissed off, especially when we're at war. 4) The CIA fucked up, not only by not following Verschuer after WWII, but many others. It would be a CIA embarassment if they said why they cut condom education. 5) The CDC fucked up. The doctors employed were idiots and actually originally believed the African-German doctors and their BS stories about monkey meat and HIV. The doctors employed on CDC government funds are still inadequate and many are extremely cavemen. 6) The mafia, key gov't jobs and politicians can't keep their dicks in their pants and have continued having sex with prostitutes, many of which have been infected with Group O, which no one has been able to test for. Those key gov't positions and politicians don't want the public to know that they might be infected with Group O from mafia prostitutes, because the mafia was only using the ELISA to test for mainly the anti-bodies to Clade B of Group M. And even if you told such men, they'd still keep fucking mafia prostitutes because they can't keep their dicks in their pants. 7) The Germans experimenting on human subjects was made illegal by the Geneva convention, which they clearly continued to disobey after the war. The US took in Dr. Haagen into the Project Paperclip Program and also disobeyed the Geneva convention. The Russians disobeyed the Geneva convention. Great Britain disobeyed the Geneva convention. the Australians disobeyed the Geneva convention. Thus, all parties deny disobeying the Geneva convention and the US isn't about to admit that they had. To expose the Germans would also mean there's a trail back to them through Dr. Haagen and others and they just aren't going to admit it. So sit back. Stay away from prostitutes, go watch a dancer or something. As for the porn industry, stay clear. The porn industry (mainly mafia controlled) is right about at a 50% infection rate, because they've been using the ELISA. Which means they weren't testing for the non-b clades (definitely not Clade G, H and J) of type M, and there's also a failure with Clade A. They weren't testing for Group N, nor Group O and they weren't testing for Type-2. Yet, they all had unprotected sex on film after claiming to test negative on the ELISA tests. It only takes 1 person infected with Group O in the porn industry to infect 500,000 in the porn industry in a matter of 5 years of porn films with each only doing 3 films a year (some only do one porn film a year, others do 10 porn films a year). And hell, with the cut in funding to condoms, condoms don't make a difference anymore. Go watch a dance. Hope this gave you a clearer picture on the cut to condom education funding.;article=47588;title=APFN New Photos - easier uploading and sharing Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 23, 2003 Report Share Posted December 23, 2003 The article below does not mention where the Nazis got their biowarfare eugenics ideas. That is, they got them from the American elite families such as the Harrimans, Rockefellers, Carnegies, etc. from the Cold Spring Harbor "Eugenics Records Office". The full story can by read in the book FULL DISCLOSURE: The Truth About the AIDS Epidemic. The Office of Naval Intelligence has effectively banned this book from mainstream book outlets. There is quite a bit of information on this book on the Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network web site at The author has received repeated death threats from the ONI regarding this book. - Misty Health and Healing ; AltWritersFiles ; Armageddon or New Age Sunday, December 21, 2003 12:06 AM Nazi biowarfare still operating Thanks Norg!J <norgesenseptember_eleven_coup <september_eleven_coup >Saturday, 20 December 2003 17:41[september_eleven_coup] Re: White House Web ScrubbingQuietNetResearchRe: White House Web ScrubbingFri Dec 19 21:40:11 200364.140.159.159-------Re: White House Web ScrubbingFri, 19 Dec 2003 20:34:06 ESTQuietNetResearchTo: apfnIn a message dated 12/19/03 12:17:26 PM US Mountain Standard Time,apfn writes:> Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, administration Web sites have beenscrubbed for anything vaguely sensitive, and passwords are now required toaccess even much unclassified information. Though it is not clear whetherthe White House is directing the changes, several agencies have beenfollowing a similar pattern. The federal Centers for Disease Control andPrevention and USAID have removed or revised fact sheets on condoms,excising information about their effectiveness in disease prevention, andpromoting abstinence instead.I can speak for what I've discovered on this one, so far. It actually goesback to WWII and projects that the German Nazi's were doing in theconcentration camps, experiments with viruses. That was why I sent you theURL on the Nazi Virus Projects, which sites only government documents onthose projects (Nuremburg military tribunal, US Army documents, etc.) see, what they didn't complete doing was the research or follow up onkey Nazi persons. The CIA may have taken Dr. Eugen Haagen into their ProjectPaperclip Program, but they failed to keep an eye and reconstruct burned ordestroyed key documents and connections.For example, Dr. Verscheur and Dr. Fischer were both key SS doctor trainersat Berlin Universities. They trained just about every SS doctor out there.What CIA did know was that Verscheur burned/destroyed two truckloads ofdocuments, documents that also contained their key contacts and studiesamong German colonized regions in Africa. The only thing that the CIArecovered was the documents at Auschwitz, and none of the documents in theuniversities where the doctors were trained, even though many of theuniversities were active participants in the virus projects.The idea of the virus projects was simple. They used human beings in theconcentration camps for their "medical research". Human beings were injectedwith various diseases, many of which were viral STDs, including hepatitis(Hepatitis B is sexually transmitted). Dr. Gutzeit and Dr. Dohmen inAuschwitz were working with animal viruses and the sexually transmittedvirus Hepatitis B. However, they weren't the only ones.When Germany was conquered, the universities burned/destroyed the documentsof their involvement and their connections to the African countries thatwere German colonized. People in those countries continued the experimentsafter WWII, using the black populations of Africa. This is actually veryobvious if anyone studies the Hepatitis Viruses and their patterns inAfrica.In the region of Cameroon, Hepatitis A then turned into a new form ofHepatitis, or Hepatitis E. Hepatitis B became Hepatitis C and Cameroon hasthe most subtypes of Hepatitis C, enough that some of the subtypes could beconsidered a Hepatitis H or a Hepatitis J. (Cameroon was colonized by theGermans in the 1800s).In the region of Ghana/Togo (also colonized by the Germans in the 1800s),Hepatitis B became Hepatitis D, and Hepatitis D is still is still centrallylocated among the equator regions of Africa, but expanded, sexually intoBrazil overseas and up into the Mediterranean.In the region of the former South Africa, Hepatitis B became Hepatitis G.Not only was the former South Africa German colonized, but a SS doctor,trained by Dr. Fischer in Berlin became their prime minister, or Dr.Verwoerd. For about 30 years after WWII, South Africa was under completeNazi government administration and Verwoerd's successor was an even biggerWWII Nazi supporter.The experiments on human beings conducted up at Auschwitz continued on humanbeings in Africa after WWII in the German colonized regions.Now, let's look at the HIV patterns. We know that the predecessor animal toHIV, Type 1 (HIV-1) came from a simian virus in chimpanzees, or SIV-1. Dr.Hahn of the University of Alabama tested chimpanzees infected with SIVacross Africa to determine the genetic match to the HIV-1 predecessor. Thegenetic match comes specifically from chimpanzees in the German colonizedregion of Cameroon. Rolling Stone magazine actually tried to point thefinger at the Belgian Congo and the polio vaccine, but if you ever look atthe inside cover of Rolling Stone magazine, you'll see that it is also ownedby the Germans. Chimpanzees don't cross water, because they can't swim, thuschimpanzees stay in fixed regions. The chimpanzees used for the poliovaccine came from the Belgian Congo and they have NO genetic match to theSIV predecessor. The only possible genetic match comes from Cameroon. Theywere German chimps according to the genetic evidence. Clearly, German-ownedRolling Stone had a motive inpointing the finger at the innocent Belgians.When you look at HIV, Type 2 (HIV-2) you find that it's SIV predecessordoesn't come from chimpanzees but another type of specific monkey called amatabey. Matabeys are a rare animal in Africa and pretty much only come fromthe German colonized region of Ghana/Togo. So both the chimp SIV-1predecessor to HIV-1 was German and the matabey SIV-2 predecessor to HIV-2was German.You basically have to overlay HIV subtypes with Hepatitis new types to seehow the experiments worked. Generally you'll find that those infected inAfrica with HIV are NOT infected with Hepatitis, so it meant that some ofthe people were intentionally injected with hepatitis to "study" and otherswere intentionally injected with HIV to "study". It's basically what theydid at Auschwitz up in Europe where the doctors (SS doctors) each requestedso many people to study and they would then inject the people with diseasesto study them. In Africa, the German doctors told the blacks that they weregiving them "vaccinations", when they were injecting them with diseases tostudy. So the pattern stands.Cameroon: HIV-1, Group M, Clade AHIV-1, Group OHepatitis A became Hepatitis EHepatitis B became Hepatitis C with hundreds of new subtypesGhana/Togo: HIV-2Hepatitis B became Hepatitis Dformer South Africa Region: HIV-1, Group M, Clade AHIV-1, Group M, Clade BHepatitis B became Hepatitis Gin South Africa you'll see a definite equal injection pattern. 4.2 millionblacks have HIV and 4.2 million blacks have Hepatitis G. It's roughly19.9-20% of the population infected with both or 40% infected with the twodiseases combined.Many doctors have the Myth that Group O, HIV-1 from Cameroon developedlater, but it would have had to have been injected into the blacks aroundthe same time or in the 1950s. We know this because Norway traced back anHIV case to find that a father and daughter died of Group O back in 1967,meaning that Group O was global at the same time as Group M. All presenttesting for antibodies to the disease was based on Group M, or specifically,in the US, the testing is based on the antibodies to Group M, Clade B, ofType 1.The present tests are failures. The ELISA test claims to be able to test forall, or at least the company that puts that out claims that. We already knowthat the ELISA fails in many cases to detect the non-B clades. The ELISAcannot test at all for Clade G, H, and J of Group M. The ELISA cannot testfor Group N, nor Group O. The ELISA cannot test for HIV, Type 2.Let's just say the CDC fucked up big time. They tried to claim that Group Ocame after Group M, which it did not in light of the Norway study of Group Oin the 1960s. Since the ELISA fails to find or identify Group O (and theBeta test also fails to identify Group O), the only time that Group O isidentified is when a person is testing false negatives on all Americantests, false negative on the ELISA, false negative on the Beta, and theperson clearly has a loss of an immune system or a disease that one couldnot have unless they had HIV, while testing falsely negative.That means that at present, all Group O's have only been identified afterdeath or near death in a hospital, while they were testing negative.However, since Group O has been around as long as Group M, Group O has alsodivided into many different subtypes as Group M, it's just that the subtypeshaven't been officially identified, because the United States lacks theability to test for them.Back in the 1990s, the CDC tried to claim that they supposedly screened theblood banks for Group O, but there was no test available for them to havedone so. In fact, the first test for Group O wasn't even developed untilAugust of 2003 or this year. To complicate this, the company that has thefirst Group O test is none other than Bayer. Surely, you remember hearingabout Bayer in WWII? Doctors that worked for the German owned Bayer companywere actually SS doctors in WWII. Bayer doctors actually funded many of theexperiments at Auschwitz and their own company's doctors were actually apart of many of the unethical experiments on people. When Group O wasofficially discovered, the Bayer corporation bought a world wide patent ontesting for Group O, thus, no other company in the world is allowed to evenattempt to come up with a test to detect group O, leaving the world at themercy of Bayer for it's tests for this group.The company that manufactures the ELISA isn't even allowed to develop a testfor Group O, because of Bayer's world-wide patent. The makers of the Betatest aren't allowed to develop a test for Group O, because of Bayer'sworld-wide patent. The only company in the world that is allowed to create atest for Group O is Bayer and unfortunately, Group O has been around as longas Group M, withOUT a test for it until August of 2003.So what's so special about Group O that the German-owned Bayer corporationwants such a powerful patent on testing for it? What's so special aboutGroup O that the SS doctors, still employed and trained successors, fromwithin the Bayer corporation want to be the singular company providingtesting for it?Well, Group O is resistant to anti-viral medication.Group O is resistant to anti-retroviral medication.It means that Group O can't be treated. And so far in the studies of GroupO, which are limited, when anti-viral or anti-retroviral medication is givento a person infected with Group O, the virus mutates into a new subtype as aresult of the medication.That's why Bayer wants the market. Cameroon is an interesting area. There isNO freedom of speech in that country. The media is completely controlled bywhat appears to be a puppet black government. Whenever someone attempts torun against the present president, the elections and speeches are edited sothat the previous president wins. Reporters attempting free speech arebeaten and murdered to silence their publications. There is no internet freespeech. They don't even have radio/music freedom.You see, Verschuer, who burned/destroyed the two truckloads of documents hada thing for studies on twins. It was Verschuer who trained the famous Dr.Mengel. Mengel who was doing twin "research" at Auschwitz was entirelyfunded by the Bayer corporation. We know that that experimentation on twinscontinued in the Cameroon area after WWII because Cameroon now has one ofthe highest twin rates in the world among the blacks and Bayer's presence inCameroon is extremely powerful. The CIA fucked up to say the least. Theyfailed to reconstruct Verscheur's connections in Africa, because they hadonly focused on Dr. Haagen's connections. Because the CIA didn't watchVerscheur, the Bayer corporation in present day has complete control overGroup O, HIV-1, the most dangerous form of HIV.Or is it the most dangerous form or HIV? Group O is definitely resistant toanti-viral and anti-retroviral medication, meaning it's untreatable. It'sbeen around GLOBALLY the same time as Group M, and has more than likelyevolved into as many different subtypes as Group M. Only, no test wasavailable for Group O at all until 2003, when the disease has been aroundsince the 1950s. The CIA definitely fucked up.Presumably, thousands have already died of Group O and their deathcertificates identified the secondary deaths as causes. A person with GroupO had cancer, cancer was listed as cause of death rather than the Group Obecause ELISA tests were showing negative. A person with pneumonia and GroupO had their cause of death listed as pneumonia, because the ELISA testednegative. Since Group O was global, thousands died but they failed toidentify Group O unless the secondary disease was unique only to people withHIV. If the secondary disease was a common disease, then the cause of deathwas listed as the secondary disease, rather than Group O with no testingavailable for 50 years.Thus, the blood banks are definitely NOT safe. But the CDC will continue tobullshit the public claiming they are.The Bush administration actually had a reason for cutting all funding tocondom education. Condoms aren't safe anymore. Some of the newer STD virusesthat were developed by those Germans in those regions of Africa CAN AND DOpass through double dipped condoms. Usually, in normal latex gloves thepores are 5-10 microns in diameter. HIV viruses can range in size from50-150 nanometers depending on the type of HIV. And theoretically, some HIVviruses may be smaller than 50 nanometers, meaning that they can definitelypass through latex gloves. The FDA already did a study in 2002 showing thatHIV, hepatitis, and other STD viruses can pass through latex gloves. Theargument is that condoms are "double-dipped" rather than single-dipped, likelatex gloves. The fact is that under a microscrope, those double-dippedcondoms aren't what the manufacturers claim, at the fault of the condomcompanies cutting cost corners. Some of those "double-dipped" condoms havecracks and splits in them,invisible to the naked eye, but under a microscope, the cracks and splitsare 17 microns long, more than enough for any STD virus to pass through. Thekiller study had to do with Ultrasound. When pregnant women get Ultrasounds,the actual head of the ultrasound is covered with a double-dipped condom.They found that in 5% of the tests that visual blood and vaginal fluidsomehow passed through the double-dipped condom onto the head of theultrasound. That was the VISIBLE. It was completely VISIBLE to the eye 5% ofthe time. And the movement of an ultrasound is relatively mild compared to apenis during sex. What they needed to complete was the microscopic level. If5% was visual, what was not visual in double-dipped condoms? How many 50-150nanometer viruses were passing through, not visible to the eye?We know that since HIV-1 and HIV-2 were developed by the Germans in the1950s and injected into blacks in the 1950s, then what exactly did thosecompanies and those doctors come up with in 50 years? Do you think itsuddenly ended with HIV?HELLLLLL NO!Thus there are theoretically STD viruses that they have developed that mostdefinitely pass through those double-dipped condoms. They got away so farwith Group O, which no one has been able to test for in 50 years. Most thatdied of Group O around the globe never had their Group O identified, butonly had the secondary causes of death listed.Then you have to throw the American mafia and adult industry into thepicture. We all know that the American mafia definitely had CIA ties and FBIcontrol in the 1950s and 1960s. It's a well-known fact that the mafia hadHoover blackmailed for his sexual relations with prostitutes. Thus, duringthe 1950s, they (the mafia) used Hoover and the FBI to gain key positions inthe media and Hollywood. They tried to accuse everyone in Hollywood and keyABThen you have to throw the American mafia and adult industry into thepicture. We all know that the American mafia definitely had CIA ties and FBIcontrol in the 1950s and 1960s. It's a well-known fact that the mafia hadHoover blackmailed for his sexual relations with prostitutes. Thus, duringthe 1950s, they (the mafia) used Hoover and the FBI to gain key positions inthe media and Hollywood. They tried to accuse everyone in Hollywood and keyABC, NBC and CBS positions of being supposed "communists". Once the mafiahad gained those key positions, then we see their involvement, clear-cutinvolvement in the assassination of JFK. Those media positions were silencedfrom reporting what the people had seen. It was Jack Ruby, a definiteconnection to the mafia that shot and killed and silenced Oswald. RobertKennedy had feds down in Mexico City investigating a meeting between Oswaldand an assassination trainer from the Russian military, and it was Hoover(blackmailed by the mafia) thatordered the investigation in Mexico City to be stopped. Clearly it was themafia that wanted to silence any investigation into Oswald, by having Rubykill him and having Hoover stop the Mexico City investigation. Their presscontacts refused to report anything, which is why now 77% of the Americanpublic feel that they were lied to about it. And the only people claimingthat Oswald did it alone is none other than the present 2003 head of the FBI(see Forensic Files, head of 2003 FBI is trying to claim that Oswald did itby himself).But then again, if Oswald did it by himself, then why did Hoover order theinvestigation in Mexico City of a meeting between Oswald and a Russianmilitary assassination trainer stopped? That would seem pertinent to aninvestigation on an assassination, don't you think?Majority rules. 77% of the American public know its a lie, irregardless ofwhat some head of the FBI says.Unfortunately, it also means one other thing. Dipshit mafia have been incontrol of key government positions, and they have used prostitution as ameans of control over key government officials, such as Hoover. Since themafia uses prostitution as their means of control over people, suchmanipulation has continued. Unfortunately, the Germans are more intelligentscientifically with their disease studies (unethical) on human beings inAfrica, making our government look like a bunch of frickin' idiots. Nomatter how much money and power American mafia has, they cannot control acompany like Bayer, nor does the American mafia have the intelligence toeven comprehend most of the diseases out there. The American mafia's goalhas been greed, money and control. But there's just too many people thatthey cannot buy.Do you think scientists and doctors in Bayer are scared of the dumbfucks inthe American mafia? Not really. Considering that most in Bayer are stemmingfrom Eugenics, an idea of German superiority, do you think that an ItalianAmerican mafia would be able to buy them? NOPE.So, who's really in control here? American mafia doctors might play withviruses like the influenza virus. Meanwhile, German Nazi doctors have beenplaying with HIV for 50 years. The German Nazi doctors make American mafiadoctors look like cave men.So when I say that the American CIA fucked up big time by not trackingVerschuer and his African contacts after WWII to reconstruct the documentsthey destroyed, I truly mean it. Bayer has global control over Group O. Butthat's not all Bayer has control over. Bayer is also the sole maker ofCipron. Cipron is the ONLY anti-biotic for Anthrax. In fact, Bayercorporation won't even allow any other company to come up with a cheaper ora generic version of Cipron. Those companies that attempted to make genericCipron were sued shitless by the Bayer corporation, leaving the entireAmerican public at the control of Bayer once again, in the event of any sortof Anthrax attack on the American public.How did feds and CIA and the U.S. gov't respond to that? They forced theirmen to get the untested Anthrax vaccine made by another company. The problemis that there are many problems with the untested vaccine. But clearly thegovernment didn't want to be at the mercy of Bayer, so they forced their ownsoldiers to get the experimental/untested Anthrax vaccination.Have you caught on yet to the major players?And now the Bush administration has cut all funding to condom education. TheBush administration made the CDC take down all info on condom effectiveness.Because are NOT effective anymore and haven't been for some time in light ofBayer and German technology. The Bush administration dumped $30 million intoabstinence-only education, in hopes of SAVING the next generation. But eventhe Bush administration has its limitations, because the American mafiastill has much control over government officials, using blackmail withprostitutes as a means. Unfortunately for those prostitutes and those beingblackmailed, they won't survive the next 20 years. But the Bushadministration cannot reveal the real reasons behind the condom cut. BECAUSE1) Mafia still has control over key gov't with prostitution-blackmail. Mafiastill has a good hold on American media at the major networks, especiallyABC and the Associated Press. Mafia still uses and pimps their prostitutesto key politicians, key FBI and key CIA. The mafia makes money off theirprostitutes.2) We're at war! for crying out loud. Those we are at war with like to usebiological weapons. No one wants to point them in the direction of Nazivirus STDs, like HIV. If a country like Iraq started to figure that one out,there's no telling what they would try to create.3) Bayer still holds control over the US, not only with the global patent onGroup O, but also with Cipron. In the event of an Anthrax attack on theAmerican public, American's are entirely dependent on Bayer. Thus,politicians can't let Bayer get pissed off, especially when we're at war.4) The CIA fucked up, not only by not following Verschuer after WWII, butmany others. It would be a CIA embarassment if they said why they cut condomeducation.5) The CDC fucked up. The doctors employed were idiots and actuallyoriginally believed the African-German doctors and their BS stories aboutmonkey meat and HIV. The doctors employed on CDC government funds are stillinadequate and many are extremely cavemen.6) The mafia, key gov't jobs and politicians can't keep their dicks in theirpants and have continued having sex with prostitutes, many of which havebeen infected with Group O, which no one has been able to test for. Thosekey gov't positions and politicians don't want the public to know that theymight be infected with Group O from mafia prostitutes, because the mafia wasonly using the ELISA to test for mainly the anti-bodies to Clade B of GroupM. And even if you told such men, they'd still keep fucking mafiaprostitutes because they can't keep their dicks in their pants.7) The Germans experimenting on human subjects was made illegal by theGeneva convention, which they clearly continued to disobey after the war.The US took in Dr. Haagen into the Project Paperclip Program and alsodisobeyed the Geneva convention. The Russians disobeyed the Genevaconvention. Great Britain disobeyed the Geneva convention. the Australiansdisobeyed the Geneva convention. Thus, all parties deny disobeying theGeneva convention and the US isn't about to admit that they had. To exposethe Germans would also mean there's a trail back to them through Dr. Haagenand others and they just aren't going to admit it.So sit back. Stay away from prostitutes, go watch a dancer or something. Asfor the porn industry, stay clear. The porn industry (mainly mafiacontrolled) is right about at a 50% infection rate, because they've beenusing the ELISA. Which means they weren't testing for the non-b clades(definitely not Clade G, H and J) of type M, and there's also a failure withClade A. They weren't testing for Group N, nor Group O and they weren'ttesting for Type-2. Yet, they all had unprotected sex on film after claimingto test negative on the ELISA tests. It only takes 1 person infected withGroup O in the porn industry to infect 500,000 in the porn industry in amatter of 5 years of porn films with each only doing 3 films a year (someonly do one porn film a year, others do 10 porn films a year). And hell,with the cut in funding to condoms, condoms don't make a difference anymore.Go watch a dance.Hope this gave you a clearer picture on the cut to condom education funding.;article=47588;title=APFNDo you ?New Photos - easier uploading and sharing«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. 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