Guest guest Posted June 30, 2004 Report Share Posted June 30, 2004 Scalar weapons 2/6 In exothermic mode, a visible flash will occur if EM energy in the visible spectrum is produced for example if the emerging energy is in the infrared spectral band this will appear. One of these was detected in 1979 by Vela satellites as a " nuclear flash " over the south Atlantic off the southern coast of Africa. A second nuclear flash in infrared was detected in 1980 by Vela satellites. Bearden thinks this may have been Russians, but it is also known that Israel was testing secret weapons in South Africa at some point and they too have scalar weapons, particle beam weapons, red mercury weapons and quantum potential weapons. South Africa also has scalar weapons according to Bearden. It is unknown how Israel got scalar weapons but many Russians have emigrated to Israel. France, who also has scalar weapons originally gave Israel nuclear weapons technology. American Jews also gave Russia the atomic bomb technology according to the book UFOs Nazi Secret Weapon?. In 1976 a British European Airway crew, over Lithuania watched an intensely glowing, stationary ball of light above the clouds, under the plane, giving the signature of a Tesla (scalar) Globe. The pilots were told by the Russians to ignore it and exit the area. In U. S., in 1978, an anomalous straight, not jagged, beam of '1ightning' came down from the sky at a 45 degree angle to the ground and struck Bell Island, Newfoundland, causing a loud explosion and house damage etc. Two cup-shaped holes about two feet deep and three feet wide marked the major impact. Wires leading to buildings nearby were vaporized. All the wiring on the property was blown out. TV sets nearby, also exploded. Atmospheric conditions were not conductive to lightning. U. S. Vela satellites picked up the event. The incident was investigated promptly by two representatives from a U. S. weapons laboratory at Los Alamos. On Nov 21 1977 Bearden claims cloud indications of a huge standing wave were observed off the US Pacific coast, reaching from Alaska to Chile. Cloud banks over this stretch of the ocean reached the whole of the distance. There a straight black line, as through drawn by a ruler, appeared in the cloud mass. It was an opening in the clouds, one mile wide and 200 miles long. There was no known explanation, but Tesla scalar globes and fireballs have had a straight black line down the center. In 1977/78, high altitude booms occurred off the East coast of the U. S, with some associated flashes. According to Bearden, these explosions represented adjustment of an interference grid that had been established over the U. S. by crossed Woodpecker scalar beams, and artillery-type high burst registration of scalar EM howitzers. Numerous other adjustments of the grid and registration of howitzers have occurred over the U. S. The grid can detect anything passing through it into space. To create a scalar interference grid waves are sent one way with another set crossing it from another transmitter and this shows up as a grid on their computer screens. This enables, one to see if anything is fired into the air and from where, also it can target an object on one of the gridsquares, by sending a scalar wave one way, and another another way, to meet at the target. The explosion shows up on the screen. In 1984, significant adjustments of the interference grid over US occurred. Over Los Angeles and San Diego anomalous aerial phenomena such as explosions, rumblings, airquakes, and buildings and windows shaking without seismic disturbances occurred. A sharp and unexpected weather front appeared, racking the area with high winds on the night of Dec. 12, producing wide-spread damage and power outages. The newly-formed front, steered by the dynamic Woodpeckers, moved on to produce significant snowstorms in other areas, even Tucson received a snow 'dump' of 20 inches. (America also now has interference grids over other countries from multiple scalar transmitters placed in various countries to do the same.) Other loud booms, all over the U. S. were claimed by another insider to be Russians in their cosmospheres, firing particle beam weapons. More on that later. According to Bearden, the 'nuclear flashes' seen by the Vela satellites in 1979/80 could be tests of crossed scalar beams in the pulsed exothermic mode, which produces a sharp electromagnetic explosion, hence the 'flash', very similar to the initial electromagnetic flash of a nuclear explosion. He says: " Even in the vacuum of space, such an explosive eruption of energy from within the local spacetime vacuum itself may be expected to lift matter from the 'Dirac sea' [hyperspace energy, producing a plasma. Prompt absorption and re-radiation of energy from this sudden plasma may be expected to present nearly the same 'double peak' profile as does a nuclear explosion. This was the profile presented by the flashes. Note that the second flash detected was apparently of an 'explosion' primarily in the infrared, almost certainly ruling out a conventional nuclear event. It does not rule out, however, pulsed distant holography using pumped EM giant time-reversed wave transmitters. " In Afghanistan 1979, Nick Downie watched a gigantic, expanding sphere of light deep within the Soviet Union, toward the direction of Saryshagan missile test range, which contains at least one directed energy, or particle beam installation which could function as a scalar interferometer. Downie says that multiple events at this place occured during the month. Bearden claims also, that on the other hand, there also exists tenuous evidence that these Vela satellite seen events may have been associated with weaponry of another nation, not hostile to the U. S. TESLA TECHNOLOGY USED TO ACTIVATE WORLD GRIDLINES On a more esoteric note, it seems that Tesla's hyperdimensional physics has been used to go into the realms of the unknown. Richard Hoagland in a 1995 radio interview told of a friend, who was part of security, in the U. S. armed services in the 1970's in Central America. He was in a large battalion of military engineer personnel, flown into a location. They hauled in large portable generators, each of which was capable of lighting a city. There was a large amount of copper cable and this equipment was placed on an ancient Meso-American site in the jungle in the middle of nowhere close to 19.5 lat. The generators were positioned separately in a geometrical hexagonal pattern with energized coils. Hoagland claims that from what we know, it must have been to probe the efficacy of the terrestrial hyperdimensional grid. At hyperdimensional nodes on the grid one can change the resonance, with the object of creating geological earth changes. As our physical reality vibrates at a certain frequency, various physicists are using transmitters to change the way time flows and therefore how our time-frame vibrates. Hoagland says in his opinion, we are being manipulated into a belief system, which is reaching a critical point. Someone wants us to think a certain way, and things are being sent to follow this perception, however, he claims this does not follow the truth. (Americans and Russians are both using scalar waves to engineer a particular kind of level of reality vibrating at a different frequency to the one we have at present and changing the expression of our brainwaves, which operate in scalar waves. Various frequencies are equal to the way we perceive life, depending on what parts of the brain are activated by that frequency) Hoagland says in hyperspacial physics constants change, and this seems to be happening. Nuclear constants are changing and nuclear plants sited on the grid or not are getting 'hotter ' than they should be, which means there might be more accidents. According to Bruce Cathie as well, this may be something to do with powering up gridnodes or vortexes, at intersection points on the world gridlines, in which he proved in his numerous books that hyperdimensional physicists are in a covert operation with alien help to create a new set of world gridlines, alongside the present ones connected to the North and South Poles. Various strange phenomena occurs, along with UFO sightings along grid lines with the main lattice lines operating at 30 nautical miles apart. There seems to be a way in and out of hyperspace to other places in the universe when certain planetary configurations affect gravity using regular cycles and world biorhythms, and natural time tunnels open up. One needs to use very fine electromagnetic waves which operate in hyperspace for this. It 's unknown if a wave more fine than scalar is being used for this, but ever since the 1950's brainwave emanations have been able to be controlled using scalar waves, so what is being used here for the last few decades is what is called 'synthetic telepathy', which is artificial thought produced in the same kind of subtle wave that real thought has. The Russians developed this first. Nuclear and electricty power stations are being build deliberately on the sensitive gridline points, using harmonics, (hyperdimensional physics) so 'manipulate our reality' as held by the timelines, which flow through the gridlines, positioned there by gravity. Bruce Cathie has claimed by using the formula covert scientists use to calculate the angle of the sun and planets, which time to best day to detonate a nuclear bomb in order to affect hyperspace, that when the Chernobyl accident happened everything was in the correct position astronomically as for the other nuclear explosions. There is covert tweaking of a new set of gridline nodes. The Russians bought the patent for Buckminster Fuller's world gridline system. It is known that the Russians have had an alien alliance since the 1950's. Whether they work in conjunction with Americans to manipulate hyperspace grid node points is unknown, but information found online says that the Russians had a large natural timeportal in Afghanistan in use, that the U. K./U. S. alliance intended on taking from them, hence the war in Afghanistan. Research shows that one faction is trying to operate an old Atlantean gridline, which is creating an old 'reality' associated with Montauk, Atlantis and Cydonia. It appears that various alien factions including the Pleiadians are trying to activate certain timelines running through Montauk, where it is said that many timelines cross. So this major reality engineering work has been done for a very long time, behind the scenes with govt. and military people entering hyperspace and going into alternate universes. Bruce Cathie said that a UK intelligence agent told him that they could get into fifteen dimensions. It's unknown if Tesla worked with the British physicists, if (or after) he faked his death and went to the U. K. but having more money to continue his work, after having been involved in the Philadelphia Experiment where it was found that time could be manipulated, we can only wonder. Harry Ossoff in the book Anti-Gravity and the World Grid wrote that the warship the Eldridge was on a gridline at Philadelphia and while the ship had vanished for four hours for the duration of its suction into hyperspace it materialised temporarily on another gridline at Norfolk, Virginia. The gridlines were determined by Bruce Cathie. Ossoff asks: " Could it be that the energy that makes all this possible is a magnetic field transmitted at the correct frequency by the powerful field generators aboard the ship? " Much has been learned about how hyperspace functions since the Philadelphia Experiment took place in 1943. Is it possible that the Russians have learned how to navigate the gridlines with their cosmospheres by being able to materialise and dematerialise on the gridlines like the aliens do? Three Russians 'discovered' the grid in the 1960's. However in the 1950's both Aime Michel in France and Bruce Cathie in New Zealand both noticed that UFO' s appeared in the same places or on the same latudes or longitudes. They both mapped out a set of gridlines at about the same which matched. When this went public Cathie was immediately visited by the CIA and MI-6. They tailed him everywhere wanting to know where he got his information and the CIA offered him millions of dollars to be quiet, which he turned down. The N. Z. govt protects him however and more than likely told everyone to back off and leave him alone, as he gives the data to them as he privately researches what is happening. Using his special harmonic equations to understand gridline tweaking and the opening of hyperspace portals carried on by physicists. There appears to be a covert plan worldwide by top hyper-dimensional physicists to open up the gridlines at top universities and for this certain grid node areas have nuclear bombs dropped on them and one wonders why the French conducted 1,112 undergroud nuclear tests at Muroroa Atoll in the South Pacific between 1975 to 1988 alone. They have dropped more since. Richard Hoagland claims the French are really doing hyperdimensional physics. Did they create their own time-portal too? It would be a little attention getting to have dropped so many on France for this quest! A general idea is given here: ( ( with Cathie's work summarized here: ( THE 1980's The 1980's was a danger for the planet's safety, because the Russians got really dangerous in their experiments and especially with testing their new weapons on US, one with multiple scalar transmitters turned on at once, endangering the survival of the entire planet. According to Bearden, on May Day (May 1) 1985, the Soviets conducted a massive, 'full up' strategy exercise of the scalar EM weapon systems and communications strategic exercise for Gorbachev, the recently selected leader. During this sudden exercise Frank Golden discovered the Soviets activated 27 gigantic 'power taps', established by resonating the earth electrogravitationally on 54 powerful scalar EM frequencies (27 pairs where the two are separated from each other by 12 kHz.) transmitted into the earth and they utilized this to stimulate the earth into forced electrogravitational resonance on all 54 frequencies. Each of the 27 power taps extracted enormous energy from the molten core of the earth itself, and turning it into ordinary electrical power. Each giant tap is capable of powering 4 to 6 of the largest scalar EM howitzers possessed by the Soviet Union. Bearden says: " Apparently over 100 giant scalar EM weapons were activated and a large number of command and control transmissions and it lasted several days. By alternating the potentials and loads of each of the two paired transmitters, electrical energ in enormous amounts can be extracted from the earth itself, fed by the 'giant cathode' that is the earth's molten core. Scalar EM command and control systems, including high data rate communications with underwater submarines, were also activated on a massive scale. The exercise went on for several days, as power taps were switched in and out, and command and control systems went up and down. Bearden says that not a single US intelligence lab, or scientist detected this because they didn't have a detector for scalar EM radiation, and not one officially believes that the exercise ever happened. " Luckily it was monitored on an advanced, proprietary detection system by Frank Golden for several days and by Bearden for several hours. This exersize represented the achievement of Brezhnev's 1972 statelamt that by 1985 the Soviets would be prepared to do s they wish, anywhere in the world. Bearden claims the NASA shuttle launches were a test of these superweapons in a launch phase ABM mode, where a launched missile can be detected and destroyed shortly after liftoff. At first, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bursts on the early shuttle trajectory were deliberately delayed in time to avoid detection. However the 'Fire From The Sky " author claims that the Russians used their cosmospheres high up in space for these shuttle shootdowns, and that the initial shuttle launches were all shot down by them, with particle beam weapons, with a faked landing of another spare shuttle. This will be covered later. Tom Bearden believes that during the shuttle launch of Nov 26, 1985 a very loud 'sonic boom' or explosion occurred over the launch site twelve minutes after shuttle liftoff, when the shuttle was already away and downrange. At least two previous shuttle launches had also been used as pseudotargets, with delayed booms occurring over the launch site well behind the vehicles. However 'Fire In The Sky' is the only insider to claim Russian cosmospheres shot down the shuttles, so Bearden may not have known about them when he wrote about this topic, he only knew the type of weapons used because of their signatures. So there are two slightly different versions of how the Russians shot at the shuttles, with Bearden saying they didn't destroy the earlier shuttles, but he does have 100% proof that the Russians shot down Challenger in 1986, by photos of the Russian signature weather engineering in the clouds in the vicinity. Other scalar weapons were being tested during the mid 1980's also by America and Japan using the Western Australian outback. According to Harry Mason, in his 'Bright Skies' articles, between 1980-1985 and after 1993 bizarre massive non-fireball light phenomena has been described in Western Australia. A common sight is massive 5-10 second bursts of blue-white light seen in the night-time skies of the upper atmosphere. Normally no solid object is seen with these energy emissions, but they are similar to those explosions seen after fireballs flew by during scalar weapons tests in the 1990s in Western Australia. There are about 100 documented events of these until 1997, in WA. The only other similar emissions are those circa 1900 high-frequency, high-voltage scalar wave experiments by Tesla, where massive blue-white streams of arching electricity issued from the forest floor into the atmosphere, creating an intense, violent, blue-white glow, emitting an electrical noise, which was audible for miles and lasting several minutes. Flashes and beams were detected off the east coast of USA before 1985 and according to Bearden they were from one or more scalar howitzers in exothermic mode. Large booms appeared over 3 space shuttle launches in Cape Canaveral in 1985. For this the Russian Woodpecker over-the-horizon radar was used following the curvature of the earth in the earth-ionospheric waveguide, timing, phasing and orientating to met the rising shuttle. The shuttles weren't destroyed according to Bearden just tested against the actual shuttles. However the Fire from the Sky files say the Russians did destroy the shuttles. Bearden says that on April 18, 1985 two Titan missiles, the only viable launch option, along with the shuttles, to put up US spy satellites blew up shortly after launch. Significent Woodpecker activity occured before and on the same day. Nov 26 1985 saw a very loud " sonic boom " or explosion 12 mins after liftoff, over the launch site of the NASA spaceshuttle. Bearden claims that two previous spaceshuttes had been used as Soviet targets with delayed booms over the launch site, but the shuttles weren't destroyed. The Soviets were extremely brutal to the passengers of an American airforce DC-8 lifting off in Newfoundland, Canada. On Dec 12 1985, they deliberately destroyed it and killed 258 on board. At lift-off, the aircraft lost power and sank into the ground tail-low. No flame or smoke issued from the plane before its descent and crash, yet it was seen mysteriously glowing with a yellow or orange halo, which is a signature of the use of a scalar EM howitzer in the 'continuous EM emergence' mode, similar to the manner in which several F-111's were downed in Vietnam. The DC-8's electrical systems were interfered with by EM energy and EM jamming noise created throughout each increment of spacetime occupied by the aircraft. The loss of the engines was probably due to a localized endothermic (energy extraction) beam to the engines. Crossed, glowing beams were seen to form in the clouds and a ball or beam of light then go from that glow and strike the aircraft. Instant fire to the plastics inside the plane, gassed everyone with cyanide inhalation, before it exploded. Its engines roaring in painful labor, rather than with the full-throated roar of normal power. Bearden claims the distant Russian operator/gunner apparently tracked the aircraft down the runway, using two modes against it, energy interference, and energy extraction. An anomalous hole, characteristic of a scalar strike was in the fusilage. Bob Gladwin took a picture of the actual strike of one of those weapons, offset from a shuttle launch in latter Nov. 1985 and about two weeks later on Dec. 12 the same or a similar weapon hit the US Arrow DC-8 in Newfoundland. On April 1985, a Titan 34-D missile, launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, blew up 5 seconds after launch. Video cameras inadvertently caught the Soviet marker beacon used with the scalar EM howitzer that destroyed the Titan, up and above the explosion, moving independently. The hovering ball of light was completely separate. This positive signature leaves no doubt that the Soviets destroyed that missile also. The previous Titan 34-D missile launch there in August, 1985 also blew up just after lift-off. On May 3 1986, a NASA Delta rocket carrying a satellite failed. It had a an anomalous 'command-type' shutdown of its main engine during launch and began to veer off course. On film another anomalous light moved up from beneath the rocket and struck it, seconds before the destruction. Bearden says the light plus the 'internal command surges' are strongly indicative of time-reversed EM pulses and interferometry from a pumped phase conjugate mirror adjunct operating with an over-the-horizon tracking mode. On Jan 1 1986, Frank Golden detected, physically verifying with a special technique, that a metal softening scalar EM signal had been added onto the Soviet Woodpecker signals, and this is what they later used on the space shuttles. In the spring of 1986, abnormally strong Soviet weather engineering occurred over the U. S., causing a drastic drought in the southeastern U. S. This drought was broken by Bearden's colleague, with his own extremely powerful scalar EM device to redirect jetstreams. A unique signature of this " blocking " resulted with two huge circulations developed in the atmosphere, clearly showing as two adjacent giant " holes " in the swirling cloud cover over the middle and eastern U. S. Bearden's colleague became ill and had to stop, and immediately the jet streams changed back and returning drought the southeast. When the man recovered he resumed blocking and restored the rains once again. In late 1986, significant giant radial cloud patterns, associated with Soviet weather engineering were noted over California. On Nov 10 1986 an anomalous, giant " fireball " /meteor was seen moving from west to east over four states, and accompanied very sharp changes in the EM grid. Bearden says, the so-called 'meteor' may have been a large scalar Tesla Globe from the Woodpecker grid over U. S. performing a simulated test of the multiple-vehicle kill mode, using a large 'electromagnetic missile' created and moved by the associated scalar howitzers. A large, rapidly moving light was seen and noise was heard. An anomalous winter storm breaking cold records, was happening southwards. Concurrently, heat records were being broken in the southeast. Frank Golden verified by direct measurement that the electrogravitational field of the earth was agitated and most dynamic, with significant activity introduced by the Soviet scalar EM grid. (The activity was about half what it is when the Soviets are inducing an earthquake.) Bearden says also in Nov 1986, Huntsville, another twin giant radial, moved from west to east, with another one observed there at dusk. Also, air control radars along the corridor from Los Angeles to Arizona suffered a " power outage " not long after the " meteor " (Tesla Globe) incident. Montreal, Canada had anomalous TV interference about the same time the air control radars experienced anomalous failure. This could mean that the agent that caused the radar failures and TV interference extended across a wide area of North America, which the Woodpecker grid does. On the day the CHALLENGER spaceshuttle was launched in Jan 28 1986, birds never flew as the sky was painful to them. The metal in and around the booster flame slowly and steadily weakened due to the metal softening pattern contributing to the disaster. Weather engineering contributed substantial winds and air turbulance. Bearden thinks the Soviets may have added a deliberate 'intense hotspot' and this subtle assault would cause NASA scientists to think it was an accident. The Soviets also withdrew traulers and ships in the area to suggest they weren't near the scene. A few days later sporadically intense 'high frequency localization signal' were still present on the grid, causing dead birds to fall from the sky in substantial numbers in Birmingham, Alabama on 1-4 Feb 1986. Bearden claims that just before the launch of the spaceshuttle CHALLENGER, the Soviets did significent weather engineering over US, bending the jetstream southward in the middle of US, and bending rightward again across the Florida panhandle. Positive signatures of this were photgraphed by several people. On the evening of CHALLENGER'S loss the KGB, (in command of the scalar EM weapons) celebrated the loss. Bearden positively identifies the Russians as those who shot it down by a host of indicators, which include the weather engineering which showed specialized cloud patterns associated with Soviet grid engineering. Not too many days after the shootdown of the CHALLENGER, an anomalous 'flat earthquake' occurred in the U. S., near the Great Lakes, involving ten states. This was probably the subsequent testing of an additional weapons mode of the same Soviet scalar EM system that destroyed the shuttle Bearden says. More proof can be found here: The 12/11/86 Chicago Tribune reported: " Giant whirlpools, some nearly 60 miles wide, have been detected moving along Norway's coasts at speeds of up to 4 knots, posing serious threats to mariners. These giant whirlpools have no obvious center and are difficult to spot. " The newspaper reported that the mammoth whirlpools were unheard of before 1980 (a period after the US and the USSR began generating ELF waves). Giant standing waves called " solitons, " have been spotted near the Strait of Gibralter. The 4/30/85 New York Times reported the discovery of massive internal waves in the oceans that do not appear to any large extent on the surface. " A dramatic series of internal waves has now been traced through the Strait of Gibralter from photographs " taken from a space shuttle in October, 1984. A map in that newspaper shows a giant standing wave line on the western side of the Strait. Bearden says that with 100% certainty certain rogue groups including the Yakuza, Japanese mafia and Aum Shinriko Japanese cult have possessed these scalar interferometers since the end of 1989 leasing them from the Russians (from the KGB, who control and use these) and are manipulating US weather, and perhaps other places, moving fronts around with their giant movable areas of heat and cold. They are able to make earthquakes. He says they can add a couple of recent volcano eruptions as possible candidates to their list. More can be found here: ( Bearden says that they have to permit these groups to shoot down an aircraft or something dramatic now and then, to continue leasing them at about nearly a billion dollars rental. He says the Yakuza mafia has also carried the scalar interferometry technology back to Japan clandestinely, and is apparently producing smaller, more portable weapons now in its own highly hidden facilities in Japan. The Yakuza are a major enemy of the U. S and they do intend to participate directly in great strategic strikes for the eventual destruction of the U. S., whenever that time comes. Bearden says they see this as extracting vengeance against the U. S. for its defeat (and shame, in the Bushido concept) in WW2, and for the U. S. dropping the atomic bombs on Japan. The Yakuza still operates by a modified old Bushido code. Bearden also says that it is also possible that a little burst of scalar energy deliberately placed on the COLUMBIA shuttle, from a Yakuza scalar interferometer, could have initiated the breakup and catastrophic failure of it on Feb 1st 2003. THE 1990s The Iran quake of 1997 was 7.4 on the Richter scale and aftershocks of as high as 6.0 were expected but there were no aftershocks. It was also at an anomalous depth. Bearden covered this here: ( During Desert Storm 1991, Rosalie Bertell wrote that according to Defense News, April, 1992, the US deployed an electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP) in Desert Storm, designed to mimic the flash of electricity from a nuclear bomb. The Sandia National Laboratory had built a 23,000 square meter laboratory on the Kirkland Air Force Base, 1989, to house the Hermes II electron beam generator capable of producing 20 Trillion Watt pulses lasting 20 billionths to 25 billionths of a second. This X-ray simulator is called a Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator. A stream of electrons hitting a metal plate can produce a pulsed X-ray or gamma ray. Hermes II had produced electron beams since 1974. These devices were apparently tested during the Gulf War although detailed information on them is sparse. In 1993 US started constructing what is called the High Frequency Active Auroral Reseach Program. (HAARP) in Alaska designed by physicist named Bernard Eastlund, and based on Tesla technology. The prime contractor was ARCO Power Technologies, Inc. and they were to develop and test a low-power high-frequency (2.8-10.0 MHz) prototype transmitter array. It is also called an ionospheric heater because it can send a beam of energy up to the ionosphere and then bouncing back down to a target. It was said to be for detecting cruise missiles and aircraft. The beam would be several degrees wide, depending on frequency, and thus would influence a region several miles in diameter in the lower ionosphere, expanding to several tens of miles in the upper ionosphere. This can make a scalar wave grid, like the Russian Woodpeck grid over USA to detect objects rising into space. The airforce and navy owned it. No doubt, it was a measure to fight back against the deadly Russian transmitters. The HAARP patent, says the work of Nikola Tesla in the early 1900s formed the basis of the research. Eastlund's patent says it can disrupt sophisticated guidance systems and spray large areas of the planet with electromagnetic waves of varying frequencies and to control changes in these making it possible to knock out communications on land, sea and air. Twelve patents form the basis of the HAARP project and are now buried among the thousands of others held in the name of Raytheon. US Air Force documents revealed that a system had been developed for manipulating and disrupting human mental processes through pulsed radio-frequency radiation over large geographical areas. Could this be HAARP or something more deadly? Dr Nick Begich found 11 other APTI patents. They told how to make " Nuclear-sized Explosions without Radiation " power-beaming systems, over-the-horizon radar, detection systems for missiles carrying nuclear warheads, electromagnetic pulses previously produced by thermonuclear weapons and other " Star Wars " tricks. This cluster of patents underlay the HAARP weapon system Already the most powerful pre-HAARP ELF ionospheric heating systems or Woodpeckers were constructed by the Soviet Union at sites in Sura, Goriky, Monchegorsk and Dushanbe (Tadzhikistan). American pre-HAARP ionospheric heating systems are located in Tromso, Norway; Arecibo, Puerto Rico; near Fairbanks, Alaska; and at Platteville, Colorado. These systems together with the Russian Woodpecker Tesla Magnifying Transmitters, have created a severe alteration of global weather patterns, beginning in 1976, but intensifying through the 1980's and 1990's, as more ELF transmitters were constructed. Tesla devices such as the wire-less power technology, called the magnifying transmitter are used by Russia and the US to create a weather war that has continued from the mid-1970's to the present time. Strange skyglow anomalies and wierd lightning and plasma-type effects have been seen all over the former USSR near the Woodpecker transmitter sites. In 1977 the Washington Post reported that " a strange, star-like ball of light was sighted over Petrozavodsk in Soviet Karelia, spreading over it like a jellyfish and showering down shafts of light. " Similar plasma effects have been created by the US ionosphere- zapping ELF HAARP transmitters. At the height of 1993's great midwest flood, the University of Alaska's Geophysical Institute (which is involved in work on HAARP) discovered " mysterious flashes of light that shoot from the tops of storm-clouds into the upper atmosphere... over the midwest during summer floods. " This occurred when that area was being hit with giant standing-wave, long-lasting weather-blocking systems that were generated by a combination of the Russian Woodpecker ELF waves and US GWEN Tower VLF waves. A newspaper reported that these mysterious flashes " resemble jellyfish. They are brightest where they top out -- typically about 40 miles high -- so you have the jellyfish body at the top with tentacles trailing down. " A short while after the start of US and Soviet scalar through-the-earth transmissions, Earth's internal dynamo was affected. In 1984 the earth was reported as having experienced a sudden unexpected slowdown in rotation. It had been decreasing naturally, but Scientists at the US Naval Observatory and at the Jet Propulsion Lab found that the " earth, like an unbalanced washing machine, " has developed " wobbles as it spins. " (7/15/88 Wall Street Journal). The 7/90 OMNI Magazine reported that between January 24 to February 3, 1990, the earth's rotation suddenly and unexpectedly slowed down AGAIN. US Naval Observatory scientists reported that the slowdown was more abrupt than usual. The 8/9/91 New York Times described the causes of these unexpected sudden disruptions: " Geophysicists suspect that perturbations in the circulation of the hot fluid metallic core contributes to the rotational changes... The irregular rotation variations are the result of fluctuating fluid flow in the underlying metallic core and the overlying hydrosphere and atmosphere, and... also convection forces within earth and the movement of crustal plates near the surface. " All of which are influenced by through-the-earth ELF vibrations. Scientists measuring ocean waves reported that " the Atlantic Ocean is getting rougher. " Measurements taken since the 1960's indicated that during the late 1970's , following the start of Soviet and US ELF transmissions, " the waves did seem to get bigger. " The 4/19/88 New York Times reported that British scientists have discovered that waves in the northeast Atlantic Ocean " have increased more than 20 percent since the 1960's. " Ocean researchers consider this to be a " significant climatic phenomenon. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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