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Thus Spake Mother Mandalasa

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Here are the verses of Mandalasa-Putro-Padesah.


I understand this to be a very rare text and the book that I have does not

mention its source or what happened to the child. Buy anyway enjoy the

verses. They are truly beautiful.


Here they are:


In a coaxing tone Mandalasa ,the realised mother spoke to her son " Oh

son! You are pure , Enlightened , and Blemishless . You are deviod of the

illusion of world . Hence may you give up deep slumber which gives rise to

the dream of creation " .


Oh dear you are ever pure and you do not have a name as such that has been

imaginarily imposed on you. This body which is constituted of the

modification of five basic elements does not belong to you. Nor you belong

to the body. Hence what is the reason for your crying?


The essence of the whole universe in reality does not cry. The word

'Prince' when attributed do you get different qualities associated with you.

The qualities that are present in all this sense organs do not belong to

you. Those are elemental and hence the words in the form of crying also



As the elements get weakened or strengthened by elements, so also the body

of a person grows or decays by the consumption or non-consumption of food,

water and the like. Hence in reality all the growth and decay belong to the

world of elements and you have neither growth nor decay.


You are in the body and not the body, which is like a jacket which gets worn

out day by day. Do not have the wrong notion that you are the body. This

body is exactly like a jacket which is fastened to you because of

fructification of your good and bad deeds.


You are sometimes referred to as father, sometimes son, some other times

mother and sometimes as wife. Sometimes people claim ownership on you and

some other times they disown you out of dislike. But your body is only a

combination of elements. So do not give much value to the aggregate of



A disillusioned person thinks happiness eliminates suffering and enjoyments

are for happiness. But a wise person perceives that the same objects of

enjoyment which are the cause of happiness become the cause of unhappiness

at some other time and vice versa.


The vehicle that moves on the ground is different from the ground, and the

person in the vehicle is different from the vehicle. Similarly the body is

different from the body. What a delusion it is to identify one self with

the body.

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That was wonderful.

The second verse reminds me of the celebrated verses in Gita 2nd Chapter.

" nayam shochitum arhasi " --- you don't have to grieve for any of these

things, for any of these people..


The whole thing very much testifies to the assertion of Swami Vivekananda,

that " some of the greatest of our Rishis are women " .


It would be really great if such jewels as this which have been hitherto

hidden in our literature, are brought out for the benefit of everyone.

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