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Is Ashwathama Still Alive?

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After watching the great epic by BR Chopra of Mahabharat im intrigued by 1 thing. Near the end of the battle, Lord Krishna condemns Drona's son Ashwathama to roam the earth till the end of time for his grave sin of trying to kill the unborn parikshit. Lord Krishna also states that he will eternally feel pain from the wound created where a gem was cut out his forehead. He will be alone, deprived of compassion and will always be deprived of help.

So, on this note,now Ashwathama would be alive somewhere in modern-day India right?

Have there been any recorded sightings of him? Have people seen a man apparently clutching his head and screaming from pain in the jungles?

Please help answer this nagging question.

Thank you very much!

Loyal Mahabharat fan.

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If you know the answer, then answer otherwise just shut up and dont post non-sense. That mans question is genuine and if possible put efforts towards that. People post in this site to get the answers and if you respond like this, they will not visit this anymore.

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That question is stupid, even if you see real asvathama, how the hell can you identify him. if you take the identification as the one who is clutching his head and screaming in pain you can find lot of such cases in hospital and mental wards we dont have to go to jungle in search.


Even if you genuinely find him how are you going to talk to him , in sanskrit or sign language .


Please stop this kind of stupid discussions.


if we keep on checking this facts we need to check how can a girl become pregnant when she is still a virgin( you know what i mean). etc etc

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God and i dont need a language to talk . if god needs to talk to me he will make me understand what he says thru a lot of ways .


Its shame on you that you even dont know this.


Ashwatama is not god .

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I am not the original poster, but I feel the same curiosity. Don't you feel it at all??? I am not asking for proof. It is just amazing that a man from dwapara yuga is still alive. Doesn't that make you wanna find out more? Where he is? how he feels? what's he doing? Is he part of the primitive tribes such as andamans etc.? These questions naturally crop up for any thinker. It has nothing to do with questioning or attacking Hinduism. It just goes on to show that hindus are curious to know everything. I really wish someone would give some rational answers.

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Ive been told by more than one person that thier exists a a very tall man who has a dent in his head he comes once a year to a north indian villiage from the himalayas he is supposed to be aswattama, i was given the village name years ago but will try and find out which one.

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Yes hanuman i.e. My Great and beloved anajneya swami is somewhere in himalayas, but we people have commited so many sins, i really doubt we will ever be able to find him. He must be in some deep mountains doing thapasya and praying his beloved god "SITARAMA"

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hello gents,


Asawathama may be alive.


But Guru Bashistha, Viswamitra still alive and live in 'Sidhasram' which is very upper shore of himalayas and inaccessible to common man. some spritual leaders reached there and met Bashistha and had a nice talk with him.


If you don't believe it , you contact Dr Narayan Dutta Srimali's deciples in Jodhpur, INDIA. They tell all these with evidence.

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Friends ,if Asvathamma is alive and if one can have an opportunity to meet the great sages of the past especially Brihaspathi then someone please tell me where they actually are.I need to see them immediately!!!!!This could be the opportunity of a lifetime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi fellow hindus!!!

Im the original poster and let me clear up a few things....

I did not in anyway want to attack Hinduism, I thought just like others that it is amazing that a man from dwapar yuga who was testament to the Mahabharat is still roaming the earth. This would be credible proof 2 many sceptics that the Mahabharat did happen. Is there anything wrong in asking a question like that?

To be honest I dont really care about the evil ashwathama either, but im just asking as a curious question whehter people have seen him in recent decades?

So maadhav please do not try and shoot down people's curiousity, as it is said that Hinduism is for the whole world, then please let ppl find answers to their questions.

thank you

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"Is there anything wrong in asking a question like that?"


Since this site is dedicated to discussion and acquiring knowledge on Hinduism, I cannot see on what grounds can anyone put limits to the kind of questions to be asked on Hinduism.


I believe, Knowledge through Enquiry, is a part of Vedic Tachings.

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True; the scriptures say that in the next mahayuga Asvatthama will divide the vedas further so that mere mortals would be able to develop further understanding of it and the other texts.

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Could someone please tell me how many people like Aswathamma

are alive . I understand that Gods like Sri Hanuman, and Lord

Siva ,divine mortals like Vidura , Acharya Kripa are alive

Is all this true or is it a big hoax????.Are there any eyewitnesses that all of you know about???



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Jai Ganesh


By alive you mean present on earth i hope, no souls ever die what to speak of the gods.


I have heard great pesonality like Hanuman comes to where ever there is Ram katha.

Do we realy have the eyes to see them?


On the day of Maha Shivratri a big mela is held on Girnar near Junaghad, thousands of devotees and sadhus come here on the day, to go up to Datatraya peak.

It is beleived great personalities like Aswathamma, Hanuman,Vidura Kripa Acharya come there on the day.


That reminds me Maha Shivratri is upon us i beleive on tuesday


Om namoShivaya

Jai Shree Krishna

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Yes my dear man, he is very much alive. Ashwathama that is. A more than a decade old newspaper article ran about a railway employee on leave. During his wanderings in the jungles of Navsari(Gujarat)he had reported a very tall man of about 12 feet with a wound on his head. He claims to have conversation with him and learnt that Bhima was much taller and stronger. Apart from Ashwathama, we have other Chiranjeev's still alive or sadhus like Changdev (Sant Dnyaneshwara fame), Vyasmuni, YOURS FAITHFULLY > S.A.KONDKE

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Guys, though i would like to believe that all these great souls are alive ,I still find it difficult to accept that someone from the Dvapara Yug can be alive for all these years

Is not this suffering of the worst order!! What is the point in remaining alive?? We humans find it difficult to live even for 10 years, what with little children committing suicide in todays dog-eat-dog world!!! We need concrete proof here!!!

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