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HH Jayapataka Swami is in critical condition from a serious stroke, please pray

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Dear devotees,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


We request worldwide devotees to pray to Sri Nrsimhadeva for our dear Guru Maharaja, HH Jayapataka Swami, to come out of his critical health situation. Maharaja is in Mumbai attending GBC meetings.


On 23rd early morning, he was found in the bed unconscious around 3.30 a.m.Devotees rushed him to the Hinduja hospital, thinking that Maharaja may had a heart attack. He was admitted in ICU. But later doctors diagnosed that it is brain hemorrhage. We request all the devotees to pray and chant for his quick recovery.

Thank you. Your humble servant Bhakti Purusottama Swami

Aniruddha prabhu


Bir Krsna Das Goswami just returned from Hinduja Hospital one of the top hospitals in Mumbai with a report to the GBC on Jayapataka Swami’s condition.


Maharaja is in intensive care. He has been in a coma since this morning when he was taken to the hospital from the ISKCON Juhu temple. The results of a scan indicate his heart is good but he has suffered a stroke and has bleeding in two locations in the brain. The most serious is in the brain stem which is very delicate and difficult to operate on. His blood pressure is extremely high.


The specialist’s advice is that Maharaja’s condition is extremely serious. There are some positive signs in that he can move his legs and his eyes respond to stimuli indicating nervous activity. At the same time his condition is extremely critical. Radhanatha Swami, Kavicandra Swami, Sivarama Swami, Bhakti Purusottama Swami and others are in the hospital with him.


The GBC held kirtana this morning on behalf of Jayapataka Swami and asks all devotees around the world to offer prayers on his behalf.


I generally don’t like to be the bearer of bad news but in this case I feel obliged to get the word out. I am currently in Mumbai attending the GBC meetings.


It appears that some time last night HH Jayapataka Swami suffered a stroke in his sleep. When his servant tried to wake him this morning he couldn’t rise and appeared to be calling for help. He couldn’t articulate his words.

As I went to mangala-arati I came across the devotees carrying Maharaja down to an ambulance so he could be driven to the Hinduja Hospital.


I just heard from Ramai Swami that his condition is critical. He is in a coma and indications are he has suffered a hemorrhage at the back of his neck. The devotees are awaiting the advice of the specialist who is reviewing his condition as I write.


Sivarama Swami, Radhanatha Swami, Gopala Krsna Goswami and Bhakti-vijnana Swami, Bhakti-caru Swami and Bir Krsna Goswami are with him in the hospital and the most recent report from Sivarama Swami is not good news.


I suggest everyone start offering prayers for such a stalwart preacher and ISKCON general. Let us pray that if Krsna so desires that his great servant be allowed to stay with us to help push on the sankirtan mission for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada.


Mahaguna devi dasi: My dear Devotee Community, pamho, agtsp.

About 3 hours ago, my dearest GuruMaharaj went unconsicous and had to be rushed to the hospital. He is in intensive care unit in Bombay, India.

In the evening eastern time, HH Jayapataka Swami woke up at around 3:30 a. m. and was calling out to his servant but was unable to speak and then he collapsed.


At that moment, he was rushed to the Hindu Jha Hospital in Bombay, India. At the present moment, he is in a coma and is unable to speak but he is breathing.


However he is in an unconscous state. His blood pressure and sugar was checked but since he was unconscious he was sent to the ICU because the doctors assume that he suffered a cardiac arrest but they are unsure as the exact cause of his unconsciousness. He is currently in the ICU and the doctors are monitoring him.


No one is allowed to see him,Please please pray for HH Jayapataka Swami. I am requesting that all disciples and wellwishers do a 24 hour kirtan and pray to Lord Narasimhadev for the speedy recovery of a great soul and pure devotee of the Supreme Lord and near and dear servant of Srila Prabhupada.


your eternal servant praying and begging to the Supreme Lord to protect my dear spiritual master HH Jayapataka Swami

ys/ mahaguna


404-452-5244 Secretary to HH Jayapataka Swami

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GBC Update on HH Jayapataka Swami <!-- end .post-top --><!-- the main section of the post goes here -->



By the GBC

Update on the Condition of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami



The ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC), which is currently meeting for five days at ISKCON’s Juhu Beach Temple in Mumbai, was shocked this morning at the news that His Holiness Jayapataka Swami, our dear god-brother and GBC colleague, was rushed to the hospital at approximately 4 AM Mumbai time.


Aniruddha dasa, GBC Deputy, has sent three reports about Maharaja’s condition. We would like to update ISKCON devotees worldwide about Maharaja and beg for your prayers on his behalf. We ask devotees around the world to pray to Lord Krishna and Lord Nrsimhadeva for Jayapataka Swami’s protection.


Maharaja was rushed to the hospital this morning in an ambulance after his assistants found him in bed around 3:30 AM unable to move and calling for help in a semi-conscious state. He was taken the Hinduja Hospital, not far from the Juhu ISKCON temple. He was unconscious when he arrived at the hospital. There several tests were conducted and it was concluded that there was no problem with his heart, as first suspected.


Maharaja’s blood pressure was dangerously high, but more importantly it was determined that he had suffered two brain hemorrhages (internal bleeding). One was located in the brain stem, a very sensitive area at the base of the brain where surgery is not possible.


Several expert physicians were called in, including devotee doctors from the Bhaktivedanta Hospital in Mumbai. Specialists included neurologists and a neurosurgeon.


Jayapataka Swami is in the intensive care unit. As the hospital will not allow many visitors in the unit, GBC members Sivarama Swami, Bir Krishna Goswami, Bhakti Caru Swami, and Radhanatha Swami who had rushed to the hospital in the morning to be with Jayapataka Swami, returned to the temple around noon. Upon return, Radhanatha Swami immediately updated the GBC about Maharaja’s condition.


Radhanatha Swami reported that Jayapataka Swami remains in critical condition. His condition is extremely delicate. One positive report he shared with the GBC, was that, although not apparently conscious, when Jayapataka Swami was asked to squeeze his left hand, he did so.


As surgery is not an option at this time, doctors are monitoring Maharaja’s condition very carefully, and administering medication as appropriate.

Jayapataka Swami is one of ISKCON’s most senior devotees. He is a dear disciple of Srila Prabhupada. He pioneered preaching in India as well as congregational outreach programs. He has been a faithful and important member of the GBC for decades.


We fervently pray to Lord Krishna for His protection. He has sacrificed his life in service, and we pray the Lord will give him full strength. We also offer our prayers and full support to the disciples of our dear god-brother in this most difficult time.


We request that devotees of ISKCON worldwide offer prayers to their Deities and to Srila Prabhupada that this great leader among us may regain his health and remain with us to serve the ISKCON mission for many more years.


We value, respect and love Jayapataka Maharaja. We admire his deep love for Prabhupada, for the ISKCON society, and for suffering humanity. May Lord Krishna be pleased to allow us all many more years of service to, and association with, His Holiness Jayapataka Swami.

Your servants,


The Members of the ISKCON Governing Body Commission H. H Ramai Swami, Chairperson ISKCON Radha Rasabihari Temple Juhu Beach, Mumbai, India October 23, 2008 4:30 PM

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H.H. Jayapataka Swami’s Latest health update from Sivarama Swami -



"I stayed at the hospital from 7-11am. After CT scan and tests the neuro surgeon gave a complete health update.


Maharaja had a stroke and brain bleeding in 2 places. One of the areas of bleeding is the root of the brain, a most sensitive area. A place where surgery cannot take place.


The condition is critical, the surgeon’s opinion that Maharaja’s chance for survival slim.


It’s in Krsna’s hands, absolutely. Please pray." SRS.

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From Jayapataka Swami's Mayapur Office.



"Doctor P.P Ashok has reviewed the case thouroughly there is a haemorrage in the brain stem and therefore it is a critical situation. The brain stem contains all our vital centers of function like breathing, consciousness etc.



Therefore a slight increase in Haemorrage can cause a life and death situation.



The doctor has said that anything can go wrong anytime without much notice. If it doesn't, the process of recovery is very slow and any predictions at this time are not possible. He is already on a ventilator to support his vital function.


The doctors who are handling the case are some of the best in India.



The treatment which is going on in Hinduja is internationally the same. Our doctor devotees in Bhaktivedanta hospital are in constant touch with the doctor's in Hinduja".



news just in!!



Positive development in Jayapataka Swami's condition



Devakinandana Prabhu has just come from the hospital and he reports that Maharaja is showing some signs of improvement. He is now resting. His position is still critical but before taking rest he opened his eyes and moved his arm towards his head. These are positive signs.



Doctors are unable to operate or do more than observe his condition but these movements are encouraging signs of improvement.



Please offer a prayer on Maharaja's behalf.



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Jayapataka Maharja is still in very critical condition.

Please pray for Guru maharaj. Till now 23rd Oct, 7.30 pm, he is unconscious.


We depend upon the mercy of the Lord.

What is a brain-haemorrhage of the brain steam similar to the one Maharaj had?

Answer - The term used for conditions in which an area of the brain is transiently or permanently affected by ischemia (lack of blood supply) or bleeding is cerebrovascular disease (CVD). One or more of the blood vessels in the brain may be involved in the pathological process.

Intracranial haemorrhage is the pathological accumulation of blood within the cranial cavity and this may occur within the brain parenchyma (intracerebral haemorrhage) or the surrounding meningeal spaces. Haemorrhage within the meninges or the associated potential spaces are called epidural haematoma, subdural haematoma, and subarachnoid haemorrhage.


Intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) may extend into the ventricles and is then called intraventricular haemorrhage. ICH results from a wide variety of disorders and is more likely to result in death or major disability than other forms of bleed as the haemorrhage itself and the accompanying swelling may disrupt or compress adjacent brain tissue, leading to neurological dysfunction.


If large parts of the brain are so displaced, there is rise in the intracranial pressure (ICP) which can cause potentially fatal brain stem herniation.

Common causes for this include trauma; ruptured intracranial aneurysms (congenital weakening of blood vessels); arteriovenous malformation (an abnormal collection of blood vessels where arterial blood flows directly into draining veins); vasculitis; tumour; use of anticoagulants; bleeding disorders like haemophilia. The cause may be unknown in nearly 25% cases.

A haemorrhage in the brainstem region may present with coma, posturing, loss of brainstem reflexes, and oculomotor abnormalities. It most commonly involves the pons and generally has a poor prognosis.

The immediate management is largely dependent upon the cause, location, and size of the haemorrhage, as well as the clinical status of the patient. CT angiography or MR angiography permits visualisation of the blood vessels for arterial diseases like arteria-venous malformations, vasculitis, etc.

Medical treatment is given when there are minimal neurological deficits or the bleed is less than 10 cc. Some of the indications for surgery are - haemorrhage more than 3 cm, presence of a structural vascular lesion, lobar haemorrhage, etc.


Surgery may include craniotomy and clot evacuation under direct vision; stereotactic aspiration with thrombolytic agents or endoscopic evacuation.

NOTE -This is the opinion of the DoctorNDTV expert. Other opinions may differ

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Updates on Jayapataka Swami



24 october 2008 - 2pm Mumbai time (4 hours ago) - The GBC meetings have finished in Mumbai so I'm not receiving regular updates on Maharaja's condition. I do hear from those who go to see him in the hospital.


At this stage it looks as if it will be a waiting game. He is neither deteriorating nor improving significantly.


I just received this small note from Ratnavali.


Today Dr Bhave, the Haematologist and PP Ashok, the Neurologist came to check Guru Maharaja's condition. They say that there is a slight improvement in his bodily movements but still not out of danger. The body condition has not deteriorated and that is a good sign.



The devotees are requested to continuously pray and chant. Do not make phone calls to the Mumbai ISKCON temple or any other devotees.



For any information you can visit
web site or


For any reason if you need to call please call at 0091 22 2624 4500 to Simheswar Prabhu, senior disciple of Guru Maharaja who will respond to you. The devotees are asked to stay wherever you are and intensely pray for the recovery of Guru Maharaja.



From Aniruddha prabhu assistant GBC and TP of Melbourne ISKCON


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ISKCON has never experienced anything like this since Srila Prabhupada's illness in 1977. Centers worldwide embark on 24 hour kirtans for HH Jayapataka Swami






KUALA LUMPUR - Devotees of Klang Valley gathered at Iskcon KL’s Sri Jagannatha Mandir temple last evening to pray for the recovery of HH Jayapataka Swami’s health. Devotees here chanted the Lord Nrsimha prayers which protects the devotees.



A 24-hour kirtan is also continously going on in the temple. The temple president, HG Uttama Caitanya das said that, “We will continue the kirtan for 72-hours if need be, for the speedy recover of HH Jayapataka Maharaj. Devotees are also encouraged to chant extra rounds for Maharaj.”



A senior devotee here, HG Dr Shanti Rupa devi dasi had spoken to the doctors in Mumbai and said, “They said that Guru Maharaj’s limbs are moving and his eyes are responding well. That means that there is only a little bleeding in the brain stem. There will be no paralysis.



The first thing that the doctor checks is if his pupils are responding, and if it is, then the chances of recovery is positive. However, he will take sometime to recover fully. He needs to undergo physio therapy once he recovers.”



The temple president recalled the pastimes of Srila Prabhupada during a difficult period that he was undergoing in 1969. He said, “At that time, hardly a devotee was initiated and they didn’t know what to do for Srila Prabhupada when he was having palpitations in his heart.



Srila Prabhupada taught them how to chant the Nrsimha prayers which the devotees wrote down and called other centers in America to recite. He also said that the devotee should pray to the Lord and tell Him that their Spiritual Master’s mission is not completed yet.”



Another senior devotee, HG Udar Krishna das said, “In 1989, HH Jayapataka Maharaj was hospitalized in Madrid after a very critical attack on his main vein in his neck. His only plea to some devotees was that that they pray so that he can fully complete Srila Prabhupada’s instructions. I want to fulfill my duties for His Divine Grace Srila Prabupada”.



More and more Iskcon temple worldwide are having special prayers for HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s quick recovery. HG Uttama reaffirmed, “I have received many messages and mails from all over the world stating that they are having prayers and chanting extra rounds for Maharaj. This includes Hong Kong and China as well”.



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Username: theist

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Death is certain. Today or tomorrow, there is no escape. Now is the time to remember that the self is not the body. So when praying for Jayapataka Swami are we praying for the well being of the self or the body?


I mean is it in his best interest to live in the body for a few more years in what would likely be a highly compromised situation from the severe stroke or to live the body now and accept all the Krishna Conscious rewards Krishna has in store for Him in appreciation for all the sincere service he has rendered.


His disciples will have their own personal feelings over this but as for me if Krishna has decreed it's his time to leave the body behind then I wish Jayapataka Swami 'God's Speed' on the rest of his journey homeward.



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"If a devotee accepts Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the universal guru and Lord Jagannatha as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, he is benefited by the combined mercy of Krsna and guru." - Madhya 13.18 purport



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This is plain curiosity and nothing else.

Hypothetically, if I believed that my physical death would take me to Krishna Loka; if I really really believed that, then I would actually welcome death. In that context, my prayers would be to hasten the process and if anyone else was praying for me, I would advise them to pray similarly.

If I keep telling others and telling myself as well that I will go to Krishna Loka after death and yet try to prolong my life in every possible way, then there is an inconsistency in my thought and action.

This logic applies to animals too. If we really believe in reincarnation and a better next-life for the animal, then why are we so concerned about keeping it alive on earth for longer periods of time, thereby delaying the animal a better life? Inconsistency again.

Anyway, coming back to HHJS, I hope either whch way, the movement is as physically painless as possible for him. In my opinion, that is the best we can hope for anyone who is in critical condition.


</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Interesting points however a pure devotee only wants too please Krishna and what pleases Krishna the most is encouraging the fallen souls in the material creation to also begin their journry back home, back to Godhead


So there are many devotees who can go home to Krishna but stay and even take birth again and again as a devotee just to show compasion on the fallen souls.


A pure devotee is totally selfless and serves Krishna unconditionally



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Username: gauragopala dasa

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Death is certain. Today or tomorrow, there is no escape. Now is the time to remember that the self is not the body. So when praying for Jayapataka Swami are we praying for the well being of the self or the body?


I mean is it in his best interest to live in the body for a few more years in what would likely be a highly compromised situation from the severe stroke or to live the body now and accept all the Krishna Conscious rewards Krishna has in store for Him in appreciation for all the sincere service he has rendered.


His disciples will have their own personal feelings over this but as for me if Krishna has decreed it's his time to leave the body behind then I wish Jayapataka Swami 'God's Speed' on the rest of his journey homeward.


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I have fond memories of Jayapataka Maharaj from 1978 and 82. He instructed me to contact all the media for the 1982 Mayapur festival and when a local TV station came to interview him, he froze and whispered in my ear ‘I'm camera shy’. At the time, it was quite hilarious but eventually he did a brilliant interview.

What impressed me was his humility and total dedication to Prabhupada. Actually, it is because of devotes like him a fallen soul like me is still around and desires to somehow, someway, always serve ISKCON.

Yes, death is certain for all of us. Today or tomorrow, there is no escape for any of us. This tragic event again reminds us that the bodily vessel we are in is fragile and can break down at any moment. Are we ready for death? Do we really understand that the material body is not who we really are? And that it is only a temporary container that carries the soul or life force that is our factual identity?

Now is the time to remember that the self is not the material body but rather an eternal servant of Krishna.

All glorious to Jayapataka Maharaj, from your fallen servant Gauragopala dasa




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My prayers are with him, however little they mean. Such situations are sobering for all of us. We should be serious about serving the Lord and getting ready for our own exit.


I hope Maharaja is not suffering from too much pain. I am not very afraid of death itself, but I am afraid of lots of pain.


I have personally met Maharaja just recently, and he made a very good impression on me. My pranams to him and his disciples and wellwishers.

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Thank you for posting Sarva. I will try my best to keep Srila Maharaja and his devotees in my heart over the coming days.







I only had the good fortune of meeting him once and received prasadam cookie. He looked me square in the eye, as if he saw my heart and its need of deliverance.







I hope all works in the coming days, for the devotees spiritual well-being. And that Maharaja's service may flourish.













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bul1.gifH.H. Jayapataka Swami -Srila Prabhupada’s Victory Flag - Please pray

<SMALL>24 October 2008 </SMALL>



Now we have another major crisis with HH Jayapataka Swami in hospital in Mumbai with a severe stroke caused by brain aneurysm. His condition is very critical, and the doctors have admitted that there is not much they can do, and the main thing now is our prayers for Maharaja’s well being.


At this moment I can’t describe my feelings. The apprehension of the loss of this very dear friend is not something I want to contemplate right now. And despite his current crisis, as Ravindra Svarupa prabhu just put to me, Maharaja has more prana than anyone he has ever met. He is a fighter and he has tremendous strength of constitution.


We have clearly entered the era where the disappearance of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples is going to be a regular affair. That’s the material world, always hankering and lamenting. Our consolation is Srila Prabhupada’s statement that we shall have another ISKCON in the spiritual world and that our spiritual relationships are all eternal.


I was just with Jayapataka Maharaja in Mumbai. We had our MVT meeting in Chowpatty on the 18th. He appeared to be very tired and didn’t look well, but like everyone else, I thought it was simply the symptom of the almost perpetual jeg-lag that Maharaja suffers due to his intense and continuous travels. I thought with a few days in one place he would catch up his rest and be back to his usual energetic self.

It only takes a second and everything changes.


I first saw him in 1975 but I didn’t get to know him until early 1976. Srila Prabhupada had arrived in Mayapur on January 17 and stayed for just over two months. Jayapataka Swami was his stalwart assistant in developing the Mayapur project. I remember one particular incident that nicely summed up their relationship:


[TD 1] January 18, 1976 - Sri Dhama Mayapur


With the festival only six weeks away, Jayapataka expressed doubts how it [the Long building] could be completed in time. Prabhupada told him if they engage at least one hundred men it could be done. Then Bhavananda Maharaja raised the objection that there was no money.


Prabhupada told him that if that was the only problem, he would give him the money. But he said they must start immediately. Jayapataka, however, was still apprehensive. He said there was a shortage of bricks.


Nevertheless Prabhupada pushed him to begin construction. He told them that they should do whatever they can, but the work must begin immediately.


Leaving the pukkur we hesitated to go down the steep incline of the embankment. Jayapataka, however, had no problem running down, even in his wooden shoes. Srila Prabhupada laughed. “Victorious flag — Jaya-pataka,” he called out, appreciating his disciple’s dexterity.


Since those days Jayapataka Maharaja has been carrying the flag of victory all over the world on behalf of Srila Prabhupada, spreading the glories of Sri Mayapur Dhama far and wide and increasing the family of ISKCON devotees for the pleasure of his spiritual master. Now that seems to be at the end of an era.


We can simply pray that Srila Prabhupada’s victorious flag is not lowered to half mast any time soon.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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Yajna and Prayers for Jayapataka Maharaja 25 Oct 2008


For the protection of His Holiness Jayapataka Maharaja, today at 4pm ISKCON Temples all over the world will offer a fire sacrifice and chant the 108 Names of Lord Narasimhadeva.









There is a possibility Maharaj could be in a coma for weeks or even months



ISKCON Temples in every corner of the planet will also hear updates on Maharaja's health and chant further prayers and kirtana in the theatre from 6-7pm, and at the conclusion of Damodarastakam prayers (which are sung from 7pm till 7:45-8pm): to finish at 9pm. Please join us at your local ISKCON Temple amd pray for Krsna an Prabhupada to protect Maharaj











Maharaj holding H.H.Radhanath Swami.





As we all know by now, H.H.Jayapataka Swami Maharaj is admitted in Intensive Care in Mumbai. He is in critical condition and we have to wait further news.





I pray to the Almighty Krishna to give maharaj more time on this planet to associate with his beloved disciples and god brothers and inspire all of us in our practice of Krishna Consciousness. Personally, I feel difficulty and pain to see such a great devotee leave the planet so soon. I sincerely hope it does not happen soon.





My first acquaintance with Maharaj was in 1999 in Chennai ISKCON where I specially attended his class on a week day. The attendance was slim and I was eager to meet one of Srila Prabhupada’s intimate disciples. It was a small class and very distinctly remember Maharaj’s advice on how to chant properly. Many of the disciples from Chennai are disciples of Maharaj. In fact, in 2000, I was encouraged to take initiation from Maharaj and I rejected saying I wasn’t ready for it yet.





After that, it was in June 2008 during the 24 hour Kirtan festival that I met him. He was completely different from how I remembered him to be. I found maharaj to be very jovial and actually funny. He was very jolly to be with…and I am sure many of his disciples will love his company.





I pray to Krishna that He allows Maharaj to live on this planet for some more time and encourage us more in Krishna Consciousness.






H.H.Jayapataka Swami Maharaj ki jay!

Srila Prabhupada ki Jay!

Sri Sri Gaura Nitai ki Jay!

Sri Sri Radha Krishna ki Jay!





Hare Krishna





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Sivarama Swami:

Improvement - Saturday, Octomber 25th, report on H.H. Jayapataka Swami


Simhesvara dasa:


"Received the following update from Dr. Madhavananda of the Bhaktivedanta Hospital who is stationed at the Hinduja Medical Centre: HH Jayapataka Maharaj consciousness is a few percent better than yesterday but not out of danger as yet. His blood pressure and sugar level are under control within desirable range. However his blood platelets are still going down. But medicines are being continued to boost his blood platelets. He is still on the ventilator but there is a likelihood that the ventilator may be taken off in about 1 or 2 days".


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1 560.jpg In the case of brain hemorrhages, the first 72 hours are the critical time. If the physicians are able to prevent the brain from swelling, then with time he may recover, hopefully. It is ultimately in Sri Krishna’s divine will. His Holiness Jayapataka Maharaj is a repository of godly qualities and humility. Indeed, I pray to Srila Prabhupad to embrace the divine person of His Holiness. If it is Sri Krishna’s will, then please allow Maharaj’s fate with us be strong again so that his expression and example of devotional service remain a beacon for his millions of well-wishers. And, if it is Sri Krishna’s desire to take Maharaj to His divine Home, may Sri Krishna protect him, comfort him, and bestow His merciful loving glance upon our Godbrother. Hare Krishna. With hope, Pusta Krishna das



<!-- end .comments-middle -->Comment posted by pustakrishna on October 23rd, 2008

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2 default.jpg I really miss him now for all the personal extended help he did for me.

My sincere Prayers to Sri Malolan on this behalf.

Sri Lakshmi Narasimma Mama Dehi Karavalambam.




<!-- end .comments-middle -->Comment posted by scooty.ram on October 23rd, 2008

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3 1847.jpg I have fond memories of Jayapataka Maharaj from 1978 and 82. He instructed me to contact all the media for the 1982 Mayapur festival and when a local TV station came to interview him, he froze and whispered in my ear ‘I camera shy’. At the time, it was quite hilarious but eventually he did a brilliant interview.

What impressed me was his humility and total dedication to Prabhupada. Actually, it is because of devotes like him a fallen soul like me is still around and desires to somehow, someway, always serve ISKCON.

Death is certain for all of us. Today or tomorrow, there is no escape for any of us. This tragic event again reminds us that the bodily vessel we are in is fragile and can break down at any moment. Are we ready for death? Do we really understand that the material body is not who we really are? And that it is only a temporary container that carries the soul or life force that is our factual identity?

Now is the time to remember that the self is not the material body but rather an eternal servant of Krishna.

All glorious to Jayapataka Maharaj, from your fallen servant Gauragopala dasa



<!-- end .comments-middle -->Comment posted by Gauragopala dasa on October 23rd, 2008

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4 1847.jpg Hare Krishna. All glorious to Srila Prabhupada

Pustakrishna prabhu nicely writes

“His Holiness Jayapataka Maharaj is a repository of godly qualities and humility. Indeed, I pray to Srila Prabhupad to embrace the divine person of His Holiness. If it is Sri Krishna’s will, then please allow Maharaj’s fate with us be strong again so that his expression and example of devotional service remain a beacon for his millions of well-wishers. And, if it is Sri Krishna’s desire to take Maharaj to His divine Home, may Sri Krishna protect him, comfort him, and bestow His merciful loving glance upon our Godbrother”

Over the years, what has impressed me the most is Maharaj’s wonderful humility and total dedication to Srila Prabhupada’s mission to preach the glorious of Lord Caitanya all over the world.

I have fond memories of Jayapataka Maharaj from early 1978 and 82. He instructed me to contact all the media for the 1982 Mayapur festival and when a local TV station came to interview him, he froze and whispered in my ear ‘I’m camera shy’. At the time, it was quite hilarious but eventually he did a brilliant interview.

All glorious to Jayapataka Maharaj, yes, a great devotee only wants too please his Spiritual Master and Krishna, and what pleases Krishna the most is encouraging the fallen souls in the material creation to also begin their journey back home, back to Godhead.

I am praying that Krishna will protect H.H Jayapataka Maharaj

Your fallen servant Gauragopala dasa



<!-- end .comments-middle -->Comment posted by Gauragopala dasa on October 24th, 2008

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5 default.jpg Maha Varaha prabhu just informed me that Dr. Ashok in his latest observation of Srila Guru Maharaj (about 3PM) informed that progress is good and chances are very positive for recovery. But he gave the same instruction again “No more visits”. Visitors could pass infections to Srila Guru Maharaj and thus endanger his immune system.

Simhesvara dasa

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Latest news 26<SUP>th</SUP> October 2008. Maharaj could be in coma for weeks while his body heals

Doctor Hegde, the in-charge of ICU Unit said that Guru Maharaja is in a stable condition.


They have diagnosed that Guru Maharaja has a chronic liver disease and that could be the cause of the decrease in platelets count. Previously they were not able to identify the reason for the decrease in platelet count.


He also said that there is a good chance of removing the ventilator tomorrow.

Let us keep on praying for Guru Maharaja's recovery.

Does anyone out there have access to the drug elthrombopag?

All glories to Srila Gurudeva.

We need urgently the following medicine for Guru Maharaja. If any of you

finds it please let us know urgently. Call us at +919339716108

Medicine name = Elthrombopag

Company name in US = GSK Pharma

Company name in Europe = Revolade pharma

Requirement = inj.promacta 75 mg X 15

Please call me as soon as you find the medicine if not we need to ask other

devotees to look for it.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd

What is LOW BLOOD PLATELET COUNT? (Thrombocytopenia, low PLT)

Platelets help blood to clot.


They are found in the blood flowing through the blood vessels. Platelets also line the inside of the blood vessel. When low blood platelet count is present, this layer thins and tiny drops of blood can leak through the spaces made when this layer thins, causing red dots on the skin called petechiae (pa-TEE-kee-eye).

Normal Platelet Count 150,000 - 400,000 cells/mm3

Note: Normal values will vary from laboratory to laboratory.

When low blood platelet count present a person is at an increased risk of bleeding.

Risk of Bleeding is based on the Platelet Count

100,000 - 149,000 cells/mm3 Little to no risk of bleeding

50,000 - 99,000 cells/mm3 Increased risk of bleeding with injury

20,000 - 49,000 cells/mm3 Risk of bleeding increased without injury

10,000 - 19,000 cells/mm3 Risk of bleeding greatly increased

Less than 10,000 Spontaneous bleeding likely

When you suffer from low blood platlet count you may notice:

Increased bruising

Petechiae (red dots on your skin described above)

Bleeding from nose, gums, rectum

Call your doctor immediately if you have sudden, severe unexplained pain.

Things you may do to decrease your risk of bleeding if you have low blood platlet count:

Do not take medications that interfere with the platelets being able to form a clot.


Ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®)

Naproxen (Aleeve®)


If you are not sure about taking any medication, check with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

Do not use rectal suppositories or take your temperature rectally.

Use caution or avoid flossing your teeth.

Use a very soft bristle toothbrush or oral swabs as recommended by your doctor or health care provider.

If your gums bleed, rinse with cold water. If bleeding does not stop call your doctor or health care provider.

Avoid activities that increase your risk of bleeding when you have low


blood platlet count:

Contact sports

Amusement park rides that involve fast or quick motion.

Strenuous exercise.

Avoid or limit the use of sharp objects such as knives, razors.

Hold pressure on any cut or scrape for at least 5 minutes.

When to call your doctor or health care provider about low blood count:

Bleeding that will not stop after 5 minutes of pressure.

Bleeding that occurs spontaneously (by itself), without injury.

New or unexplained pain

Fall or experience trauma or injury

Feel dizzy or lightheaded

Have difficulty seeing or double vision

Your doctor or health care provider may prescribe or suggest for low blood platlet counts:

Oprelvekin (Neumega®)

A platelet transfusion

If the number of platelets is too low, excessive bleeding can occur, however if the number of platelets is too high, blood clots can form (thrombosis) which block blood vessels, and may cause a stroke and/or a heart attack.


An abnormality or disease of the platelets is called a thrombocytopathy[1] which could be either a low number (thrombocytopenia), a decrease in function (thrombasthenia) or an increase in number

Platelets are produced in blood cell formation (thrombopoiesis) in bone marrow, by budding off from megakaryocytes.

The physiological range for platelets is 150-400 x 109 per litre.

Around 1 x 1011 platelets are produced each day by an average adult.

The lifespan of circulating platelets is 7-10 days.

This process is regulated by thrombopoietin, a hormone usually produce by liver and kidney.

Each megakaryocyte produces between 5,000 and 10,000 platelets.

Old platelets are destroyed by the spleen and by Kupffer cells in the liver.

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted by suchandra

Last update:

Ratnavali dd:

Dear Devotees, Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Revati Raman prabhu, the Temple President of Tirupati, AP, India one of the senior disciples of Jayapataka Maharaja is rendering a very important service for the care and safety of Maharaja in the hospital by the ICU. Today under the supervision of the doctors and nurses he approached Maharaja to the pavitram of Tirupati Balaji Deity.

While tying the pavitram on Maharaja’s hand Revati Raman prabhu spoke, “We love you so much. Every one around the world wants you. They are all praying for you and sending so many emails.”

As Maharaja heard this he opened his eyes looking at Revati Raman prabhu for 2 minutes and raised his left hand pointing to his mouth. The doctors and nurses were amazed and said that Maharaja perfectly understood what Prabhu said and indicated that he was unable to speak because of the tubes in his mouth. This is the most wonderful information for all of us.

Thanks to all the prayers of the devotees. The main doctors will be making soon a decision if the ventilator could be removed.

Your humble servant, Ratnavali dd




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Yes Suchandra, this is very possitive news, to open his eyes, move his arms and try to speak means he is no longer in a coma.


I spoke to my good doctor today and he agreed it is very possitive. However, he said infections now, especially in India, is now the real challenge to over home


As far as Amlesh silly comment is concerned, people like him must understand Krsna or God helps those who help themselves. The ways of the Lord are strange indeed, what has happened has brought so many devotees of both ISKCON, Gaudiya math oand other branches of Lord Caitamyas tree together to pray.


Yes, Death is certain for all of us. Today or tomorrow, there is no escape for any of us. This tragic event again reminds us that the bodily vessel we are in is fragile and can break down at any moment.


Are we ready for death?

Do we really understand that the material body is not who we really are?

And that it is only a temporary container that carries the soul or life force that is our factual identity?

Now is the time to remember that the self is not the material body but rather an eternal servant of Krishna..

Yes, a great devotee only wants too please his Spiritual Master and Krishna, and what pleases Krishna the most is encouraging the fallen souls in the material creation to also begin their journey back home, back to Godhead.


I am praying that Krishna will protect H.H Jayapataka Maharaj (he within the material body or vessel) but also pray, even though it may seem selfish to others. that Krishna allow Maharaj's material body to heal and he stay in this material world because this sad world needs such rare pure devotees to help us all continue, as well as others begin, their journey back home back to Krishna.


A devotee laments the sickness or passing of a great soul because the world no longer has their divine selfless non-judgemental association.


This sick crazy world is really bereft of advanced selfless caring devotees and to loose one, even back to Krishna, is worrying because could it mean we are not genuine and dedicated enough for Krishna to keep him here? Srila Bhaktisiddhanta left because he was sadened by how materialistic his Gaudiya math mission had become in the 1930s<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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Lord Caitanya eventually delivers the most fallen souls by the mercy of the devotees

Some great news just in. Maharaj’s body is gradually healing

Latest update:(26 Oct - 10.30 a.m. report)


Ratnavali dd:

Dr.Syamalal Prabhu from the Bhaktivedanta hospital asked Jayapataka Maharaja to give his right hand and he responded to it. The doctor asked Maharaja to squeeze his hand and Maharaja squeezed his hand.


The doctor asked Jayapataka Maharaja to move his legs then he started shaking the legs vigorously. Even the bed started to shake. Therefore the doctor wanted him to stop and Guru Maharaja immediately stopped.


Whenever the doctor speaks to Maharaja he opens his eyes and looks at the doctor.

Jayapataka Maharaja is still in a delicate situation and the hospital has strictly ordered not to disturb him.


(26 Oct - 07 a.m. report) Ratnavali dd:

Dear Devotees, Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Revati Raman prabhu, the Temple President of Tirupati, AP, India one of the senior disciples of Jayapataka Maharaja is rendering a very important service for the care and safety of Maharaja in the hospital by the ICU. Today under the supervision of the doctors and nurses he approached Maharaja to the pavitram of Tirupati Balaji Deity.

While tying the pavitram on Maharaja’s hand Revati Raman prabhu spoke, “We love you so much. Every one around the world wants you. They are all praying for you and sending so many emails.”

As Maharaja heard this he opened his eyes looking at Revati Raman prabhu for 2 minutes and raised his left hand pointing to his mouth. The doctors and nurses were amazed and said that Maharaja perfectly understood what Prabhu said and indicated that he was unable to speak because of the tubes in his mouth. This is the most wonderful information for all of us.

Thanks to all the prayers of the devotees. The main doctors will be making soon a decision if the ventilator could be removed.

Your humble servant, Ratnavali dd

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Latest update (26 Oct - 9.30 p.m. report) : There is a gradual improvement of Maharaja’s consciousness but not out of danger yet


Ratnavali dd:


There is a gradual improvement of Maharaja’s consciousness but he is not yet out of danger.


Jayapataka Maharaja is able to recognize some people and understand some commands but he is not totally conscious. He still feels drowzy.


Dr. Hegde came at 9.15 pm and said that neurologically Maharaja is improving. BP and Sugar level is under control.


The platelets count is 79,000 now and it is gradually increasing which is a good sign.


As per Bhanu Maharaja the next couple of days is not auspicious as New Moon day is approaching.


There is a general chance for disease to be aggravated during this time. Therefore Bhakti Purushottama Maharaja requests that devotees continue to pray intensely.


Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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Maharaja is now more conscious but very emotional. By seeing devotees tears come from his eyes.

Last update:

(27 Oct - 10.30 a.m. report)



Purusottama Swami:


Dear Maharaja/Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisance . All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


This morning the doctor said he may remove ventilator and all tubes within the next 24 hours if every things goes as it is now.


Maharaja is now more conscious but very emotional. By seeing devotees tears come from his eyes.


The doctor said we have to completely stop any devotees going to meet maharaj including senior devotees because as soon as devotees go to meet him due to excitement his blood preassure increases.


If devotees will not stop visiting Maharaj, the doctor said, they will not be able to make him free from ventilator. His blood pressure is ok now. Bloolet count is no more decreasing even without medecine. He seems to be more reciprocative.


By seeing all these symptoms the doctors feel more satisfied.

Few astrologers have said HH’s condition will reman critical to some extend untill 28th Oct. because of tithi is Amavasya. After that things will go better. But still untill Nov. 14th we have to be careful.


We are very thankfull to the devotees around the world who are praying for HH’s quick recovery. Only prayers of devotees around the world and their chanting of the holy name is our hope.


We disciples of Jayapataka Maharaja are very gratefull to GBCs for their kind help and support. Specially HH. Gopala Krishna Maharaj and HH. Radhanatha Swami as also HH Bhakti Charu Swami who are constantly supervising the treatment. Mnay GBC members accompanyed Maharaja to the hospital. Some GBC memebrs like HH. Kavicandra Swami and Virabahu pr. are still here in Mumbai to see the recovery of Maharaj.


Iskcon Mumbai, Juhu temple management has extended their topmost help in every aspect. We are very much indebted to Iskcon Mumbai management.


Please pray for Maharaj’s quick recovery so that he can again join with you all to participate actively in his service to Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON.

For HH’s health update you may visit



Thank you very much.

Your humble servant

Bhakti Purusottama Swami

(27 Oct - 9.30 a.m. report) Ratnavali dd:


Jayapataka Maharaja’s health is progressing very nicely and the doctors are happy with his improvement. Yesterday the doctor saw him coughing and said it is a good symptom. This means the bodily system has started to function.


A visiting doctor asked Maharaja to first lift the left hand which he did. Not only that, he also articulated all his fingers very well. The doctor then asked him to lift the right hand, he wasn’t able to lift it well. He said some physiotheraphy would be required.


Later Dr. P.P Ashok came and asked Maharaja to lift his legs. Maharaja lifted both the legs and started to move them in the air 3 to 4 times. Maharaja also pointed to the tube in the mouth indicating he wants to speak. Therefore the doctor said that Maharaja is showing excellent responses and that he understands everything 100%.


Maharaja had good eye contact with the doctors the whole time. The doctor gave instruction to the nurses that they could start removing the tubes one by one.

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Doctors are now very concerned about the recovery of Maharaj, so everyone please keep praying to Krishna

Monday, October 27, 9.00 pm:


The blood pressure of Guru Maharaja is fluctuating (goes up and down between high and normal). The platelets have gone down to 69,000. The normal platelets count under this situation should be above 1 lakh. Sugar is normal. Sometimes he moves his limbs and opens his eyes voluntarily.



Although no devotees have visited in the evening still his BP is high and the doctors are concerned about it.


Magnesium has gone up from a previously low level to a slightly higher level. (It is a good symptom for blood coagulation) Brain activity is stable. Pulse rate is very stable. Let's keep praying to Lord Krsna for Guru Maharaja's health.


Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd

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Things have improved again over the last few hours, the doctor have instructed the nurses to start removing the ventilator


Tuesday 28 October 2008 - 1.30 pm Mumbai time which is 7pm Sydney time, 4am New York, 1am San Francisco, 8am London, 11am Moscow, 5am, Beijing, 4pm, Tokyo, 5pm, Cape Town, 9am Prague, 11am Baghdad, 1pm New Delhi, Honolulu Mon 10:02 PM (27th still)



From Ratnavali...


The following report is from Dr. Madhavananda Prabhu, the Bhaktivedanta Hospital. The Hinduja hospital doctor said that Guru Maharaja is stable now. His consciousness is also good. The doctor has instructed the nurses to start the process of removing the ventilator.



May all the Deities give protection to our beloved Guru Maharaja.





By seeing devotees tears came to Maharaj's eyes due to intense emotion and seperation



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Maharaja is chanting mentally the Hare Krsna maha mantra on a clicker slowly and is far better now than 12 hours ago.

He IS gradually getting better, therefore there is no need to panic - the outcome however, is a decision made between Jayapataka Maharaj, Srila Prabhupada, Krsna and the prayers of all the assembled Vaishnavas.


I recently heard Ramai Swami, the GBC Chairman recently saying in a class"it's all up to Krsna" Actually that is not completely true because Krsna listens to the prayers of the Vaishnavas.


Also, as far as the fallen souls of this world are concerned, it is also the selfless humble mercy of the devotees that saves us all and delivers us to Krsna and not Krsna personally.


Ramai Swami must understand this, it is not only up to Krsna directly, it is up to devotees like him to preach and save the fallen souls on behalf of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krsna!!


Last updates:

(28-Oct-08, 12:30 p.m. report) Ratnavali dd:


Dr Hegde came to check Maharaja today and the doctor said he looks better than yesterday and there is no need to panic. Jayapataka Maharaja is feeling very uncomfortable with the tubes and asking everyone to remove them.


So the doctor has given instructions to the nurses and local duty doctors to remove the ventilator. They are planning how to do it. The process usually takes between 24 to 48 hours. They are praying that everything would go smoothly.


The cardiologist also came to see Maharaja and he said it is natural for the blood preassure to fluctuate. They are giving the blood preassure medicines under his guidance.


Jayapataka Maharaja asked one senior disciple signaling to get him a clicker to chant. Since that devotee had his and Maharaja took it from him and he is chanting mentally the maha mantra on the clicker slowly.


Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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Who is H. H. Jayapataka Swami?




Jayapataka Swami was born John Gordan Erdman on April 9, 1949, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, North America and was later given the name 'Jayapataka dasa' upon receiving initiation into the Hare Krishna movement, by his guru, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Presently he is one of the initiating spiritual masters ( diksa gurus) of ISKCON and a member of the Governing Body Commission (GBC), is a divisional trustee for the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT), and an ISKCON swami.

John Gordan Erdman was born to John Hubert and Lorraine Erdman. At 14, he graduated in the top of his class from St. John's Academy, a college preparatory school. He was offered full scholarships including tuition, books, food, lodging, plus incidental expenses by several major universities around America. He accepted admission into Brown University.

There, as a fresh enrolee, he was influenced by a guest lecture on the life of Buddha that he lost all interest in his studies and began searching for a spiritual teacher. After some time of searching he concluded he would have to go to India to find his teacher.

Before leaving for India, Gordan came across some Hare Krishna devotees, doing kirtan and distributing 'Back To Godhead' magazine. Shortly after he visited the San Francisco ISKCON centre, where he met Srila Prabhupada who encouraged him by inviting him to take prasadam with him. John took first initiation in Montreal, Canada and was given the name 'Jayapataka dasa'. Soon after he was awarded 2nd initiation in New York.

While in Montreal, Jayapataka was engaged in the service of printing books and dispatching them to other ISKCON Centres around the world. Later, on the instruction of Srila Prabhupada, Jayapataka went to Toronto to open a centre there. When Jagadish dasa took over the Toronto centre as president he wrote to Srila Prabhupada enquiring about his service and was told by him to go to India.

Preaching in India


At Calcutta, Jayapataka began to learn Bengali by going out to buy fruits and vegetables. Along with the other devotees, he conducted house programs, organized pandal programs, and went out on sankirtan and book distribution.

On Radhashtami (festival for Radharani) in 1970[citation needed], in Calcutta, Srila Prabhupada gave Sannyasa initiation to Jayapataka dasa, awarding the title "[citation needed]Jayapataka Swami".

When ISKCON got a land in Mayapur, Jayapataka dasa went there on the instruction of Srila Prabhupada.

There were 5 other devotees with Jayapataka dasa in Mayapur. Jayapataka dasa taught modern techniques of agriculture and the farmers taught him Bengali. Jayapataka dasa began to oversee construction work in Mayapur and the lotus building was built.

With the permission of Srila Prabhupada, Jayapataka dasa applied for Indian citizenship. This meant that he could not leave the country. He utilized this time for travelling within Bengal into the villages preaching and distributing books.

Srila Prabhupada told him to distribute 10,000 'big books' and 100,000 'small books' every month. Also, Srila Prabhupada instructed Jayapataka Swami to build the congregation and this is the area that Jayapataka Swami is very much focused on nowadays.

He's been travelling extensively around the world for many years with the desire to fulfil this instruction of his Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupada.



Jayapataka Swami has developed the system of Bhakti Vrksa preaching which assists namahatta preaching by enabling wider preaching and giving intensive and personal training to devotees so that everyone gets the chance to train to be a pure devotee while engaging in preaching activities.

Mayapur Mandala Parikrama and pilgrimages

In March 1974, the first Gaura Purnima festival was held. Four hundred devotees from North America, South America, England, Europe, Australia, India, and other parts of the world joined in the festival in Mayapur.

Coinciding this event, Jayapataka Swami led groups of devotees on Parikrama (pilgrimage) to local holy places. This visit to Mayapur would constitute the first half of the devotees' Indian pilgrimage; after ten days they were scheduled to go to Vrndavana. The Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama has been continuing ever since with the number of devotees participating increasing each year in the thousands.

Jayapataka Swami also has recently introduced the 'Ganga Safari' to visit those holy places connected to Lord Caitanya, which are approachable only along the river flow. Similarly, he conducts a tour of holy places in India and neighbouring countries.

Uniting the Sarasvat Gaudiya family


Initially he stayed in Gaudiya Matha for a few months in Calcutta and Mayapur, and earned their respect. That short period of stay in the Gaudiya Math made it easier for Jayapataka Swami to relate with some of the Gaudiya Maths.

Prabhupada told him to unite the Gaudiya Matha in an effort to connect the spiritual family. After endeavouring for more than five years finally the Sarasvat Gaudiya Vaishnava Association was formed with the blessings of Prabhupada and blessings of all the senior Vaishnavas like Bhakti Pramode Puri Swami and other Acaryas and Jayapataka Swami is the convenor for this association.

ISKCON responsibilities

Spiritual master

Jayapataka Swami was one among the eleven named by Srila Prabhupada to give initiation on his behalf when he was seriously ill. After Srila Prabhupada died, Jayapataka Swami began to accept disciples as a spiritual master in the Srila Prabhupada branch of the Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya.

Food For Life

Jayapataka Swami is the world chairman for 'Food for Life' and ISKCON's Food Relief Programs. A descendant of Advaita Acharya selected him to be in charge of the annual Santipur mass prasadam distribution program.

Life Chairman of Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust

On November 5 1977, Jayapataka Swami went to Vrndavana to meet Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada told him, "I am making Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust" and added, "you are the life chairman. At this time he also got the mandate from Prabhupada to unite the Sarasvat family, preserving the holy dham of Lord Caitanya and serving the pilgrims.

Governing Body Commission (GBC)

Jayapataka Swami started as GBC secretary in 1976 in East India, which includes Bihar, Orissa, and Bengal. From 1980 to 1999 he was the GBC for South-East USA, as well as South America. He is also the GBC for Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile.

Jayapataka Swami serves as Co-GBC in the Far East. Jayapataka Swami is also a GBC for Assam. He is also the Minister of Congregational Preaching and Minister of Congregational Development [citation needed], the Vice-chairman of the World Hindu Federation and Convenor of the Sarasvat Family.

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