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Love and happiness, the way of Yoga

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Love and happiness, the way of Yoga




Updated January 22, 2009 Iloilo City, Philippines<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->

By Alce S. Felizardo


<dfn>Shamarani Dasi.</dfn>

This is probably the most dynamic century of human existence. But, we only have a lifetime to live. Are we living it the way we want it to be? Are we happy?

Many of us seek “inner peace.” To be part of something that will promote not only our physical but spiritual well-being.

Bhakti Yoga Society of Bacolod under the leadership of Mark Cervantes (Madan Das, is his yoga name), organized a free lecture on “Bhakti Yoga and Mantra Meditation” at the Check Inn Hotel last Jan 10.

The speaker was Syamarani Devi Dasi, a world renowned Vaisnava artist and one of the first teachers of the Krsna Consciousness movement in the west and presently honored as the speaker of Vedic philosophy throughout the world.


Bhakti Yoga or Devotional Yoga is claimed as the most natural path for those who are dominantly seeking emotional fulfillment and well-being. Bhakti connotes devotion, or love, and love implies service. Service refers to that activity which is intended to please the beloved. Thus “devotional service” eloquently defines Bhakti.


<dfn>Syamrani’s famous painting 'Seva Kunja'

duplicated as posters and sold all over

the world.</dfn>

The ambiance of the venue was so calm. The aromatic scent of incense filled the room as the barefooted devotees sat comfortably in the “lotus” position. They eagerly listened to Syamarani Dasi. The female yoga monk interpreted the paintings she made in the past. The guests were mesmerized by the intricacy of each painting and the stories behind them. The paintings were said to be windows to the spiritual world.

What caught my interest was the seven rules to be happy being espoused by Bhakti Yoga. They are never hate, don’t worry, live simply, expect little, give a lot, always smile, but most of all… stay in love!

Syamarani Devi Dasi was assisted by Govinda Preya Dasi and yoga preacher from Manila, Krishna Chandra Prabhu who warmly welcomed the guests mostly coming from the local Indian community and other sectors of the society. The affair started and ended with chants and dances. Everybody swayed following bajans or vedic Indian music. After that, the guests were feted with “sentient diet” a vegetarian food which are without onion and garlic or “Prasad” as they call it.


<dfn>The devotees were treated to a

sumptuous Yogi meal.</dfn>

Syamarani Dasi and the group's next stop is Cebu City to join with her spiritual master Srila Bhaktivedanta Naranaya Maharaja who has been providing insightful guidance to all who come to him and is now giving his purifying association and divine realizations to sincere searchers of truth all over the globe.

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