India’s secular principles adopted in the Indian Constitution and followed in all governmental works after independence (with the noble intent of promoting equality of all religions and showing impartiality), has helped minimize communal tensions, but has unknowingly de-linked Gods and ancient wisdom of the ages from the official machinery and decision-making processes (both in government and in workplaces today).
As India continues to follow unsustainable lifestyles and values followed in the developed countries, respect for indigenous virtuous qualities has become lesser and replaced by corporate-inspired measurement yardsticks. Activities of a spiritual nature such as yoga, meditation, silence, fasting, walking, Ayurveda, nature care are getting ignored – if not discouraged, as India assigns excessive weightage to “productive output”, “visual appeal”, “quick action” and “instant benefits”.
Media in the past few decades or so had started creating advertisements, cinemas and other programs using God-inspired themes and characters based on epics – but now in storylines with indecent humour and violence – thereby reducing the exalted respect and love given to Gods for millennia.
Places of worship today have become almost like offices focused on operational efficiencies for conducting functions and for practice of rituals. While these are certainly necessary to maintain our cultural traditions as is, and for people to be in touch with god, realizing God personally is a private experience and needs different nurturing environments altogether. These days Gods do not respond to prayers directly as frequently they used to in centuries before – when Gods actually materialized out of the images in the Sanctum Sanctorum in Hindu temples frequently – to answer to prayers of calling devotees. This has been leading to frustrated devotees who then seek new or sometimes risky solution to their problem.
Today, in this scientifically oriented age, God is linked closely to daily lives through the ‘Navagrahas’ (Nine Planets) – who are believed to be the representatives of Indian Gods and who have been precisely delivering due reward to living beings according to his/her balance of Karma. With computerization, the ways the planetary rays act on the human physique and mind have been known in the past few decades. Thus, the mystical aura of God’s divinity has diminished here, as science from abroad gets nearer daily to ‘recreating’ God’s miracles. Astrological remedies have also become commonplace (and mechanical) these days – to the level of “give these items, do these at these temples and the planets will provide you these results in return”.
Moreover, each planet has its favorite materials or symbolic items, hence the majority of today’s Indians have become content with remedial measures to set right the ‘defective’ Planets and thus live life at this level – leaving the final purpose of precious human birth – which is to progress upward toward spirituality ignored.
Belief in Karmic consequences is reaching a low at this time – amidst a temptation-filled, fast life. Fear of rebirth into lower creatures or in lower castes or difficult circumstances – as a result of one’s sins – which was an inbuilt “law and order” mechanism for ages – is getting pushed aside by Indians today. Ironically, the average Indian has also turned into a “judge” in downgrading others or “exacting revenge” in his/her personal affairs – which is reported daily by press media.
The mindset of the average citizen has also become partly atheistic – seeing developed countries prospering liberally without even believing in a God – let alone our Indian Gods. This has become pronounced in the last thirty to forty years of globalization. Incidents of Gods rescuing people, averting accidents or of genuine miracles have become rarer these days – thereby making God almost a non-entity in the function and management of today’s ‘real’ world affairs.
The “Rishi Paramparaa” (Sage tradition) has been erased. Rishis were the intermediaries between the commoners and Gods’ world. They guided the kings in all aspects of welfare. They were model householders and model torch-bearers of Vedic rituals and in continuing spiritual wisdom and cultural traditions. With loss of the Rishi connecting layer, today India is polarized into the worldly (Sansari) full of desires and seeking power and material wealth and the mendicant/saint (Sanyaasi) at the other extreme – who live away from worldly matters.
At the best, a few of the reputed pontiffs are given respect for keeping their traditions unchanged. But with these pontiffs unable to influence lifestyle matters much or critical official policy decisions, the wisdom of the ages transmitted through scriptures and spiritual masters is un-utilized in matters of policy and everyday life. Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi was an exceptional saint whose legacy of blessings and presence still continues to give hope to all to this day after a hundred years after His physical death.
As hundreds of animal and plant species become extinct yearly at alarming rates by humans – in the name of modernization – and as excess materialism get rooted in human psyches, humans are already wearing animal or warrior personae – as witnessed in sports teams, business, and horror movies. Thus, the ancient Indian practices and astrological remedies of caring for creatures such as cows, dogs etc. have become less and animals are getting grown mainly for food purposes.
India, once famous for non-violence (‘Ahimsa’) is now atleast 66% non-vegetarian by official statistics and is also the world’s largest beef exporter – implying that animals are no longer sacred or equal members of Indian society – which is a massive culture change! Money accumulation, money multiplication and growth, monetization of everything (transforming all resources, virtuous qualities, even people into a monetary number equivalent) has become the order of the day. The religious values ‘switch’ is off and seems to be put in ‘cold storage’ as soon as people settle in their workplaces.
We can observe today that as humanity has become matured to handle the powers of creation, sustenance and destruction – just like God, the Dark Forces (called ‘Satan’ in Christian traditions or ‘Kali’ (the dominant dark force of the current age of ‘Kaliyuga’ in Indian traditions) – has gained a strong presence in living souls. One main goal of the Anti-Christ (Satan’s commander) is to divert us from listening to our inner voice – from where God has been speaking to us and sustaining us. Fostering spiritual values is a key agenda item that Satan wants to eliminate from the human psyche. The world is fast-becoming a ‘devil’s workshop’ – as professions that are detrimental to the human soul and the Earth – but catering to materialistic satisfaction and entertainment – are encouraged by Satan globally – as burning the source (i.e., the God within and natural resource outside that came from God) is Satan’s goal. People are more and more driven toward unsustainable and aggressive work to cooperate with Satan’s plan.
Going forward, we must change the dominant story in the consumerized world and adopt a story that is more sensitive to the global human and environmental crises and that recognizes Earth as a Living System – and provides other species their rightful places.
We must strive to live simply in our individual lives, honestly with all, compassionate with the poor and other species and reverent towards Mother Nature. We must realize that what we do to others and to Nature we do to ourselves eventually. God is indeed still staging His ‘leelas’ (divine games) through several agencies even today. The laws of Karma still hold good but are getting bundled and manifesting outward as ‘family karma’, ‘area karma’, ‘city karma’ and ‘country karma’. Climate Change is a critical global example of an ‘Earth Karma’ that has borne fruit in the last 2-3 decades and has been dispersed to all globally – regardless of whether they contributed to it or not.
We can re-attempt to experience Our Creator (God) as an ever-present energy moving around everywhere in each and every object of creation – and not merely as icons in a temple, mosque and church. Otherwise we stand to be disappointed that our prayers are not getting heard and fulfilled anymore through God. We must realize that the Gods of all religions and cultures are manifesting each second to us through our common base – our same source of sustenance for all i.e., Mother Earth – and through acts of genuine love, kindness, truth, equality and compassion – qualities that God of all religions represented from the start of Creation till now – and going forward as well.
Author’s website:
Yes, the realities r enlightened. At least the educated must change so as to make the next generations follow theirs. Yes, the focus is on money alone and other values r given a go-bye. Sad.The so called seers and mutt heads do nothing except concentrating their name, fame and money and other things which others can or r there to perform. In other words, everyone is trying to foray into others as to get recognition of their thinking and choice. That way the whole thing is getting digressed and the more important r totally ignored or forgotten. In today’s scenario, CORRUPTION is ruling the roost. This does more harm to the society.
Gods should not be dragged into political life. The spirit of secularism is being eroded and peoples attachments to religion are being strengthened. The word equality of all religions should replace with the word “secular” The word secular lacks sufficient constitutional validity.When Govt wants to treat all religions on equal footing why Govt has not enacted an Act/Law prohibiting conversions of Hindus with power of money etc? in particular in to other religions?
Gods or Goddesses do not change their roles to suit human tastes. The roles played thousands of years ago are roles being played now. It is we who who are changing their roles due to our selfishness.
India after independence ended up was still under an extensive influence of Britishers and Americans. Most of THE leaders of Then were Indian origin Brtishers and were almost blessed with British Government. Gandhiji, Nehru, Ambedkar, Patel , Jinha all were within limits allowed to become leaders as they , in opinion of Then the British Government would toe inline of British thinking. Britishers gave the idea of Hindus , Muslims Divide and also in a subtle manner had promoted Ambedkar with idea of Dalits and higher cast divide which was promoted by Brtishers while they ruled India. They selectively removed Bose, and Gosh both being intelligent to quickly grasp the undertone of Divide and Rule of Britishers. The Nehru Congress was run on Emotions of Nehru who left mess of all Northeastern states and J&K. Indira Continued the divide and introduced one more like Hindus , Sikhs, , Jains, apart from the well known Muslim Chritians and Dalits as well as the divide based on Languges , Tamilnadu for Tamils , Gujarat for Gujartis, etc. in short all politicians / political parties always planned that to rule Divide Indians / Hindus then they can Rule. That is the real basis for Secularism in our Contitution. Otherwise Hinduism or better the Sanatan Dharma is the real basis of human culture/ species. Our Class system is very clearly addressed by Lord Krishna in Gita at several places. It is the division of work based on the basic characteristics of the personality ( Prakruti ) based on the three Gunas and various attributes ( Vrittis). In last three chapters Lord describes this in total details. Because of significant lack og knowledge of Sankrut Language we have more misinterpretations than correct interpretations. The real Class difference is always the Rich And Poor. It was then and is now. Ossification on basis of Money is only one way and can be easily understood. The less understood classification of Rich and Poor is in , in born level of intellect ( Vivek Buddhi ), Patience ( dhruti ) Courage ( Veer Bhav ) etc. All these attributes are cause of thr differences in the individual personalities, which are again significantly affected by the three Gunas of Prakruti.
Compassionate feeling in people of well to do people is getting less and less. They pour money on temples but do not want to give to goshalas or other animal – environment NGO-s as they are not sure of the money being used for the cause. Only the compassionate feeling in Man can prevent him from becoming too Rajasic or Tamasic. Saatvic Nature and Compassion for all living beings go together. People consume milk and milk products but do not care how it is produced and in which condition the cows are kept. They do not care about factory farming either. They do not know, the western society is founded fully on rationalism and Indian society is not. Hence it is very very dangerous to copy the western thinking to apply in the Indian society life. In the west, people appreciate their being rational and this system is more than 2000 years old. Indians, even if they know about rationalism, they are not aware of the influence of it in the Indian societies. Without knowing what it is, Indians follow this new system calling it ” western ” and Lakshmism ( Capitalism ). It is dangerous and we are seeing the effects.
As we are living in era of ‘Kaliyug’ every thing seems to so complecated but still awareness of Almighty power is more. Prapancham is slowly degraded by mankind and hence all problems. Also it seems there were large no of sages, saints siddhars, yogis, munis etc to correct the mankind and to preserve the universe but its very rare to exist nowadays. Only materislistic goals are pursued.
Any way we are a blessed nation and we stiill continue to beleive in ethnic & religious values in this complex world.
Our coming generations will have the blessings and guidance from the dharma practised by Our Foreparents and saints. Our religious centers should contribute more than ever before to keep the traditions alive by not dividing on caste, creed or other dividers.
It is a great article worthy of being read carefully by all patriotic Hindus. All thinking Hindus must delve deep into it and devise ways and means of preserving and promoting our old values, tradition and culture.
The concept of a secular state giving equal status to all religions is dangerous one. This concept has given rise to religious persecution in the USA as the atheists, homosexuals and other groups are getting a foothold. India should remain a Vedic nation with her usual tolerance. This will ensure equal practice of all religions and at the same time preserve the great Vedic culture. Vedic or so-called Hinduism delivers all the benefits of a secular state and simultaneously preserves itself. This is the only system in the world that can do this.
Sanatana Dharma which was prevalent in this country had universal outlook and did not differentiate between
people and everybody was equal in the eyes of God or Nature (Prakriti) which even now operates without fear or favour and no one is above its laws. So there is some force above our knowledge and will acting in this world or say the Universe without which the natural laws cannot survive. Human life is full of limitations even though human spirit is said to be part of divine spirit ruling everything; we took birth with bare hands and at the time of death will leave without taking anything with us. Soul is immortal is our conception and the spiritual goal of life is to know our own self and merge with the Eternal. All these have become meaningless in the context of 21st century advances in science and technology. But these have not helped mankind to lead happy lives
than ever before. Peace and tranquility has escaped in majority of human lives knowingly and unknowingly. Unless our link with God is re-established there is no hope of leading a meaningful life. If we look back and read our scriptures we will get answers to all our questions and doubts but rarely anyone attempts that because we are secular meaning not bound by religion. Dark clouds are in the horizon but mankind will ultimately find way to the Immortal as it is said:
asatoma sadgamaya
tamasoma jyotirgamaya
mrityorma amritangamaya
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
I strongly believe we are all living in the end time as prophecised in revelation(Christian n islam), by Edgar casey and kalki puran. Also the current scientific data holds so for the change of age/axis/yug paribartan, new world age etc.
So yes, now is the time when humanity will choose sides. This is initially psychological battle, later to be precipitated into ww3. scenario. Currently both the energies, are really strong.
I have a different perception . Gods of Hindus are functionaries of paramatatwas Rita xcercises. .They are also subject to karmic cycles. They change every yuga cycle and are not permanent so not truth. They are needed to be respected just as a technician respects his superior you respect gurus devas and so on as every thing has an amsha of divinity that is paramatatwa. Let us not worry to much but try to be good engineers scientists technicians and respect each other and live in love. Let the gods mind their job
its true today that people have ignored what was to be adored and have led to live a more tortured life this has also arisen as people do not understand and neither try to find the real meaning of our scripts nor ever read them yet today the key to success is acheived only by the people who follow it
As a westerner who grew up with Santana Dharma, I weep with my heart for the great mother land of Bharata. With an unbroken chain of knowledge leading back to the grand Saptarishi’s, it is the one place on earth with an unbroken root to it’s past. In the west we have been broken. We have lost it all, we are empty shells of the former spiritual glory of our ancestors. Yet we crave so much to find our way back. So many here are India obsessed. We are taking on the gurus, the Vedas, the temple, puja, dharma, karma, and all. We are searching for the truth as the truth is stripped from its homeland. The rakshasa’s are working extra hard to uproot the great path from Bharata Mata , so that the west will own the cheap, misunderstood version and can sell it back,without its soul to the east. It is so important to embody this wisdom, especially those of you with the genetic link, to NOT forget your grandmothers and grandfathers. Fulfilling family dharma so the future generations can know that there is moksha, that there is a path, an eternal one, out of illusion.
The age of santana dharma can be traced to our present Lord Satanand Brama. His day called Kalp, is of 2.4 crores earth years.
He holds the position of Brahma for 100 Brahmalok yr,which translate into an approximately astronomical figure. The current Sweat Barah kalP started 54 lac yrs. So old is sanatan that we can’t measure. For 100 yrs of LOrd Brahma is just a day in Vishnu look and 100yrs in Vishnulok,is just one day in Rudralok. Now if you calculate,then you will go mad. That how much is sanatan,eternal….just as much we can digest.
Yes, Yes, an average Indian now is blindly following total materialism and lives in a body level only and as the song goes “kare dikhawa bhakti ka tu ujhale odey chaadariya”. Many a time I now feel when I was in our village in Palakkad with meagre existence resources we were very happy and now with all the things available I do not have that satisfied feeling.
This is a n extremely well written thought provoking article so sad. indeed. I remember forever the words of a wealthy Hindu friend. “religion is the balm of the poor:or it was religion is for the poor masses.
yet many of us in the west deeply respect Indias traditions perhaps through the spread of yoga, ayurveda. meditation. You in India must find your way back to the very foundations of true spiritual purpose. in this Kali Yuga
Dear all,
The s happenings of the moment is exactly what the Puranas & Vedas have foretold – as would happen in the Kaliyuga
Is there any use in us mortals trying to undo or work against the tenets as already laid down in the Puranas & Vedas?
The Kaliyuga is playing out its role perfectly – hence it is my personal opinion that trying to potray all the ill-happenings as an aberration of moving away from the almighty – frankly does not seem to hold water.
Accept Kaliyuga as it is – do not protest – try not to compare the Kaliyuga with the other yugas , viz, Mahayuga (or) Satya (or) Treta (or) Dvapara Yugas.
I am looked down in society because I am a brahmin & follow the rules as they have to be followed – I get heckled & also get a variety of names. I am also called as a person who lives in the past & not in the present. When I refuse to have my food in the multi star hotels stating that they are non-vegetarian – as most of them seem to have a common kitchen for both the vegetarian and non-vegetarian eating spots in their premises, I get strange looks & sometimes also lose the business as other prospective customers think there is something wrong with me – just because of my refusal to have food in a non-vegetarian place.
I am not perturbed by these or other incidents & am rather happy that the words given in the Vedas & Puranas about the state of KALIYUGA are being played out in full in front of my eyes.
All of us are everyday and every living minute proving the existence of God in the current period – the so called chaotic situations when compared to the older times seems to disturb our materialistic instincts
So rather than contemplating on the ill-effects that we seem to have been overwhelmed with in these times, it would be good to recognize the omni-present God in all these happenings & further our attention towards individual reverene towards the almighty.
Ultimately the essence of one’s belief is only between the almighty and the individual.
Let us not expect cooperation or help from others in builiding our individual bridges with God.
Nothing has become more worse than the past – nothing also seems to become worse in the future.
All seems to be happening exactly as it should be happening in kaliyuga.
Namaskar to all
Very well written.The solution lies in trying to be the embodiment of the change we want to see all around.A great sattwic shraddha is necessary.Rest is to be left to the Divine,whose universe it is anyway.OM Shanti,Shanti,Shanti.
Apt, thought provoking and good article and nice responses too.
Thank you all so much for your responses and for appreciating the article.
My prayers that the light of eternal truth shine needed clarity and peace in our lives.
Best Regards.
I completely accept your words Srinivasan undupa.feeling very sad to see our precious unparrelled uncomparable tradition mislead…god the everlasting ever ending begginigless and so many to say will protect us… right time n right day for right purpose n right reason….
Yes! This is Kaliyuga on Planet Earth – It was expected- So what? – Are you only human beings…bodies….manifesting on this Planet?????
You are immortal SOULS having a worldly experience…
Learn from the experience!
Do not forget who you really are!
No doubt the Constitution of India taken the step of India a -secular state. But eventually, pseudo-secularism has penetrated into every walk of life in India leading to vote- bank politics. Hinduism being a very secular religion , this aspect has not been emphasised but only lead to appeasement politics. I am a born Hindu firm believer and follower of the precious teachings of Hinduism.
Was impressed with a response (by Yuh Laban) to this article that India if following ‘Vedic Hinduism’ with usual tolerance is better than the secularist form (which we all know has been diluted seriously).
The Vedic version of Sanaatana Dharma was whole and secular within itself! No add-on secular labeling was necesary then. Can India re-orient Herself to that form (while doing justice to minorities) is something that needs debating by policymakers.
Deeply influenced by Mr. Srinivasan Udupa’s response to the article. Thought i may offer a few comments.
Although Kali yuga is happening as predicted down and down everyday seen taken as an aggregate. Its a safe bet that somewhere else its gone down this day – even if you had a happy day today within your sphere of life and influence!. A creative activity somewhere is balanced by a destructive counterpart elsewhere.
This being the case, still for God this is not new..He has seen several such Kali yugas earlier..He wants to save His children (many are ill-equipped, innocent ones hardly able to face guile and wickedness of Kaliyuga with self-determination as mentioned here). There will always be these innocent Saathvic subset of devotees for whom saints and Avataars descend to rescue and to educate these of the prevailing wickedness that we people need to continue making a bit of efforts, i feel.
If eveything is going towards extinction and none have to bother with raising /crying – then there will not have been a Kalki Avataar destined for this age – as by that time he arrives there will be NO Saathvic sections at all.
Hence, educating on prevailing evils and cautioning innocents and rescuing the distressed may have to be carried on till end of our time, i think. (Of course, these activities need to be balanced with our family needs and demands)
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba taught humanity of above issues being capable of seeing the future a hundred years back, He showed us the ways to tackle wickedness and stay rooted to God always – wherever one is pushed to in life.
Dear Friends:
Wanted to share a few observations that came seeing many empathetic responses to article.
1. It is quite sad but evident that the world is going downward slowly but surely towards extinction – if current feverish pace of consumption and lawlessness in humanity continues – a conclusion indeed well conforming to religious prophesies
of most world religions. Inter-planetary settlement is seen as a bail-out for developed nations.. but that remains to be seen.
2. Despite the bleak picture, we must find INNER PEACE within ourselves to fulfill our own short life journey. Some of us suffering individually or highly compassionate to world suffering face a hard time coping up. Inner peace must be our goal – selfish it may seem at times.
3. The best way for inner peace and moving towards salvation is by surrendering to GOD – as scriptures recommend for the dreaded Dark age of Kaliyuga. Next way to fulfill our Karmic debt to the cosmos is by helping the distressed and disadvantaged in whatever little ways possible. Some among the distressed will back-stab us undoubtedly. In fact all our life’s punya (good deeds) may be blurred out by Kali demon (such is Kali’s power) – but that is unavoidable.
We must try to focus on the purification of our Atma (soul) that results from our good deeds rather than on our social image – which will get allright in coming births. (Myself, I am writing this even now amidst hecklers – as few here shared! 🙂
May Peace and Strength be showered on those who try to lead a righteous life.
Please also see the ridicolous aspects of the failing west, cook it into funny comics and comedies, and just be Indians, Indians, Indians!
Today in the present situation almost all of the human race are getting highly, profoundly influenced by worldly pleasures and they are in darkness feeling that they are highly civilized and superior living things, the only thing which we can do to help them is praying for their enlightenment and one thing which I can say is Truth does not need publicity and Truth need not crave for recognition.It exists the whole time.
An excellent, thought provoking article which takes off mundane mind towards higher level of thinking, towards God and His wonderful creation. Man should divert his mind towards spiritualism if at all he wants live in peace and tranquility.
God has also changed his role at TIRUPATI BALAJI temple. A temple is supposed to be equal for all…race, religion, poor rich.
But at this temple, those coming in BMW cars bringing with them cash and Jewellery are given priority to enter immediately while others have to buy tickets from a bank and then line up like slaves, galley slaves in cage like structure and couple of hours later can reach the sanctum. WHY WHY WHY WHATS THE RATIONALE?
Thanks Mr. Bandhu for appreciating the contents and message of the article. Mr. Bhagwan has pointed out the sad but openly seen distinctions between devotees with pots of money and those having lesser. Population could be one reason for this inequality in recent years (and perhaps just magnetic attachment to the powerful and rich – an attitude we find increasingly found everywhere just as prophesied in Puraanas such as Vishnu Puraan, Kalki Puraan etc. on Kali Yuga )