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U.Sanjeeva Rao

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Everything posted by U.Sanjeeva Rao

  1. Dear friend Amateur, I am happy to be in this forum like you. If we can help some with our knowledge, i think we are doing our duty. with best wishes, USR
  2. Divyaji, A natural malefic Saturn is also a functional malefic for you.Moon is your lagna lord.The said yoga can function only if they are within 9 Degrees from each other.(Arc of influence).If they are in this arc, then the result can be , children may become notorious and disobedient.% influence varies depending on their closeness. Remedy is facify the malefic Saturn by prayers and strengthen Moon by wearing a pearl(s). Best wishes......
  3. Sri Moorthy, Do you want Muhurtha for Dt: 24-1-2010 or 24-1-2011 ? The second reply refers to 24-1-2010 (Vakya Panchangam) which is aleadygone.Pl clarify. USR
  4. Dear aak131, Love or arranged marriage ? Generally this is a common question for all grownup girls.In your horoscope the planets responsible for love marriage are Mars and Saturn.Both are retrograde and are in 3rd.They restrict you in expressing yourself openly, your inclination for the person you love and want to marry. Better you leave this to your elders to decide.If you love somebody, tell your elders and let them decide. with best wishes, USRao
  5. Dear Tau, Any dream is the result of subconscious mind working ventilating your experiances and observations giving rise to fear and hopes.You have mentioned August instead of July for 7th month.Seeing death indicate your soul is preparing you to face challenges in your life and smiling boy waving at you indicate your inner strenghts to face the fear. Have courage and develop moral strength by good and +thinking. Before sleep, read any good book by religious gurus like Sri Bhagavat Gita,Sri Vivekananda etc. USR
  6. Dear Jagguji, Jupitor is your second house and 5th house lord resposible for earning money and guiding your intellect.He is in 12th Vyaya (loss or expenditure) sthana .Next Rahu aspect or presence in 2nd house leads the native to all bad habits including gambling.In your horoscope Rahu from 8th is aspecting 2nd along with 10th and 11th lords and by transit Rahu is in 2nd till 5/2011.Restrain your habits ,otherwise you may get into serious trouble. Remedy can be pray Mata Parvathi and Lord Shiva. USR
  7. The three eclipses effect seems to be showing its malefic influence in the drought , economic recession, unemployment,loss of moral values etc.In the near future the path of destruction may be more enroute the eclipses and their shadows moved . It seems it has influenced this forum also. There is a general saying that one hour of lunar eclipse has it's effect for one lunar month and one hour of solar eclipse has effect for one solar year. We have to take the country as a whole and calculate the period of effect. For individuals as per their birth place. What K.N.Rao says in this matter. No effect of eclipses.
  8. Dear Vikas, As per the new rules of this forum only Vedic astrology discussions are permitted.You can't ask personal reading of your horoscope.Pl take permission from the admin for replying you. with best wishes, USR
  9. Dear Jagannath, wrt your PM. Medical astrology is more like postmortem .Remedies are from Vedic texts.In your case to know the reasons more exactly the given information is not enough.Pl let us know your habits,association with any patients who had TB, anybody in your family sufferred with similar health problems and any job/residence with asbestos/chemicals related.Have you felt any serious health related issues at any time prior to this diagnosis ? Diseses sometimes come with birth and sometimes by other means.You can shed some light on the above points.You can mail me if you feel so. with best wishes, USR
  10. Dear Srinivasji, Don't feel sorry. Such mistakes are common to all and can be corrected. At least there is somebody to reply. This forum requires more astrologers to reply. with best wishes, USR
  11. The native is more materialistic ,makes lot of money and keeps his/her siblings under his/her control if possible and gets name.But the native is likely to become an atheist.What ever the houses Guru aspects gives materialistic advantage without much human feeling .Saturn in 9th in his own house a trine gives an advantage from father,subordinate workers , travels,higher education etc with conflicting controls between parents and this native.I think you are asking about your chart my dear gOld and more likely you are a female.You are at liberty to correct me .
  12. Dear Atul, Lagna lord Mars in 12th and Ketu in 2nd perfectly reflects the events including in your family/personal life happenings .Added to this the Sukra Mahadasa with Guru antardasa started from 6/2008 to 2/2011 in 8-6 relation is a testing period for you.Sukra is combust.Goru is retro. What I feel is ,you have to propitiate these planets . The simple way is ,have a panchaloha idol combiing Lord Shiva,Parvathi,sri Ganesh and Sri Kumaraswamy in a single mould,keep it facing north east or east direction,offer flowers,light a lamp,prasad etc early in the morning when you start your business and pray. with best wishes, USR
  13. I thought my language is simple. You are able to put so many questions reading my reply.It is simple. Reciting 18,000 times etc of a mantra is not required. Sincere whole hearted prayers by you with devotion give better results.My observations are given taking into account the position of planets and more so of debilitated Rahu and Ketu. I think remedial measures can neutralise the malefic effects. For leading normal life too much stress on spirituality is not welcome. This is what I mean.
  14. Smt skokie, Hope i can add a little to the above valuable advices. 1. Present ashtama Shani dasa ends by 9-9-2009 ending two and half years of suffering.Things will be ok afterwards as far as Shani is concerned. 2. Present Rahu mahadasa antardasa of Sun ends by 2/2010. They are in 6-8 relation .Sun is exalted and Rahu is debilitated.Ketu debilitated in 6th with 7th and 10th lord Mercury and 6th lord venus in 6th may cause a bit frustration in the married life with your so called spirituality.To some extent it may disturb your health. Pray Durga mata(Sri Durga Saptasathi),lord Ganesh and Sri Vishnu by simple prayers.Light a lamp,offer prasad etc.Don't waste time and money in reciting mantras,rituals etc. Help poor and old people whenever you feel like. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with your chart. wish you good luck, USR
  15. Durgaji, She need not be afraid of failure.The present Guru mahadasa fulfills her wishes.In addition to the above remedies let her pray Sri Durga mata by reading Sri Durga Saptasati.Let her not wear ruby.If she likes she can wear a diamond in a pendant or ear tops. with best wishes, USR
  16. Durgaji, The said combination of lords of kendras Sani,Kuja and Chandra in a trine 9th house should generally give her good benefits related to the lagna,2nd,4th,7th and 11th houses as well as 9th house.There may be some reasons for their failure to give the results. 1.Moon combination with Sani. It generally delays marriage.I don't know whether the lady is married yet or not. 2.She is in Shani sadesath first part which gets over by 9/9/09. Second and 3rd part are pending.What Shani does require analysis. 3.Shani is retro and 9th lord Budha is combust and retro. 8th lord Sun in 5th spoils her love relations with combust retro Budha the 6th and 9th lord.It is mostly arguments and anger even with parents. Only Prayers/puja to Sri Vishnu,Shani and Lord Shiva helps. She need not wear any gem at present. Perhaps this may help to get better results in her present retro Guru MD and Shani sadesath. Best wishes, USR
  17. Dear Soul300, If predictions are 100% accurate, people need not do any work,need not pray.....everything comes to them. Astrology only guides you what is likely to happen in your future life and to some extent about those related to you. Predicting death is the last purpose of Astrology. Bad events that may happen are to be told without using harsh language and suggest remedies to reduce the malefic effects. It all depends on the etiquette on the part of the astrologer (true/false). Because of one bad experiance with one astrologer(male/female) the only guiding tool can't be set aside. with best wishes, USR
  18. Dear Unanth, Entire Ashtama Shani period is not bad for you. Transit period from 10-9-2009 till 25-11-09 and 6-3-10 to 18-8-10 are Vedha periods.You have to take care of your health.Puja to Lord Shani on Saturdays and donating sesame seeds to brahmins gives relief.Also donate for feeding the poor and aged people helps. In your natal chart Shani is in 6-8 relation to your Moon(Birth star),so regular prayers to Sri Hanumanji / Shani brings success and removes hurdles. with best wishes, USR
  19. Dharma Sindhu Effect of eclipse wrt to natal Moon in an individual horoscope If it is in Janma Nakshatra proper Shanti Puja to lord Shiva is to be performed. If it is not possible a donation is required with the help of a pujari.. For Solar eclipse a Surya bimba and naga bimba made in gold has to be donated.For Lunar eclipse a Chandra bimba and Naga bimba made in silver has to be donated. 2nd,5th,7th,9th to JR,effect is average. Snanam,puja and danam are required. 3rd,6th,10th,11th no effect.Bathing and puja. 1st,4th,8th,12th .Bad.Snanam,Shanti puja is required. Those born in Karkataka lagna should avoid seeing lunar eclipse. Those born in Simha lagna should avoid seeing solar eclipse. Those who are in MD/AD of Chandra (for lunar eclipse) and Ravi(for solar eclipse) have to do proper shanti puja for getting the full benefits of those dasas. Those who are in Rahu or ketu dasa should not travel together in the same vehicle on this day. The parents should not see the grahanam if it is happening in the birth star of their eldest son. This information can be used by those who wish to do on their own will and need. This information is based on sacred texts and from books by Vedic pandits .So I am unable to answer any questions on this. http://books.google.com/books?id=v4DKw7mlQw8C&pg=RA1-PA29&lpg=RA1-PA29&dq=Rahu+and+Ketu+in+Matsya+Purana&source=bl&ots=r8CQ9s6J0B&sig=R-vaTerlb0Bcy_I9cyWi-edYYxY&hl=en&ei=YPNiSrfjLsmAkQX2huXwDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1 The above hyperlink gives some more information. In addition the “Matsya Purana” of Shri Veda Vyasa chapter 67 contains the required information.
  20. Varaha Mihira's Brihat Samhita Translated with commentary by Sri M.Ramakrishna Bhat Part 1 page 68 can be referred wrt to eclipses and rituals. Similarly Dharma Sindhu contains information .These are some and more by regional pandits like Sri Mulugu Ramalingeswara Varaprasad Sidhanti from AP (Not ponga pandits as mentioned by Shri K.N.Rao who hails from AP(sick of his language) ) mention the effects and remedies wrt natal horoscopes. Their intension is to help people and not to harm.It is for the individual to accept or deny. It is against the sanskara of learned people to abuse others who are in their own profession after getting inspiration reading from western novels.Only copy cats like him don't like other eminent people in their field.Shri K.N.Rao by this made his real real nature before the public.Our guides are only the sages and seers and not the translators. Even such references in this forum I personally consider it as against the basic behaviour of a vedic astrologer who is supposed to be pious as suggested by our seers. I wish this clears the doubts on the effect of eclipses on natal horoscope.Mundane astrology also deals with this about rulers and nations.
  21. We can't comment on Shri K.N.Rao's comments."Yachako yachaka Satruhu" is valid in every profession. He is a sharp critic of his rivals not you or me ,we are not yet identified.No other astrologer comments like him. If we want to be practical we need not believe in astrology including Muhurtha. Out of the entire human race,not even 0.001% know about astrology.Out of these very few bother about these subjects except few hundred who read these posts. When stalwarts are confused about how many days are to be applied for a year and which ayanamsa is correct, where is the accuracy of dasa and antardasa start and end periods which varies by days and months.Same is the case for muhurtha fixing.It goes by belief. We should not become fanatics of a subject which only guides and not an accurate science.
  22. Dear Atul, We use Parasari and to some extent Jaimini in general predictions.Tajak is also used for Annual Horoscopy based on Solar return which is famous in the West and Arabic countries.Now the west is looking towards Vedic Parasari system for more accurate predictions.I found most of the US book stalls store more books on Vedic astrology and sell.Their contribution without any reservation is nice. The KP system also gives good results. I feel a good astrologer if he is familiar with these systems and read the charts from all these angles, the reason for various issues becomes clear and the predictions can be near accurate. I generally go by Parasari,but if the chart is complicated to crack the code I apply KP as well as Jaimini and method of other respected Astrologers like Sri B.V.Raman,Sri K.P. Rao and many great authors/sages to whom we are all indebted .We are all life time students of this subject. But Ashtama Shani is very powerful and one has to realise by one's own experiance.Only prayer and good deeds saves. with best wishes, USR
  23. Smt RUGS, To help a worried mom,you, i am tempted to add these few observations. The present Mahadasa is of Rahu with antardasa of Budha till 6/2011.They are in 8-6 relation.Rahu is in 12th.Budha is 2nd and 11th lord the main lord for inviting and adding a new family member in your daughter's life.Budha is in 7th in the house of 7th lord Shani. Lord Shani moves to 2nd by 10-9-2009. To solve her problems few things are to be done by her. Shanti puja to Rahu. Regular prayers to Shri Vishnu or Tirumala Balaji. Reciting Suryashtakam regularly. When Lord Shani moves to Kanya rasi by 10-9-2009, she can expect good results. Good luck to her. USR
  24. Smt Sowmya, I will reply you after Sri Sasisekaranji replies.His analysis is indepth and valuable.My predictions are too soft which sometimes I feel shouldn't be so. with best wishes, USR
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