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About ImperatrixMundi

  • Birthday 08/27/1969


  • Location
    Huntington Beach, CA, USA

ImperatrixMundi's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Probablyankita, Just your e-mail address. I would like to communicate with you outside of the forum. Sincerely, Christal
  2. Dear ProbablyAnkita, Could you please e-mail me: imperatrixmundi@aol.com? Christal
  3. Dear Sanjay, I am not an expert in Vedic Astrology but I can MOST definitely relate to the physical and mental anguish you are clearly going thru at this time. It is not going to be easy but you can get thru this period. My suggestion to you is to seek medical attention for your health issues as soon as possible. Do not let the stress get to you any more than it has. I know this is easier said than done and my prayers are with you. Sincerely, Christal
  4. Dear Pablo, I too have my moon in Shatibishak. Could you possibly give me your opinion of it? My moon is in pada 1. Sincerely, Christal
  5. Dear Deepa, I'm not sure if you need this info but the coordinates are: Latitude: 38N40'51 Longitude: 85W10'46 Sincerely, Christal
  6. Thanks Deepa here it is... Dear Imperatrixmundi, I find that Saturn in 9th house from ascendent is retrograde and debilitated caused the problems in its Sani Mahadasa and Venus Subdasa started on 14thMarch-2005 and ends by 13th May 2008. Saturn is the lord of 6th and 7th (Husband) house. Venus is in 12th house to Lagna. It is 8-6 relation to Moon the lord of the 12th house.Venus is in the constellation of Saturn. Loss of father and breaking in of marital relationship happened during this period. As it is ,your horoscope promises good earning, good children and good health. The prospect of second marriage is during Saturn Mahadasa and Moon subdasa starting from 26th April 2009 to 25th Nov 2010. But as Saturn is highly malefic ,the running period is Saturn Mahadas ,you have to pray Lord Saturn regularly (I don't know how you do ,as you belong to diffent religious belief) or gift food items , cloths ,money to sick, old ,poor and needy people on every Saturday ,as much as you can, to get benefic results. and Yes. Your ascendent is Leo.Your birth star is Satabhisha 2nd pada(step).Venus is in Pushyami 1st pada. Least think of Blue saphire. You don't require any Gemstone. If you still feel like to have one, wear a diamond. Follow the advice wrt remedies. Good Luck. USR. <!-- / message -->
  7. Dear Deepa, Thank you for replying. I came from a very rural lower middle class family and my parents divorced when I was still a baby. I have a good relationship with my mom but had a terrible one with my dad. He passed away in July, 2004 but my mom is still here. I have one half sister from my father but she is younger than me and no brothers that I'm aware of. I married on Oct, 1990 and we divorced September of 2006. I have one daughter and she was born in 1991. The business that we built together was very profitable and it allowed us to actually support some of our extended family members. So business life was good but definately not family life. It is never easy to work with your spouse or other family members. I have travelled quite a bit out of the country and would like to do so in the future. I hope this answers your questions... please let me know if you need any additional information. USR had suggested some rememdies that I have followed and since I am feeling better, I would say they do indeed work. Thank you Deepa! As far as my religious background, I guess you could say I'm gnostic in thought with strong eastern beliefs. I'm very open to all beliefs. I am a mix of european & native american lineage but not Russian. That was just the font that I was using and I think it's Greek but I could be wrong.
  8. Dear Deepa, I have been reading your posts and I would really appreciate it if you would look at my chart. The entire year of 2007 was apsolutely hell for me. While I did divorce in September of 2006 (this was a mutal agreement and brought me great relief) we decided to sell all of our assets to split evenly. My ex-husband and I had a business together for over 12 years that we sold in December of 2006. The person that bought it did not pay us all of the money owed to us we took her to court. This costs us thousands of dollars and as a result of the events that followed, I lost my home and most of the things that mattered to me. While she did finally pay us most of what she owed to us just March of this year, the damage had already been done. Needless to say, I was deeply depressed over this. Things are much better now as I feel at least that is issue is finally behind me. I know, see and feel that I am in a "do over" stage in my life and I am very optimistic about the future. My birth details are: DOB: August 27, 1969 Time: 5:36 am, DST (I think Kentucky observed DST at that time) Location: Carrollton, Kentucky, USA Latitude: 38N40'51 Longitude: 85W10'46 U. Sanjeeva Rao was kind enough to look at my chart a couple of months ago and he has my ascendant as Leo, which does seem to fit in with most of the events in my life. I have started another business and it's about ready to go and I would like to know your thoughts on if it will succeed? Also if you could tell me what your think about my Rahu-Moon combination and Ketu-Sun combination? There was a partial eclipse when I was born. I've heard everything from it's a sign of psychic abilities or one is just a lunatic. LoL What are your thoughts? Do you see any karmic issues I may need to work out in this life as well? I just broke up with my boyfriend and we had been dating for a year so I'm sure I have definately have relationship issues. Anything you would care to share would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Christal
  9. Hello Everyone, I have a question about chart rectification. If your lagna is changed in the Rasi chart, does it also change lagna in the Navamsha chart as well? Sincerely, christal
  10. Hello Mr. U.Sanjeeva Rao, Can you recommend any reputable vedic astrologers in Southern California? Sincerely, Christal
  11. Dear Mr. U. Sanjeeva Rao, Thank you SO much. You are right, my father died during that time as well as my divorce was final too. This means I am a Leo Ascendant and my Venus is in the Nakshatra Pushaya, right? Should I wear a blue sapphire as well? I really do appreciate you help and my religious belief isn't as different as you may think. Sincerely, ImperatrixMundi
  12. Dear Mr. U. Sanjeeva rao, Is it possible for you to review my chard? The info is below. TIME OF BIRTH :-5:36am DST DATE OF BIRTH:-August 27, 1969 PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY.:- Carrollton, Kentucky, USA SEX :- Female Your current status : Studying / Service / Business:- Business Educational background:- Some college Work Industry and current salary.:- Education; barely making ends meet Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember:- My marriage on Oct 7, 1990 and my divorce in September 2006. My daughter was born in 1991. Family background;- lower middle class Father : Business / Service / Industry etc.. factory worker HE passed away from Cancer a couple of years agp/ .Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc. :- Service industry Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details N/A Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details One half sister (younger) from father's second marriage. I am a product of his first marriage. I am respectfully requesting any information about my career and marriage prospects. I believe (but not sure) that I am running a Sat/Venus dasha right now and the last 12 months have been trying. Sincerely, Imperatrixmundi@aol.com PS: Also I am curious if my Ätmakäraka is either Mars or Rahu.
  13. Hello Sasisekaran Chennai, Thank you for your reply but I am not married and do not plan on getting married before Sept, 2008. ImperatrixMundi
  14. Dear Lilly, My Birth details are below: TIME OF BIRTH :-5:36am DST DATE OF BIRTH:-August 27, 1969 PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY.:- Carrollton, Kentucky, USA SEX :- Female Your current status : Studying / Service / Business:- Business Educational background:- Some college Work Industry and current salary.:- Education; barely making ends meet Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember:- My marriage on Oct 7, 1990 and my divorce in September 2006. My daughter was born in 1991. Family background;- lower middle class Father : Business / Service / Industry etc.. factory worker Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc. :- Service industry Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details None Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details One half sister (younger) from father's second marriage. I am a product of his first marriage. I am respectfully requesting any information about my career and marriage prospects. I believe I'm in a Sat/Ven dasha right now and the last 12 months have been awful. Can you see when I could possibly get some relief? Sincerely, Imperatrixmundi@aol.com
  15. Dear ayurveda4uall, My name is Christal and I'm actually very fond of sapphires, rose quartz and of course, crystals. LoL I just recently started reading into Vedic Astrology and I have been using Parashara's Light software. That says that Cancer is the acendant with Venus in the first house. I also believe that I have a Yoga Karaka because of Mars in my 5th. house in Scorpio. I'm mostly concerned about that I have a moon in Aquarius in Shatabhishak, in the 8th house with Rahu was present. I was born during a partial eclipse and I have no idea what that means in vedic astrogy and i would greatly appreciate it could help me. I would like to know if it's bad omen or if its okay...and ofcouse the gerneral meaning of it. I'm also in Sa-Ve Mahadasha and I've heard horror stories under Saturn Dasha and so far, they are true. I've lost everything that meant anything to me last year.....and the odd thing is every keeps telling me that I could meet my future husband during this time. So if anyone could look at my chart and give me sort of guesstimation that would be great. I actually live in Orange County, CA. Sincerely, Christal
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