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  1. Respected Guruji Please find my details below: Time of Birth : 4:10 PM. Date of Birth : 4th September 1972 Place of Birth : Bhowali/Uttarakhand/India Sex: Male Current status: Service Educational Background,Work Industry and Current salary: B.Tech., Software, 50,000 Major Events : (1) Have to struggle a lot to get selected in engineering, during the period 1990-1993 (2) In year 2000 went to US, but was not able to settle permanently, and has to leave us in July 2001 (3) In 2002 My wife has to undergo two knee operations between july-october......one in india and one in US, during that time I WAS IN uNITED sTATES AGAIN Family Background : Father: Retired from Service Mother : House wife Brothers: One brother in IT industry, one is struggling to get job. Sisters: She is happily married. QUERY : WHERE IS MY CAREER HEADING TO, I AM CONFUSED ABOUT MY CAREER, IS THERE ANY CHANCE OF SETTLING ABROAD IN NEAR FUTURE, AND CHANCE OF JOB CHANGE.....WILL THE JOB WILL GIVE SUFFICIENT MONEY TO ME
  2. Like for example in year 2002 (in July) and in the same year (in october) my wife's both knee's were operated, one (left knee) was operated in india and other right knee was operated in America. Also we got married in December 2001. We got our first daugter in July 2004 and expecting the second child in august-september this year, Is it sufficient?>
  3. Thanks for your great help Here are the birth details of my wife : can you please provide the light on her health front regards details Birth 24 March 1978 Birth time: 10:30 PM Birth place : Haldwani (Uttarakhand)
  4. I am having some problems in personal and professional front, can some please tell me what would be the health of my wife for coming two years and where my career is heading to, Is there any chance of Job change in near future (in coming one year) and is there any chance of settling abroad...I would be really greatfull to you.....Your help is deeply appreciated My Details: My Date of Birth is 4th September 1972, Birth Time = 4:10 PM Place of Birth = Bhowali (Nainital, Uttarakhand)
  5. Jai Shri Ram Thank you very much smt. deepa bhandari, Can you please further give the light to the subject that the period is not good for my wife....How long this period would be..How can i remedy these situations..also is there any prospect of career change in near future Best Regards Hem
  6. Jai Shri Ram, My Date of Birth is 4th September 1972, Birth Time = 4:10 PM Place of Birth = Bhowali (Nainital, Uttarakhand) I need to find out starting from this year will there be any improvement in my life as far as career and personal life is concerned, As just Now My Mahadasha of Venus is started. Thanks For Your Help
  7. Hi My Date of Birth is 4th September 1972, Birth Time = 4:10 PM Place of Birth = Bhowali (Nainital, Uttarakhand) I need to find out starting from this year will there be any improvement in my life as far as career and personal life is concerned, As just Now My Mahadasha of Venus is started. regards Hem
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