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  1. Hello Deepaji and everyone else, I know that Deepaji has said that there are probabilities that some job could come in for my husband during these 6 months. But chances are better after these six months. But the big question is how do we survive till then? Can anyone see any remedy? Things are really bad - no income for my husband since jan 2008. I understand it's kantaka shani but surely there must be some way to please shani devta? Regards, Pinky
  2. Deepaji, any input? Is there nothing that we can do? will God never be kind to us? I have begun to question our karma a lot of date, can't see any harm done to anyone. best regards, pinky
  3. Deepaji, We pray and pray and pray and pray but nothing is working. yesterday my husband got a job offer and I thought that at last God is being kind to us and now today the job offer has disapeared as the company suddenly discovered internal candidates and don't need to employ people. I promise that this is not the first time such things have happened. It always happens. Please, what should we do? we are doing with one salary since a long time and it's becoming harder and harder. Any remedies, anyone? Best regards, Pinky
  4. Deepaji, if I have interpreted your reply correctly my husband will get a job but after 6 months. Is this correct? If it is so, things won't be easy for our family (economically and mentally) for the next 6 months. We were hoping for a temporary job to keep things going till my husband's future got better. Anything we can do? Regards, pinky
  5. Deepaji, should I ask him to keep busy by going to courses etc because sitting at home makes him agitated? He keeps applying for job and waiting but I think he should do something else to keep himself occupied. 6 months is a long time for him, I feel his pain but unfortunately can't do anything. Do you really see some change Deepaji regarding his career? Regards, Pinky
  6. Hello deepaji, I'm sorry to trouble you again but things haven't improved a bit. We had high hopes from one company but that failed too yesterday. We are totally heartbroken. Please deepaji, tell me very honestly, how long will this phase continue for my husband? If he cannot get a job now, I'll have to find ways to keep him busy as he is becoming very restless. He gets into conflict with the children all the time at home , I understand that he is very troubled but can't help him. I feel like I'm drowning. No matter what we do, nothing good comes out in the end. Desperately need your help. Regards, Pinky
  7. Hello Deepaji, An observation: My husband always gets bad news(regarding job)on wednesdays. Things do not materialize while negotiating for a job and this always happens on wednesdays. He tries avoiding such meetings on wednesdays but somehow they always turn up that way. Are we just imagining things or does it have correlation with his stars? Best regards, Pinky
  8. Hello Deepaji, I'm wearing emerald 5 1/2 rati on my left hand little finger. Is it ok to continue with it? Any input on my question? Regards, pinky
  9. Hello Deepaji, I have a question. I'm wearing emerald 5 1/2 rati on my left hand little finger. Is it ok to continue with it? Regards, pinky
  10. Thanks deepaji. My husband will switch his ring(white pukhraj) on this friday itself. Hope God shows some mercy on us and gives him some success. Regards and thanks a lot Deepaji. May God grant you a rich and fulfilling life. //Pinky
  11. Thanks a million Deepaji. Are white topaz and white pukhraj the same gem? Sorry for my ignorance. Can my husband just switch the ring from his right hand index finger to right hand middle finger? After washing with water and unboiled milk and chanting Mantra: "Om Shum Shukraye Namah Om" on friday between sunrise and 11:00 A.M? Regards, pinky
  12. Dear Deepaji, I had a question. I keep praying to God and have faith in his justice. I would really like to help my husband and if being a partner in his bank account helps, I'm more than willing to do it. My only fear is that our steady income doesn't get disrupted as we have children too. What do you advice? Can it affect my income? Also my husband wears a white pokhraj in his right hand index finger. Is it ok to combine diamond/american diamond with it (in middle finger right hand)? Regards, pinky
  13. Deepaji, I keep praying to God and have faith in his justice. I would really like to help my husband and if being a partner in his bank account helps, I'm more than willing to do it. My only fear is that our steady income doesn't get disrupted as we have children too. What do you advice? Regards, pinky
  14. Dear Deepaji, You said that I may ask my husband to make me a partner in bank account where he can accept the future salary as during an 8th house dasha, partner benefits and the native loses. Will this affect my income? This is an important detail to check as I'm the only earning member in my family right now(we have 2 children also). Sorry for asking so many questions but now my faith seems to waiver since we have lived on faith all these years and all our positive efforts have gone in vain. We are actually quite disheartened. Regards, Pinky
  15. Hello Deepaji, Any chances of my husband getting a job soon? You said that is a passing phase. When will this phase end? Regards, Pinky
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