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aditya g m sastry

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About aditya g m sastry

  • Birthday 10/15/1989


  • Biography
    Im an engineering student from bnglor interested in vedanta and culture. I'am very religious.
  • Location
  • Interests
    carnatic music, vedic maths and reading and reciting mantras and stotras.
  • Occupation
    Im doing my 1st year engineering

aditya g m sastry's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. dear deeptha I would suggest u name him Sudarshana or even Srivatsa or Srinatha. Giridhara rfers to Krishna holding the giri to save the residents of gokula. Hayagreeva refes to Vishnu as god of knowledge with athe face of a horse.If you want to name him 'visist' it is good but do name him 'vasistha' as 'visist' sound out of place and very north indian. Vasistha maharishi himself would not like 'visist'. All the best with your child and 'ayushmanbhava' to him.
  2. Krsna as i have observed you must be a follower of the Iskcon tradition. Your subject was very thoughtful. but you must know that the acharyas of various sampradayas were incarnations of gods themselves. There are reasons for behind their births. As they were already knowledgible they just had to learn from their teachres so as to show to the world that every person can be educated in similar ways.
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