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vinod halai

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  1. jay shree swaminarayan may purna purushottam bhagwan guide us all and may he forgive us all and may he bless us all i am daas's daas ka daas i love swaminarayan bhagwan and am the follower of AMDWAD DESH NARNARAYAN DEV GADI and more specifically fron the fellowship of BHUJ KUTCH NARNARAYAN DEV. iread all this comments on bhaktas of differvt faiths trying to proove themselves right and in the process accusing each other,calling each other "fools" and "stupid" my eyes are wet and tears runnind unstopably thrugh my eyes come on bhktos we are the followers of sanatan vaidic dharma we r not fanatics my personal philosophy is and will always be that "Swaminarayan Bhagwan is sarwopari ane he is the avtari" but to proove that i will not like to down size or offend any avtars of swayam bhagwan i apologise to u all on behalf of all for using this kind of language against each othe to proove that purna purushrttam bhagwan is purn purushottan bhagwan may MAHARAJ forgive us all and help us have a better understanding of himself
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