When things are not explained to you they do not make sense. I was told there are gods but nothing else. I began to question and question and still got no answers. I started to question in my early teens. They believed Krishna, of course, but they did not answer my questions because none of them read the Gita or any other religious scripture. It was and has been anything goes in my family. So they believed in Krishna, Maa, Buddha, 24 Tirthankaras... etc. All this seemed all too confusing. What did I do then? I rejected it. I respect Buddhism (being nuetral on the subject of god) and Jainism (being atheistic) as a philosophy. They are NOT religions for me. In fact, my family do not even know that Jainism is an atheistic philosphy.
Also, I am saying Krishna is making more and more sense to me. I am not saying I have become a believer completely. I am serious about this. But thank you for your advice. I do not think it is wrong to learn about him from other believers. In a sense I did ask you to "sell" him to me, but I never meant sell him to me like a commodity. I meant share what your experiences are with him, but I meant that in a respectful way. What are forums for? For learning after all.
I have taken time out of beliefs. Plenty of time. Atheists do not live each day chanting "there is no god, there is no god". The thought does not come into your head every minute of the day. Therefore, it does not require belief to be an atheist. When you are born, do you have a belief system? A baby has no belief system at all. Information is fed into your brain. I did not have much knowledge of science or evolution when I became an atheist. I still suck at science. I guess it is a belief system to a believer though.
I am only trying to learn. Please guys, do not try to make it difficult for me or try to discourage me. I have been doing a bit of research about Jesus and Krishna and I have found so many simularaties which has made me do some thinking. Doesn't mean I will become Hindu. Doesn't mean I'll become Christian. Doesn't mean I'll become Muslim. I also do NOT believe that religion is a belief system, it is a way of life to those who follow it and accept it. But whatever I accept (and if I do), its got to be a path that accepts all paths and discriminates none. This is what draws me to Krishna.
Thank you.