hello mister, miss,
I am a 57 years old men of Europe, Belgium. Doing sports 3 times a week (running)and a full time job.Born on 16 april 1951 near Antwerp. Always looking for healthy ways of living and also doing meditation one's a week.
I eat a lot of vegetables, pure veg, oils, like nuts, having a good cholestorol of 156 just on pure eating everything, even butter.A good balance between HDL and LDL. The one weak thing is that i like sometimes good black Belgian chocolate and that i see thereafter the problems on my skin. Maybe its to heavy:eek2: , but so delicious . It contains lots of good components, like anti-oxydants, minerals.
Another thing is that i cannot well to the sun, burns easy, but i took no action to protect me in the past. No i am more conscious about it.
What can you suggest ?
I think that i am a pitta type, full of idea's, need lots of diversity, like nature very much and doing gardening in my free time. trying to cultivate different things from all over the world. Even ashwagandha was one's growing in it:)
thank in advance
ps) in a few months my son comes to India Coimbatera to organise some job.