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  1. It would be great, if you could predict as when my marriage will take place. Tha Feb was quite bad at my home with my parents getting ill seriously with health problems. Now they are recovering well, but they get depressed because of my marriage getting late. Below are my details: 22-feb-1980 time - 9.50pm place - mumbai Can you please have a look and let me know as when and how my marriage will take place? Will it be love or arranged marriage? any details about my would be husband, like how he will be . etc? Thank you very much in advance.
  2. Thank you WebYogiji. But the boy backed out and we anyway decided not to forward. But it would be great, if you could predict as when my marriage will take place. Tha Feb was quite bad at my home with my parents getting ill seriously with health problems. Now they are recovering well, but they get depressed because of my marriage getting late. Below are my details: 22-feb-1980 time - 9.50pm place - mumbai Can you please have a look and let me know as when and how my marriage will take place? Will it be love or arranged marriage? any details about my would be husband, like how he will be . etc? Thank you very much in advance.
  3. Can you please check following details of boy and girl and let me know if they are a good match for marriage? Boy has been told Kalsarpa yoga. Would it be advised to go ahead with it The boy seems good otherwise, but seems a bit aggressive sometimes. So, the girl is confused whether to go ahead or not. It would help a great deal if you can match Patrika of these 2 and let us know if it is wise to go ahead with this proposal. Thanking you all in advance.
  4. Thank you so much Sir. I am really obliged. Thanks again. His birth date in March 9, 1980. I dont know the time and place, but may be at Hyderabad. When can be the right time to ask?
  5. Thank you so much, Sir. Is it possible to get some details about groom-to-be? Means, is the one whom I like.. can I know if he is the one I'll marry? He is not in foreign land, but resides in different state.. and currently working in my company. he is 16 days younger to me and is from upper cast, more good-looking than me. Any chances? This is the last question.. Plz consider.
  6. Thank you so much for considering my request. Below are some of the details. I hope this would be enough. I have done B.Com. Passed in 2000. Was trying to go for C.A course while in college, (1998), but right before exam for foundation course, I fell ill, and could not appear for it. I gave first paper, but could hardly sit for 20-30 mins. My elder sister got married in 2001. It was love marriage.
  7. My birthdate is 22nd feb 1980, time of birth is 21.50 and place of birth is Mulund, Mumbai. Female. Can you please predict as when will i get married? and how will be my future life with my partner? Any details about partner? Will it be a love marriage or arranged? I like a boy. He is above me in all aspects except that he is 15 days younger to me. And I dont know if he feels the same way about it. My parents are worried because of dealy. Thanks in advance Vr
  8. Thanks again. Just last question. Hasnt Jupiter already gone to Makar (Capricorn) in December 18, 2007? I dont mind waiting for things to happen. Simply want my parents to be assured that it will be good for me. Currently they are worried becuase of the delay.
  9. You are absolutely right. I am maratha and he is Brahmin. He is above me in all aspects except that he is 15 days younger to me. And I dont know if he feels the same way about it. Can you please predict as by when will we get married? Thank you so very much
  10. My birthdate is 22nd feb 1980, time of birth is 21.50 and place of birth is Mulund, Mumbai. Can you please predict as when will i get married? and how will be my future life with my partner? Any details about partner? Will it be a love marriage or arranged? plz help me. The problem is whenever i like the boy, our patrika dont match and when patrika matches, i dont like the boy. so plz guide me as how will be my husband.
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