I for one used to go to a local BAPS temple, I still go but not very regularily, I have less enthusiasm now. It seems a major thing many BAPS LOVE to do is insult my istadev Bhagwan Krsna in all ways possible. They consider him as ishwar, on par with the devas like Indra etc. They even considier thier guru to be above Lord Krsna! In one of their books they say it was Swaminarayan who was preaching Gita to Arjuna in Krsna's body!
Anywhos, however messed up their philosophy is, BAPS is doing very commendable things, their devotees are very focused and devoted to Hindu religion and their Guru Shir Pramukh Swami seems genuine.
Anyways while I agree way more with the traditional two diocese, they are WAY corrupt with their so called "saints" abounding in murder, sex ,etc. what a joke!