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Everything posted by eshwaar101

  1. why do i alway get replyed bu random people.........can any of the astrologeers give me some advice
  2. i think that it is very scared and should be respected.......
  3. yea that is true, it teaches us to see......we dont see cause we have been beaten down by societys way of thinking that we have become blind............
  4. whycant i get ahead in anything i do.........its so frustrating.......everyone i know i moving forward....their oractically passing me by having the time of there lives and im stuck here just watching everyone make a life for themselves........when will things get better for me dob april 29 1982 21:18 toronto ontario
  5. i have seen instances were pundits have said things that have offended people........but there was truth to what was said
  6. u know prabhupada........ur so lucky to have known him..........
  7. wow were did u get thoose pic from........i dont think its said to belive in blind faith but i think a certain type of faith is needed to be open minded to ubderstand the various scriptures........keep in mind i dont know much at all......... but i personally think they speak for themselfs......i thik with an open mind u are able to absorb and understand it more clearly
  8. i m lossing my hair is ther any remedies that could help from hair loss and possiably grow what i lost back dob april 29 1982 21:18 toronto ontario
  9. just cause u fell u want somthin.....or u think u feel u were meant to do somthin dosent mean u were meant to do it......just another symptom of maya.....
  10. by next year summer i hope to be buying cars and selling them back. i will be parking them in my drive way............i figure it is the best thing for me cause i live on a main street and alot of people pass by so i will be hoping that the cars will sell faster.......what i need to know is weather i will get any trouble from my neiboughors in the area......and also from the bingo hall acroos the street......will i get any problems.......i want my owm buisness .i want my own bodyshop and i want to get my dealer liscence later on so i could buy cars and fix them up myself and make money so......if i start to buy used cars and selling them back that would be a great help so i could have some start up money.......is it also possiable to see when in the forseeable future i would have the oppertunity to have my own bodyshop.........thank you details april 29 1982 21:18 toronto, ontario, canada
  11. not even that....but didnt lord krishna say somewhere that when ever he comes down.......that his body will never get any older..........where the proof they have never proved anything close to be sri lord krishna
  12. i do pray..........i pray to lord krishna everyday........every minute i remember to take the lord name..............but its hard when theres nothin posituve in ur life...........having faith is easy............the hard part is keeping the faith alive
  13. thank u for the advice.........but it is very hard theese day for me to keep faith.....as bad as it my sound......but there is nothin good in my life........i kust want to move forward but im always stuck in a circle
  14. please forgive me but i have no knowledge in astrology.........but after this last yoga, that this will change for me....for the better......see i ask that cause think are not very good for me.......i cant sseem to get ahead, or prosper in anyway
  15. u know i just kills me theese people......all there doing is self promotong themself........and talking about miricales.....but what miricals....spiting golden eggs that not no miricale..........
  16. is there any meditations or pooja that i could do myself, that anybody could sudjesst i could to stay focussed....i notice that i cant control myself like how i use to ........now its really embarasing...it is affecting me in my everyday life....... dod april 29 1982 time 21:18 toronto ontario canada
  17. i know how u feel.....but i can only guess that the best thing is to keep faith and keep praying
  18. im not sure if its the right spelling....but what is the signifigance of that perticular day........i know that it is a good day to fast...and that it is dear to lord krishna........but why.......
  19. fight against what i think that would be a bad idea........i think that if we begin to fight with everyone who make a bad comment, then we would lower ourselve to there level
  20. there is a debate that i have heard of that for vedic astrology that everyday readings like the ones u see in the news papper is not possiable because of the complex calculations involved, but on the other ahnd in western astrology everyday astrology is well an everyday thing there nothin new about this........would any of the astrologer here please clarifie
  21. whats so special about it.......i can assure u theres nothin special going on in my life
  22. that just huge look at the size of him
  23. but what about my sleeping problems....is their anything u could see in my chart
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