by next year summer i hope to be buying cars and selling them back. i will be parking them in my drive way............i figure it is the best thing for me cause i live on a main street and alot of people pass by so i will be hoping that the cars will sell faster.......what i need to know is weather i will get any trouble from my neiboughors in the area......and also from the bingo hall acroos the street......will i get any problems.......i want my owm buisness .i want my own bodyshop and i want to get my dealer liscence later on so i could buy cars and fix them up myself and make money so......if i start to buy used cars and selling them back that would be a great help so i could have some start up it also possiable to see when in the forseeable future i would have the oppertunity to have my own bodyshop.........thank you
details april 29 1982
toronto, ontario, canada