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  1. oops sorry i reread your post and I misread it. Ok so jupiter would cause problems to the native being in saturn's sign the ruler of the 5H. I don't see this to be true about intelligence, but still I see your point about how jupiter can cause trouble to the 5H in other matters regarding romantic happiness and children. This is more confusing since jupiter is karaka for children...how can this be? The karaka for children causing absence of children because he is in the 5H? Forgive me, I have come here to learn and to discuss. I have only studied for about a year, and i realize that this art takes lifetimes Madhurima
  2. Thanks for you response, My moon is hard to decipher because it is a zero degree moon, but be assured that my moon is in aquarius in the 5H. Here are the exact coordinates...I use J hora and it does not calculate the DLS time correctly November 21, 1974 626 am brooklyn, NY USA 73 W 59 40 N 41 5 hours west of GMT non-daylight savings Hmmm, arguements with intelligence and education, I wouldn't say is very true...I am well educated and intellegent most would say. Isn't Saturn a great friend to libra lagna? One would think that saturn would be a great benific and thus canceling out any affliction caused by juipter. Also I have been coming to thinking about the combust lagna lord....since venus also rules the most malefic 8H, perhaps a combust venus would cancell out the 8H indications. Also in Parasara, does it state that sun in scorpio is in it's debilitation? I don't think so, but is strong in scorpio. The reason why I am confuse about jupiter for libra is because he is the great benefic. I met my satguru when he transited my natal mercury who is the lord of the 9H...in this way jupiter had brought me great blessings. Can anyone else she some light on this...how a great benefic can cause both harm and blessings for the native? Thanks!
  3. Namaste, I have a question regarding jupiter for libra lagna being a functional malefic. How does jupiter affect saturn when jupiter's dristhi is on saturn? I have jupiter in aquarius 5H aspecting saturn in gemini 9H. Jupiter is also with my moon in aquarius in the 5H. Is jupiter a good force or negative force being that he is also a natural benific? I am curious to know if my coming saturn mahadasa will be fruitful in terms of career in singing. Thanks so much! Madhrurima november 21,1974 brooklyn, New York USA 626am
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