Has anyone steped back and looked at the phenomenon?
Is it not interesting that people await the chance to die for their belief, religion, cult? Why not live for it?
The user who said that the number does not matter is right. It does not belong to mathemathics. The mayans only observed the sky's and calculated with astounding precision the time when the sun will be in alignment with the core of the galaxy. I doubt that this will produce something awfull, we've survived a planetary alignment, nothing happend.
Sad, but true.
The "day" in the Doom Day is probably not a day at all. Is probably a period, like a "day" in the Biblical Genesis. The Apocalypse, carefully studied, reveals nothing more than the birth of christ in astronomical sequence. Nothing more, we were always have been masters of our destiny, more or less. The only problem is, as one user said, what if someone lights the fuse