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  1. Thank you Guru ji. I will do follow. Best regards Bishnu Pokharel
  2. Dear Guru ji, I would like you to request for one more advice on my education. I was trying to go for phd studies from last 4 year, but due to one or other factor i was not able to make it. I like to know if i will get chance for further studies or i have to be happy with current situation? Thankin you, Best regards Bishnu Pokharel
  3. Thank you guru ji. Nobody told me before. I will be careful on this. Regards Bishnu
  4. Dear Guru ji Could you please tell me more on 8-6 relationship of sani with other planets and its impact on other aspect of my life, if it is too long to explain then could you please give me reference of article, which i can read and understand myself. thanking you, regards Bishnu
  5. Guru Ji Thank you for the advice. I will do japa for Sani. Regards Bishnu
  6. Dear US Rao, Could you please tell me about timing of my marriage. Could you please tell me timing for my marriage. my details gender - male name - bishnu pokharel Date Of Birth- Mar 17,1978 Time: 11:00PM time Zone: GMT + 5:45 birth place - nepal Longitude: 83E33 Latitude: 27N52 thanking you, Regards Bishnu
  7. Dear Guru ji, Could you please tell me timing for my marriage. my details Date Of Birth- Mar 17,1978 Time: 11:00PM Zone: 5:45 birth place - nepal Longitude: 83E33 Latitude: 27N52 thanking you Regards Bishnu
  8. Dear Guru ji(s), Could you please tell me if i will get opportunity for further studies ( phd studies). my details Date Of Birth- Mar 17,1978 Time: 11:00PM Zone: 5:45 birth place - nepal Longitude: 83E33 Latitude: 27N52 thanking you Regards Bishnu
  9. Dear Guru ji(s), Could you please tell me timing for my marriage. my details Date Of Birth- Mar 17,1978 Time: 11:00PM Zone: 5:45 birth place - nepal Longitude: 83E33 Latitude: 27N52 thanking you Regards Bishnu
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