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Everything posted by Amlesh

  1. He is like fire; the moth like to play around; when burnt, then only the we get the realisation about the burning sensation. Logically, no one can beat him; the only hick, he is zero tolerant about other paths.
  2. Sorry RadheyRadhey for being stupid and rude. One of the most important aspect of Vaishavism is to be silent, I feel that it is the most beautiful rule. Sorry again.
  3. Good.. For me, I've got a better realisation... I prefer now to be silent, it is wiser to be so.
  4. I suppose Radhey Radhey Doctrine would be composed of only questions and speculations, that too of the most foolish kind. At least others do have something to Follow even if it is not as good as Vaishnavism. Radhey Radhey is like a leaf dancing here and there according to the tune of the waves or like a monkey jumping from 1 branch to another for a banana.
  5. By the way, don't ask me evidence about your foolishness. It's too evident.
  6. And since when did I ask you to believe me. I also gave you the answer in my previous post. The answer is found in Srimad Bhagvatam. All the evidences are there. Again if it took 7 days to teach Bhagvata, that too the best teacher and best student. How can I, a person not having the quality of a teacher teach to the most foolish of student. Ok, in that case, I've let my emotion flow. Don't ask for something that is not possible.
  7. Take it as you like... But I'll give you a hint... I've never searched for any evidence, but it came by itself to me. I suppose you are unaware of the Bhagvata Doctrine; if you have read then it means you have not understood or misunderstood; all the evidences are there. It took 7 seven days for Sukadev Goswami to explain that to Maharaj Parikshit and you are asking me that in a Forum. Good Lord, I know I'm not even worth to touch the dust of the Lotus Feet of Sukadev but you also can't be a better student than Maharaj Parikshit. If you cannot see the absolute truth, it does not mean that I'm emotional, it means you are ignorant.
  8. What's the use of providing evidence when Lord Rama is in front of you, if you are blind, that's not my fault. If you need quotes to know the Supremacy of Sri Rama then I can't help you... The only process is wait for His Mercy, in the meantime continue with your good Karma, amass a lot Punya till He sees you and decide that it's time to enlighten you. I've heard and know that thousands of Sheshas and Saraswatis cannot recount His Glories and you want me to give evidence about His Supremacy. Do you think it is as easy as that. Wait for His mercy.
  9. Bhaje Govindam is the substance of all vedic wisdom.
  10. I know that Advaita is pure ignorance coated with supposedly highly intellectual talks.... And the Sariraka Bhasya when seen in depth does not depict at all bhakti... But in my opinion even though Adi Shankara didn't show any sign of Bhakti in his Bhasya, still he knew the Highest Truth, that is Bhakti to Hari. God take care of even the less intelligent class, that's why the great Acharya came to save the Vedic Culture from any kind of conversion by teaching the basic principle of Brahman [whose Basis is Krishna]. The Bhasya is as inert as what the doctrine teaches.
  11. Might be... But if he is sincere in his quest for Hari, then even the worst is considered the best. It's a different platform.
  12. No. But fighting to prove the Supremacy of Raja Ram will have the secondary effect in putting low the dearest of Raja Ram. In the very beginning, when I registered myself in Audarya, I made this comment. But no one is ready to listen. In this so-called debate, only the defamation of both will be heard, irrespective of whoever might be right. All of you, continue with your monkey business, I'm out.
  13. To be more precise, it is the Supremacy of Raja Ram that is the reconciliation factor.
  14. Personal Form of God is a step above the impersonal form, that's why Adi Sankaracharya wrote hymns of Bhakti to arouse devotion in the heart of man in his later years.
  15. Dear friends that was my last post concerning the Supremacy Issue... I no longer wish to jump and dance like a monkey when I see the banana topic of Supremacy.
  16. I've never said that it's wrong in Worshipping Shiva.I do it myself every Monday at the nearest Shivalaya from my place. I was refering about the Supremacy. But you should ask, what I demand at Lord Shivas Lotus Feet?
  17. Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam muddha mate... Adi Shankaracharya I suppose He was referring Muddha to his own students, those who believe in the impersonal form of God...
  18. Sri Ram came hear to set examplary acts as a Human Being, consequently he had to adhere with the Vedic Rules and give respect to all the entities according to his\her status. Valmiki, Vishwamitra, Janaka, Dashrath... all knew about His Supremacy... but when Sri Ram offered respect to them, they simply smiled and felt themselves blessed knowing to what extent the Supreme can love his Devotees.
  19. what's next??? Dear Sri, after knowing that, I'll tag the title Mahatma to you also. I'll give you a hint for this what's next.... Go first of all read the Gita, and then the Bhagvatam.... Everything is there for the mystery concerning what's next...
  20. Thanks bija, your response is always free from ego:) and is full in substance as well.
  21. that we all Vaishnavas know, that's why many devotees in the past refused entry to Vaikuntha also... And also the only thing a vaishnava aspire for is Bhakti. [Confirmed by Prahlada Maharaj Himself]
  22. To understand the Truth, you don't need to know any language... Your quest for spiritual knowledge should be sincere. The rest Hari takes care of.
  23. Bhaktajan has spoken the Truth, anything other than Hari is endless rambling.
  24. Krishna proclaimed in the Gita, "There was not a time when I never existed or you never existed and there won't be a time when you'll cease to exist." The difference is that He, Krishna, the basis of Brahman knows your past , present and future, your body and the body of others which is not the case for us, the servant of the supreme. Dear srikanthdk71, if you cannot see that the Veda's conclusion is that Hari is Supreme, don't think others to be blind.
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