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About sivaharimani

  • Birthday 02/16/1984


  • Biography
    An MBA and Psychology student form Tamil Nadu
  • Location
    coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
  • Interests
    Reading Self development, Administration, management, Psychology Books and counselling
  • Occupation

sivaharimani's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hello dear members. I too like to share my view here. The evil means not the particular personality. But it means that the mind set of a man which has been diped in the evil thoughts. It can be simply said as a mental block of human derived from various wrong or unrightiousness teachings of many evil frequancied persons from time to time. So, it is only mental blocks wchich will not allow him himself happy and being others happy which actually possible by Sathya darma(sanarthana darma). If a person is under the control of evil thoughts mind but under consciousness that he has some relegious and godious things in this Prapanja(space)(which includes our world.), then he will be easily found by god to let him give many chance to relief from that evils thought mind. By various trials and simple punishments. But after the trials 1. if he is still evil minded because he assumes every teachings of lord to do his unrightiousness thoughts and actions due to his strong evil minded setup, then he will be killed off by lord kalki. 2. It can be assumed that here I mentioned HE ( a single person) . It should be assumed into a group of people which is classified into Rights and wrongs. last but not least--- God is our loving father, mother and evrything. he knows how to take care of his children. the children are in fact both the evil people and god blessed peoples. If he kills the evil peoples then it simple means he is going to destroy the body and evil thoughts of them not the ATHMAN(soul) which is actually the GOD himself. thank you regards sivaharmani
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