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Everything posted by peapod_111

  1. Hi all I have a two year old daughter. She is the most beautiful gift of god to me. She has a lot of body hair on her back and face too. Is there any ayurvedic treatment that can help me clear up the body hair on my daughter? Please give suggestions. Thanks
  2. I was born on May 24 1976 @7:59 AM in Jamnagar I am currently in NY, USA I will really appreciate analysis of my current and near future astrological movement.
  3. Can someone please tell me when will have some positive change in my life? I am currently going through divorce and I can't find a job to support myself. my birth detail: may 24 1976 @ 7:59AM in gujarat India. PS what is sadde satti, am I going thru it? Thanks in advance CD
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