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  1. thankyou friend for your time and reply will i get married to the same guy with whom i am having affair right now? plz also let me know how much delay is possible?will you plz give me a time frame for marriage ? thanx
  2. d.o.b: 1 aug 1983 time:12:45 pm place of birth:rawalpindi/pakistan place of living:karachi/pakistan gender:female hye all, plz help me in reading my chart and tell me whats wrong with it. my family is searching for a suitable groom since last 3 years but all the efforts are fruitless.proposals do come but at a very slow rate.people do come to see me like me and my family but never turn back.they even dont tell the reason for rejecting me.we are not in hurry but still things are hurting me badly.in 2008 i got attached to a guy ,he proposed me too and he showed his interest in me but in the end he decieved me and got married with some one else.now again i am considering a guy for marriage ,i am interested in him,we met in march 2009 and the dates are going on.we are similar in nature ,habbits ,goods and bads.he is also showing interest in me.i am also liking him but i am too much scared of this liking as i am getting attached with him day by day. plz let me know what are the chances?the guy is a very good friend of mine and we talk daily for hours and hours.we are meeting each other but my past is hurting me and i am scared that same thing will happen with me again.either he will decieve me or in the end he will reject me or my destiny will decieve me again and will left me in severe depression like i was in 2008. plz tell me will this affair work ?will it convert into marriage? when can i get married?and how will be my married life? thankyou
  3. hye plz all of you read this guy chart .is this guy good for marriage.(not match making).i want to know that will this guy remain sincere after marriage if i get married with him?he had two affairs earlier now i want to ask that if his chart indicates extra marital affairs? plz read his chart and let me know what sort of bad habbits he have? thanx 14 july 1980 9:55 am karachi/pakistan male
  4. I have bumped into a comment elsewhere stating that men with moon in 12th were proved to have sick or hospitalized wives.Of course it sounds as an exaggeration, but I wonder if you know any men with this placement, supporting or opposing the idea? what is right?is it good to get married with a guy having moon in 12 house? what does it tells?the guy will never tell his true emotions and his wife will have restricted emotional and sexual life? plz comment on it.
  5. i meant that ideas come to you very quickly and you try to start new things without proper planning.did you think alot and made a proper plan before moving out to uk? Chiron is associated with the emotional wounds .your chiron is in house 2.The 2nd house is money, possessions, and values. You can show other people how to take care of their money better than you take care of your own.i meant that you will always have doubts regarding earning of money in your inner self.questions regarding money will disturb you. peace
  6. hye lucky you didnot mention your gender here:confused:.i am taking you as a guy. lucky period upto feb 2010 can be very confusing and misled you in a variety of ways.give yourself enough time to plan well whenever a new idea comes to you before the ideas take control of you.offcourse ,your financial position could be in great mess but,the money collected will never bring any happiness for you becase of your fear inside that there will be no resources. i have noticed one more thing there may have been little or no affection or even inappropriate affection, in childhood. This could now be shown through stubbornness and a dismissive attitude to others opinions. i am just an astrology lover and not a professional astrologer .this is my view as per my knowledge.
  7. hye vijay though i am not a professional astrologer but only an astrologer lover.as per my view your chiron is in house 12 in taurus indicating that you can do for others better than you can do something for yourself.chiron in 12th house also represents your nervous tensions perhaps picked up from a close family member.you have strong healing quality for others and on the other side you need to be emotionally strong.however,you are too fixed in nature and demands a lot of attention and at times you are quite arrogant and selfish. saturn square venus: at this time you are going through difficult time in relationships.upto june 2009 any close relationship/affair can break.you may loose interest in that affair and the other person is more likely to leave you.one of you consciously or unconsciously wants to withdraw from this relationship. jupitor trine jupitor:mid 2009 april to mid dec 2009: This is a time of psychological and physical equilibrium. If you have recently been ill in either body or mind, this influence will help tremendously with the healing process. You can make great use of this time, but you have to take the initiative. just my take,i hope professional astrolgers here will correct if i am wrong
  8. 1 aug 1983 1.30 pm rawalpindi/pakistan female hello all plz look at my chart,i want to know that when i will start working?i have applied for govt job recently.will i get this job?and how will be my experience? what can i expect from 2009?any good things soon in my life? i am facing a lot of tensions in my life.health issues,problems in getting married,no propoer job.i am giving home tutions right now.i am having harmonal imbalance too and i had an operation in dec 2008.i am not recovering at all.plz tell me how long you see obstacles with me.i am too depressed and over sensitive,plz tell me a stone to overcome depression attacks and oversensitivity. thankyou
  9. 1/aug 1983 1.30pm rawalpindi/pakistan female respected deepa ji and usr ji will you plz look at my chart one more time regarding marriage? no progress uptil now.when are the chances now and how much it can delay? thankyou
  10. hi thanx for your reply can my marriage take place in 2009 also?or it will take place most probably in 2010? you suggested me arrange marriage,well i love a guy its one sided not both sided love .do you still suggest me to go for 100% arranged if in future i will get an option to marry him? thanx
  11. hello 1/8/1983 1.30pm rawalpindi/pakistan female my source of birth is my mother.she told me my time of birth. my built is average ,i am not slim nor very fat but ,a few extra pounds i have.i have skin problems with me,very possessive and sensitive in nature,off course angry and stubborn too. i have some health issues too like skin,blood infection type,fiberoid. my face shape is round and height is 5 feet 3 inches. for past incidence you can match that in 2001 i passed my inter(fsc exams) and then i got an education break of a year.also i spend one year abroad.i dont remember exact date of my journey to abroad but on the incident of 9/11 i was already in usa.i went to usa 1-2 months before this incident. i also travelled on 1st jan 2008(domestic travel).my ex bf proposed me in feb 2008.my last date with him was on 18 april08. plz take a look again ,in my knowledge my time of birth is correct,i am single and a virgin girl.never been married.moreover i got 2 predictions in this thread from mr usr ji and deepa ji and they both were agreed that my ex bf will rejoin me and i will marry that same guy. one the other hand my parents are searching for groom. at the moment proposals are coming slowly but marriage matter is not materializing. mr usr ji and miss deepa ji told me that mine and my ex bf destinies are quite similar and probably we will marry.but he told me time period bet sept-nov 08 but so far nothing has happened. my ex bf time of birth looks more accurate than mine 14/july 1980 9:55am karachi/pakistan male plz plz take a look,thanx
  12. i am not satisfeid with the above reply anybody else??
  13. thanx for your reply is there any body else to post a reply or comment on the above analyzation of chart?
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