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Gaurahari das

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  1. There are many Gurus and teachers of Bhakti yoga who have sprouted up after the departure of AC bhaktivedanta Prabhupada who first inspired many thousands of people to take to chanting the Mahamantra which he obviously loved and held most dear to his holy heart. As it was in Gaurangas day, there are many dedicated regulated vaishnava Gurus now days endowed with wonderful qualities of a Brahmin, knowledge of sastras, ability to memorize and quote vast amounts of slokas, and are very charismatic and cultured individuals but the upon careful analysis the essential quality of deep love and devotion for the hearing and chanting of Gauranga Lila is still not present- this will show in that their realizations of Gauranga and Krishna lila are superficial much like a parrot and are not able to penetrate deep into understanding the confidential messages contained in these lilas for the benefit of advancing devotees which will benefit and purify the consciousness of their followers. Only a genuine representive of Gauranga such as is the case of Srila Prabhupada can practically demonstrate the realization of the this important relevant bhagavatam verse paraphrased here to stress the point , " The highest truth is the top most divine reality distinguished from practical illusions we are facing according to our present time place and circumstances, for the welfare of all who are endevoring sincerely to find the real path of pure devotional service."SB 1.1 Only a real experienced transcendentally situated Acaraya can be like King Arthur and prove that he can unsheathe the sword out of the stone by propagating purifying conclusions acceptable to the real disciplic succession. Usually only an experienced advanced devotee will be able to discern and appreciate the deeper relevant meaning of the Bhakti sastras - one can also know if one gets Gaurangas special mercy by being able to hear and accept His genuine bhaktas teachings - therefore the fruits of the genuine mature Bhakti lata biaja can be practically implanted and passed on to these kinds of faithful and qualified disciples who turn a deaf ear to the superficially show bottle false Gurus who sometimes even accumulate thousands of faithful followers. This is the trap of the false Guru and most fall down from the real path by becoming attracted to the false Guru's boasts and speculations often even after finding the real transcendental Guru. No matter what is claimed or boasted about by such spik and span but still mundane religious leaders, their disciples will not be purified in the way Lord Chaitanya considers purification. The following verse reflects this situation clearly. "‘For a person devoid of (pure) devotional service, birth in a great family or nation, knowledge of the revealed scriptures, performance of austerities and penance, and chanting of Vedic mantras are all like ornaments on a dead body. Such ornaments simply serve the concocted pleasures of the general populace.’" Madya 19-75 From this verse question a may arise… What is meant here by the term devotional service? There are many preceptors that are allegedly teaching devotional service, qualified with the above mentioned qualities claiming to be Guru and an authentic connection to the real disciplic line and Krishna. After many years of chanting how many of their disciples are overcoming the offensive stage and developing pure loving attraction to pastimes of Lord Caitanya? How many gurus themselves know that attachment for Gauranga must develop first before true taste for the authentic Radha Krishna rasa develops? This rare treasure of Braja Bhakti rasa is buried very deep in the bowels of Vrndavan- It is buried so deep that it could not even be attained by the austerities of the Goddess of fortune much less fools who try to get it directly bypassing cultivating attachment to Gauranga. If such gurus claim to know Gauranga how many demonstrate that they know by instilling a real loving attachment for Gauranga in the hearts of a sincere disciple instead of some mentally concocted rasa with Radha Krishna? If one jumps into intimate Krishna lilas and so called culitivation of manjari seva by bypassing the cultivation of deep estatic attraction to Gauranga lila his proper spiritual development will be naturally arrested. Such a devotee can only develop sahajya tendencys of relishing Krishna lila according to mental speculation and concoctions without tasting through the genuiine progressive development of bhakti rasa. Prabhodanandan Saraswati states in his book nectar moon of Lord Caitanya, " One dives deeply into Gauranga lila and surfaces into Krishna lila". Of course one has to attain the recognition and association a genuine devotee of Gauranga who knows the real and clear pure devotional path that begins from Navadwipa Dham and continues on gradually arriving at its final destination Vrndavana dham. If one goes to Vrndavana first one only finds the path of deviation, mental speculation sahajya . This is the authorized method according to authentic Acaryas like Probodananda Swaraswati who associated with Lord Caitanya personally. Even preceding the appearance of loving symptoms, hearing and chanting in genuine devotee association directly causes disappearance of the symptoms of the three fold miseries? Now days as it was with Srila Prabhupada and Bhaktisidhanta saraswati real devotee association means finding even one rare devotee on this planet to associate with and serve. Here is the real test of having real transcendental devotee association. How many practitioners of Bhakti yoga, following Spiritual Masters of our religious institutions for many years are still in need of psychological and emotional counseling, are addicted thinking day and night about providing for their family's, or still intensely desire to develop their personal economic situation and desire name and fame of being recognized as a big sanyasi? These are all anartas and weeds which can only be uprooted by the shovel of following the genuine pure path of Bhakti under genuine transcendental guidance. Above all controversies, differences of opinion, deep attraction and relish for hearing and chanting about the transcendental pastimes of Gauranga and Krishna is the only way we can know who a real Guru is. As the above verse quoted by Lord Caitanya, impressive shows of austerities, braman qualities, and cultured behavior may be external and superficial . Lord Caitanya once met a ignorant Brahmin who could not read or write properly. He saw him in the temple crying looking at a picture of Krishna in Bhagavadgita. Lord Caitanya inquired why are you crying? The ignorant Brahmin said, " people generally laugh at my ignorance but I am following my beloved Guru’s order to read bhagavadgita daily. I cannot read very well but when I see how kind and merciful Lord Krishna is to Arjuna by personally driving his chariot my heart melts and I cannot stop crying. Lord Caitanya said, "You are the real authority on bhagavadgita and no one else"! Why did Gauranga consider him authority? Lord Caitanya also said that, " It is the behavior of a genuine vaishnva that determains real religious principals". CC In the simple behavior of this ignorant Brahmin were the essential ingredients of success in developing the first class level of Krishna Consciousness. If one does not have genuine pure bhakti he cannot demonstrate these internal natural symptoms of a melted heart contemplating Krishna's pictures nor can one pass such a rare treasure on to others. This illiterate Brahmin was faithfully executing the order of a real rasa laden bonafide Guru to read bhagavadgita daily. If one is faithfully executing the orders of a authorized representative of Krishna he should receive the authentic fruits of the real bhakti bijas increasing developement in a reasonable amount of time. If this is not taking place in a sincere disciple then one has not yet found a real bonafide spiritual master. It can also happen that one has been deviated from a real Guru by the imitative Putana false Guru representative who poisons and destroys the faith of a unfortunate disciple who listens to her sweet but deadly mental speculations which only are convincing to the mind and not the supersoul in the heart. Only a personality with a genuine deep spiritual relationship with Gauranga and Krishna is the real bestower of the authentic Bhakti lata bija of pure devotion to Lord Hari. No matter how many external qualifications a alleged Spiritual Master may demonstrate in this age of Kali, he or she cannot fool the true guardians of devotion. There are obviously many personalities looked upon in this world as great devotees or Spiritual Masters. If they are in the Gaudiya vaishnava disciplic line they must establish Gauranga worship and relationship in the heart of their disciples first. Real pure Bhakti will develop properly in this way only otherwise the path of speculation and mental concoctions is attained in place of the real thing. Gauranga and Nityananda are the root cause of pure devotional service in our line and their authentic devotee is the only rare personality that can genuinely continue this transcendental blood line. Their genuine potent represesentive knows these important foundational principals therefore Lord Caitanya says, "The real path of pure devotional service is hidden in the heart of a unadulterated self realized soul". Gupta means hidden. Like Lord Caitanya named his devotee Murari because this devotee doctor had Krishna Bhakti deeply hidden in his heart. He appeared ordinary to ordinary persons but showed his love for Krishna when he fell from the Kings seat when he saw a peacock feather fan- still he tried to hide the truth by saying he had a disease. Krishna is very expert at hiding. He hides himself and he also hides deep in the heart of his rare jewel like genuine devotees. Only out of extraordinary mercy do they reveal themselves to the world as in the example of Srila Prabhupada". In Caitanya Caritamrita Gauranga says, " If one has attained love of God then the symptoms of this will be noted in their activities". Srila Prabhupada’s devotion for Krishna and preaching activities were most extraordinary and uncommon! Those who have Srila Prabhupada's real mercy will also show symptoms of uncommon spiritual activities. This is how Krishna reveals his genuine representives. Jai Gurudeva Gaura Nitai! Gaurahari das
  2. I aggree with a previous post that a Guru will find you. In the mean time I would advise follow SP Ritvik system and around sincere dedicated ritvik devotees who are tasting the nectar of enthusiastic service to Srila Prabhupada. Enthusiasm to serve SP day and night is how you will know them. Stay away from Gurus who are not Mahabagavatas which means 99 percent of the ones hanging their shingle out. Many offended SP by not supporting his ritvik system that he sighned with his own hand and cannot purify anyone. I have personal experience being in iskcon devotee for five years. As SP says in Nectar of instruction text five purport even a Madyama adhikari cannot help one very well one should take a mahabagavata as guru. Unless one is very spiritually advanced one cannot see who is Transcendental personality.Guru should be realy beyond the modes of nature or why bother with one who still has subtle anartas of name and fame and desire for worship. Gauranga says such gurus cannot even purify themselves or others. “‘For a person devoid of devotional service, birth in a great family or nation, knowledge of the revealed scriptures, performance of austerities and penance, and chanting of Vedic mantras are all like ornaments on a dead body. Such ornaments simply serve the concocted pleasures of the general populace.’” CC Most Gurus in the world today are like this. They do not really have the bhakti lata bija and depend on shows of austerity penances to attract their disciples and this is all they can offer them- a very ridged program of austeritys but no real juice of pure bhakti rasa. This is why so many sincere devotees eventually leave bhakti yoga because of not finding a real Guru with real Bhakti to satisfy them. I see many of these fallen devotees here in tiruvamaniia India where I am preaching daily to Mayavadis. They tell me over and over again their stories how they get even more juice with their mayavadi program then from their unqualified Gurus in bhakti yoga circles. Prabhupada is very juicy and if you find real sincere followers of SP they are juicy also and enjoyable to serve with. You will make real advancement this way and then you will be able to recognize a devotee like Sukadeva Gowswami when they come before you. GH
  3. My answer is find the real devotees who know that they are not their body. Here is my page with some videos made from our daily bhakti satsangs in goa hope you like them
  4. moderator's note to Gaurahari das: There does not appear to be anything here. This often happens if what is being posted is very long. You could try to break it up into a few smaller posts to see if that works.
  5. Want to Get Off The Kanistha Platform Try This! Devotees who are fortunate to either have been initiated by a rare to be found pure devotee like Srila Prabhupada are very fortunate because from the very start their worship, meditation and service is directed strait to the feet of a pure devotee like Srila Prabhupada. This means their service reaches Krishna directly because the pure devotee is the authorized via media direct to Krishna. These devotees do not have to deal with the politics and wrong direction to worship ( most probably) conditioned souls who stepped to the plate and became worshipable diksha Gurus after Srila Prabhupada left the planet. If devotees who have been initiated by Srila Prabhupada don’t use this privilege properly by being dead serious about giving their life and soul to serve Both Guru and Gauranga then this is truly unfortunate and a great opportunity missed in this life. I am going to get personal here because I have been trying to figure certain issues out for years and I have learned some essential points in the process. It is my duty to put my conclusions in a no nonsense unpolitical, non diplomatic way before the sincere devotees looking for the real Bhakti Yoga path that works practically. I am one of those Zonal Acharya type disciples who joined ISKCON in 1980. Without going into my own story too much, in the school of hard knocks, which eventually got me clear about how to make real tangible progress on this sublime Bhakti path, I will say I ended up worshiping and taking shelter of Srila Prabhupada exclusively. I did get diksha again because several years ago I thought it wise to be initiated by a highly advanced experienced Spiritual Master. Its is to have as much advanced ion with devotees especially when n the same disciplic succession. A big catastrophe ensued when I thought it was ok to associate with Aledged advanced devotees out of our disciplic line. This is very tricky because if such devotees are against our disciplic succession, which was in my case, even though they may seem to be advanced, it can break our own connection to the real lifeline of our amazingly powerful and empowered Parampara. This is another discussion here and I plan to write a in depth article about this obstacle as ordered by my diksha Guru who instructed me to share my experiences. In 1986 I left ISKCON after five years of dedicated service but within I felt spiritually drained and dry. After seven years of cooling off or heating up enjoying normal pleasures of material life , I was again attracted by Srila Prabhupdas books. For three years I neglected my Zonal Guru and I enthusiasticly stayed close to Srila Prabhupada by serving his general order to distribute books and close to Krishna by hearing Krishna katha and chanting day and night. I also stay mostly alone and never mingled intimately with worldly minded people except to preach about Krishna. I also remained at a cordial distance with certain ISKCON devotees who appeared to be overly concerned with worldly matters. The result of following these simple rules, which are advised in the scriptures, was beyond what I could ever expect! To make another long story short some new Krishna devotees I met wanted to stay in my association and spontaneously asked me to teach them about what I realized in regards to Bhakti Yoga. The very evening right after giving my first class, Srila Prabhupada appeared to me in a lucid dream, in living color, personally instructed me and confirmed that I was right in line with how he wanted me to serve him. For three years after that I vigorously served his order and was very strongly preaching Krishna consciousness and this preaching was helping to instill faith in Krishna in five or six individuals and general interest to various degrees in many others. Today I was inspired to write this article because I believe many devotees may be confused about why they may not feel they are making tangable spiritual advancement even though they may want to take the Bhakti Yoga process seriously. I am sharing some of own experiences because I believe it is relevant and may help some devotees who are trying to sort through some confusion. In essence If one is a Prabhupada disciple I believe they will make rapid advancement to the intermediate devotional platform if they throw themselves whole heartily into serving Srila Prabhuapada by preaching Krishna consciousness in some practical way and at the same time serving Krishna by not wasting a moment performing intense sadhna practices especially hearing and chanting. Another essential point that is very important is that one must learn how to serve and associate intimately with pure devotees or at least with devotees more advanced than oneself. These are some essential positive directives. The other side of the coin is what to avoid. One who is serious and wants to make real progress has to avoid intimate association with worldly people and women other than ones own wife and she should be a serious devotee also otherwise there will be inevitable problems! If this one essential point is not observed one will no doubt will be spiritually disturbed, agitated and remain in a weakened spiritual condition. Now for those disciples like myself who came after Srila Prabhupada… Here is where I could get into hot water of differences of opinion and controversy. This does not matter to me now because above all controversy and opinions I know what works personally based on personal experience and the revealed and not hidden word juggled scriptural verses. Srila Prabhupda gave me his enthusiastic approval in that lucid dream that I was pleasing him and on the right track. The only time I have had trouble in devotional service is when I have left Srila Prabhupda’s feet being swayed by some popular opinion. Srila Prabhupada has always been the one who has rescued me and brought me back to devotional service through his book incarnation. During my Bhakti Yoga comeback, It worked for me to neglect my zonal Guru and to serve Srila Prabhupda directly, by first serving his general instruction of what pleased him best, book distribution. Srila Prabhupda confirmed his approval by appearing to me personally and giving me further instructions after three years. I was strongly carrying these out until a test came a few years later and I deviated by losing faith in those glorious and sacred orders. My spiritual life fell apart after that for about 8 years. I was confused and in and out of the Bhakti Yoga process. Now everything is back in order because I am again taking up my real lifeline, Srila Prabhupda’s personal instructions. In spiritual circles I am not politics, kissing butts for positions, and am not into fearing for my life. I am into vigorously serving Srila Prabhupada’s order. Here I am in the middle of a battlefield of unfavorable Buddhist association in dharmsala India. I am preaching vigorously right now alone but because I am serving Srila Prabhupdas order and observing the basic principals I already pointed out I am full of energy and practical preaching work is being accomplished here. There is not one devotee around that I have seen but there are people taking interest in the chanting and Bhakti yoga classes we are holding here daily seven days a week. This is truly Srila Prabhupda’s grace and the grace of our Glorious disciplic succession. Otherwise how could such things go on? I really have no qualification except for adhering firmly to the advice I am sharing in this article. If it worked for a fallen soul like me then it should work for other devotees also. In summary here are the main points. Whether one is a direct Prabhupada disciple or not one should get very serious about only worshiping and serving a pure devotee alone on the level of Srila Prabhupada , even if it’s the pure devotee in his book form. In the Christian line, some of his devotees went on to become saints by faith in him through the bible which was written by his followers. Please take note of this second important point that Caitanya Caritamrita also confirms. if one is seriously wants to tread the path of pure Bhakti one must neglect worshiping conditioned souls in the form of materially charismatic Gurus, or the powerful demigods. This may be difficult path to take because you don’t get a lot of warm regard from spiritual organizations that promote living Guru conceptions that allow or encourage initiation and worship of a non liberated Guru. This is against our scriptures if one wants to find the path of pure devotional service. If one is not interested in finding the path of pure devotional service, being more concerned with being taken care of materialy in some way by an organization, fear of excommunication, or public ridicule because of not towing the party line then it’s not important to follow this path. One can just accept, an officiating pope like symbolic Guru, or family Guru as one’s life and soul. Only the pure devotee illuminates the real path of pure devotional service. In the adjusted for relevance and paraphrased words of Jesus, "The pure devotee is the way, the life, and truth". In the words of Lord Caitanya "‘For a person devoid of devotional service, birth in a great family or nation, knowledge of the revealed scriptures, performance of austerities and penance, and chanting of Vedic mantras are all like ornaments on a dead body. Such ornaments simply serve the concocted pleasures of the general populace.’" Madya 19-75 Practically… for devotees serious about the path of pure devotional service Krishna is to be worshiped in two principal forms one is himself in the form of his deity, Name, fame, Qualities and so forth and His empowered form as the pure devotee Spiritual Master and or Srimad bhagavatam. . "Lord Krishna is very kind to His devotees. He is always very grateful and magnanimous, and He possesses all abilities. A learned man does not give up Krishna to worship anyone else. Madya lila In the light of this verse I found out practically by giving up worshiping Krishna in His empowered devotee form of Srila Prabhupada to worship a Zonal Guru who was certainly not fitting into this category that I lost the real pure Bhakti path and connection with Krishna. The scriptures teach that many demigods are powerful devotees of Krishna but Krishna is still advising us to give up their worship much less disciples of a pure devotee many whom came from hippy backgrounds and had only been around the pure devotee a few years. On the other hand I did hear that there may have been a couple devotees who seem to have received the real mercy of Srila Prabhupada and probably were capable of giving the proper shelter of pure devotional service. If anyone is interested in hearing a sample of the classes on the practical introduction to Bhakti Yoga I have been giving here in Dharmasala India you can send me an email request. I am not allowed yet to post the urls on this website. Article written by Gaurahari das wzodda (at) gmail.com
  6. Hare bol Indulkhadasi, I wrote it. Thank you for apreciating it! GH
  7. There are many followers of Lord Caitanya, Nityandanda here in the twentyfirst century. The path of Bhakti yoga no doubt the most attractive path in this universe when one intelligently compares it with others. Extracting the real nectar of following this path has been my greatest life challenge since I first made this connection back in 1980. The first thing we all learn in the Bhakti yoga circles is the need for a Guru to follow this path properly. Finding such a perfect Guru was my greatest challenge. I realized only in association with a Vaishnava who has the quality of an authentic deep love for Chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra is my only chance of also developing this primary quality love for chanting also. Bhaktivinode Thakur said in Hariname cintanami that ones advancement in devotional service is determained by how much one loves and is attached to chanting the holy name only! There are many Gurus and teachers of Bhakti yoga who have sprouted up after the departure of AC bhaktivedanta Prabhupada who first inspired many thousands of people to take to chanting the Mahamantra which he obviously loved and held most dear to his holy heart. A Vaishnava Guru nowadays may be endowed with wonderful qualities of a Brahmin, knowledge of sastras, ability to memorize and quote vast amounts of slokas, can even be very charismatic and cultured individual but if the essential quality of deep love and devotion for chanting God’s holy names in the Maha mantra are not present then this is the real determining factor of his real spiritual level advancement. "‘For a person devoid of devotional service, birth in a great family or nation, knowledge of the revealed scriptures, performance of austerities and penance, and chanting of Vedic mantras are all like ornaments on a dead body. Such ornaments simply serve the concocted pleasures of the general populace.’" Madya 19-75 From this verse question a may arise… What is meant here by the term devotional service? There are many preceptors that are allegedly teaching devotional service, qualified with the above mentioned qualities claiming to be Guru and an authentic connection to Krishna. After many years of chanting how many of their disciples are overcoming the offensive stage and developing pure love for chanting the Mahamantra? A honest disciple must ask himself this. Even preceding the appearance of loving symptoms, chanting directly causes disappearance of the symptoms of the three fold miseries? How many practitioners of chanting the holy names, following Spiritual Masters our religious institutions for many years are still in need of psychological and emotional counseling, are addicted too much to family life and the pleasures of this world? If we are associating and following sincerely a Spiritual Master who does not have the one main quality of pure devotional service which is infallibly manifested by deep heart melting love for Chanting the Mahamantra, pure devotional service will also not develop in us. In this sense a so called living Guru is nothing but a dry nipple on a goat that we are foolishly trying to extract milk from. Above all controversies, differences of opinion deep attraction for chanting the Holy Names is the only way we can know who a real Guru is. Lord Caitanya once met a ignorant Brahmin who could not read or write properly. He saw him in the temple crying looking at a picture of Krishna in Bhagavadgita. Lord Caitanya inquired why are you crying? The ignorant Brahmin said, " people generally laugh at my ignorance but I am following my beloved Guru’s order to read bhagavadgita daily. I cannot read very well but when I see how kind and merciful Lord Krishna is to Arjuna by personally driving his chariot my heart melts and I cannot stop crying. Lord Caitanya said, "You are the real authority on bhagavadgita and no one else"! Why did Gauranga consider him authority? Lord Caitanya also said that, " It is the behavior of a genuine vaishnva that determains real religious principals". In the simple behavior of this ignorant Brahmin were the essential ingredients of success in developing the first class level of Krishna Consciousness. He was faithfully executing the order of a bonafide Guru which was to read bhagavadgita daily. If one is faithfully executing the orders of a alleged authorized representative of Krishna and is not receiving the fruit of this, which is the growth of real devotional creeper, then one has not yet found a real bonafide spiritual master. Only a personality with a genuine deep spiritual relationship with Krishna is the real bestower of the authentic Bhakti lata creeper of pure devotion to Lord Hari. No matter how many external qualifications a alleged Spiritual Master may demonstrate in this age of Kali, he or she cannot fool the true guardian of devotion in this age, the Maha Mantra. There are obviously many personalities looked upon in this world as great devotees or Spiritual Masters. If they are personally indifferent to chanting, being more attracted to impressing others with their vast learning in Vedic studies, or accumulating followers through charisma and intellectual prowess, than engaging in pure devotional service by chanting the Maha Mantra with deep love, then they are a Guru only for those who have not yet learned where the real path of Krishna consciousness is situated. Lord Caitanya says, "The real path of pure devotional service is hidden in the heart of a unadulterated self realized soul". Gupta means hidden. Krishna is very expert at hiding. He hides himself and he also hides deep in the heart of his rare jewel like genuine devotees. Only out of extraordinary mercy do they reveal themselves to the world as in the example of Srila Prabhupada". In Caitanya Caritamrita Gauranga says, " If one has attained love of God then the symptoms of this will be noted in their activities". Srila Prabhupada’s devotion for Krishna and preaching activities were most extraordinary and uncommon!
  8. I found an interesting purport that I believe reflects Srila Prabhupda’s real mood about a physically present spiritual master and the Ritvika Idea in regards to his own movement. I am not much into controversies and differences of opinions but my own personal experience and agony while I was ISKCON Bramachari taught me what the real mood of Srila Prabhupda is in the matter and was confirmed in the way I will describe below. Srila Prabhupada writes Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura, at the time of his departure, requested all his disciples to form a governing body and conduct missionary activities cooperatively. He did not instruct a particular man to become the next äcärya. But just after his passing away, his leading secretaries made plans, without authority, to occupy the post of äcärya, and they split into two factions over who the next äcärya would be. Consequently, both factions were asära, or useless, because they had no authority, having disobeyed the order of the spiritual master. Despite the spiritual master’s order to form a governing body and execute the missionary activities of the Gauòéya Maöha, the two unauthorized factions began litigation that is still going on after forty years with no decision. Adi 12/8 purport Of course this is contraversal issue of what Prabhupda actually said to within ISKCON but bhaktisidhantas saraswati Thakhur's disciples were far more advanced than iskcons and he did not appoint anyone much less eleven acharyas. As I said previously my own experience confirms what I believe is Srila Prabupadas mind about this Ritvik issue.It would appear that Srila Prabhupada was warning us through this purport not to make the same mistake of prematurely appointing artificial created Acharyas or imitation pure devotees to worship instead of the pure one even if the pure devotee departs the planet. Srila Prabhupda said appointing an Acharya was going against the order of his Guru and rendered his Gurus institution useless or impotent. In this light I believe that Srila Prabhupada supported the Ritvik Idea because it would be better to surrender to a pure devotee and have his guidance through the book bhagavata than to surrender to a Guru who is just started the Bhakti path just a few years previously and trying to wedge himself in between new devotees and Srila Prabhupada. In the line of Jesus many people have become saints just from reading the New Testament which glorifies Jesus and gives only a few teachings. Srila Prabhupada gave so many practical teachings in his books to take shelter of. In Srimad Bhagavatam Srila Prabhupada says, Both the Bhägavatas are competent remedies, and both of them or either of them can be good enough to eliminate the obstacles. A devotee Bhägavata is as good as the book Bhägavata because the devotee Bhägavata leads his life in terms of the book Bhägavata and the book Bhägavata is full of information about the Personality of Godhead and His pure devotees, who are also Bhägavatas. Bhägavata book and person are identical. Human reason fails to understand how by serving the devotee Bhägavata or the book Bhägavata one gets gradual promotion on the path of devotion. SB -2-18purport No different opinion now can sway me from my instruction from- the school of hard knocks in this matter. I realized this practically when I first came to ISKCON in 1980, Srila Prabhupada was the one who drew my heart to surrender to Krishna but when I Came to iskcon I was encouraged to accept a zonal Acharya as my worshipable Guru. Doing this I lost my loving connection to Srila Prabhupda and all inspiration to serve Krishna left me. After five miserable mundane years in ISKCON I finally left and felt so relieved I did. After seven years I again read one of Srila Prabhupadas books and immediately my connection to Krishna and inspiration to serve Srila Prabhupda awakened. I realized I needed to simply neglect this Zonal Guru and I served Srila Prabhupda’s general order to distribute his his books, chanting and reading his books constantly. After three blissful and truly ecstatic years serving Srila Prabhupada alone in this way outside the walls of ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada appeared to me in a lucid dream and gave me personal clear and direct instructions as to how he wanted me to serve him in the future. For three more ecstatic and blissful years I did this then I failed a test and was convinced to give up his order. My spiritual life fell apart again because of deviating from his personal instruction. Now I got clear about the whole situation and am again serving Srila Prabhupada with great happiness. I am alone in Dharmshala India in the heart of Buddhism, holding congregationally chanting and giving Bhakti yoga classes. Even though I am alone at the present moment I feel spiritually strong because my love and dedication Srila Prabhupada, his instruction, and the disciplic succession keeps me inspired to push on and trade some blows with Maya in its empty form of Buddhism. If anyone is interested in hearing these practical Bhakti Yoga classes leave me your email and I can send you the url. I uploaded about nine classes on to the internet so far. Or you can just do a google search for supload Gaurahari das Dharmshala Classes to find the link. I also believe as we gradually advance and attain the Madyam addikari position we will be able to recognize favorable devotee association and someone more advanced than ourselves. Srila Prabhupda also says that it is through association with devotees more advanced than ourselves that we can advance to a higher devotional position. Practically In the neophyte stage I believe it is better to just stick closely with Srila Prabhupda’s books exclusively. Otherwise one may easily become mislead by false or materialistic vaishnavas who externally appear like advanced devotees. After many years of experiences doing devotional service and trying to figure things out I now I know some paticular devotees who are good association but I would not broadcast this information far and wide because when we are ready Krishna will lead us, or lead them to us and give us the intelligence to recognize their glories instead of misunderstanding them and considering them devils out gross ignorance or our neophyte position. Even if one accepts a lesser Guru than a uttama devotee in one sense it is all Krishna’s arrangement, according to our qualification. I know not everyone will understand what I am discussing here but I know some, a few will. That’s where my contribution is targeting.
  9. In the class I gave today this very same question was asked by a lady visting many hindu temples. The essence of the answer was that only by chanting sincerely the Mahamantra can the secrete of Krishna's internal energy be unlocked and gradually realized. Otherwise these things remain a mystery and Krishna appears hidden and appears to us like a ordinary person or worse. So please chant congregationally the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra to open your divine vision and apreciation of trancendental subject matters
  10. I believe unless one does a lot of Hearing & chanting and serving a pure devotte one will find it dificult to apply this verse in their lives especially living in materialistic western countries. I believe thats why Gauranga said do congregational chanting.
  11. I aggree hari Katha and chanting is the best. I sent you some links to my classes to try and see if this problem gets resolved.
  12. I finally have begun to really apreciate the importance and need for Guru and a genuine disciplic succession after so many years grapling with trying to understand Krishna concousnness. I am 55 years old now. I realized from practical experience Only taking shelter of a genuine Guru and disciplic line can get us through all the obsticals. For me the only Guru I loved with all my heart and soul has been Prabhupada from the very beginning. He attracted me to Krishna concousness no one else had such power. He was not on the planet in 1980 so I took a zonal acharya as Guru and lost all my feeling for KC. Years later reading a verse in SP books awakened my love for him again and my service to his mission. To make a long story short in essence what I discovered is that it is love for a bonafide Guru living or departed that can help us emensly on the path. If we dont naturally love Srila Prabhupda we need to find some Transcendental Guru at some point in this life or the next to complete our journey back home. We need to serve Guru from the heart out of love and affection eventually and not because some regulation says to do it. I hope this helps<WBR>
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