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  1. Hare Krishna !!! There are a lot of demons who claim to be Bhagawan especially in this age of Kali. Vijay Prabhu - I think you are referring to Paundraka, the False Vasudeva http://srimadbhagavatam.com/10/66/en http://krsnabook.com/ch66.html Haribol !!!
  2. Hare Krishna !!! Theist Prabhu, I know you are being sarcastic but thats fine. I guess I deserve it. I had seen the milksucks.com site before, went thru it again today. Its really sad to see the horrible conditions these poor animals have to live in and the pain and suffering they go through. Anyways, I have never understood the double standards practised in the western countries regarding ill treatment of pets dogs, cats etc vis a vis farms animals like cows. I have watched Animals cops shows on TV where the owners receive citation/fines/etc.. for improperly treating pets, not giving them proper medical attention, not cleaning them etc.. How come the same laws are not applied to farm animals ? Are there different laws for farm animals and pets ? Haribol !!!
  3. Hare Krishna !!! Vijay Prabhu - Your above posting addresses this issue perfectly. I think we all agree that a lot of work needs to be done regarding cow protection issue and if some devotees can abstain from using milk well - thats very good. But its unfair that devotees who are spending their lives spreading Krishna Consciousness be criticized for making milk offerings to the Lord. Haribol !!!
  4. <font color="brown"> Hare Krishna Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances !!! All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!! All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga !!! Don’t let my userid mislead you. I am not initiated or anything - a total neophyte. Some nice Vaishanvas gave me their association and made me become interested in this philosophy. Started hearing it on and off for about 3 yrs now. As far as my credentials go despite the association of these pure Vaishnavas I have all the anarthas. I am barely able to follow the regulative principles that too with great difficulty. So yep I am a hypocrite, rascal , scoundrel, cheat and what not. Alrite so now that we have that cleared lets move to the topic at hand. Did I mention I was a bit slow and dimwit? Theist Prabhu, Though I am impressed with your dedication to PETA and animal care etc.. I am not sure how stopping devotees from using milk in their offering to Krishna will help in saving the cows. The only benefit I can see is the publicity factor. </font color> <font color="red"> Throughout this discussion time and again you have been equating honoring of Prasadam (milk /milk products offered to Krishna) to the inhuman act of slaughtering cows, eating beef, stealing and prostitution rings!!! I feel this is very unfair and insult to all the devotees. I have posted some of your quotes below for easy reference. </font color> Thiest : “No body can force anyone to stop this practice of taking dairy from slaughtered cows but then please don't turn around and lecture the world on cow protection, you give up that right when you drink milk from a murdered cow.” <font color="brown"> Okay, so are you suggesting either stop drinking milk and preach cow protection OR Don't preach about cow protection at all ? SO are you saying that since most people here have expressed their inability to give up taking milk prasadam for various reasons – they don’t even preach about cow protection ?? If we extrapolate your idea to preaching of Krishna consciousness - would it mean a neophyte like myself should not be preaching about Krishna Consciousness to non-devotees (ofcourse assuming there are no senior Vaishnavas around) since I am not yet Krishna conscious? </font color> Thiest : “Again you want to hide in the crowd but Supersoul follows you. By not eating meating meat wearing leather and drinking milk you are protecting some cows that would have been killed. 1 out of a billion is still 1.” Thiest : 'That is nice but you are still hiding. "Cows" Maybe just one cow that will be saved by you.' Thiest : "if we all gave up drinking milk". I am not speaking to all I am speaking to you. No hiding in the herd. It is easily demonstrated how you are contributing to cow slaughter with every glass of milk you buy. Theist : "Yes and I have really seen this misused. Prostitution rings for Krsna. Organized stealing for Krsna. What about hamburger stands for Krsna?" <font color="blue"> Vijay : “I agree krishna acted as an example, not just in cow protection but many other things (he gave gita as the ultimate compassion for living entities), by us drinking or not drinking the milk wont protect the cow any more or less aslong as there are meat eaters. Krishna conciousness being spread through society will result in cow protection.” </font color> <font color="brown"> I think I agree most with Vijay Prabhu’s above statement on this issue. </font color> Theist : “As demand tapered off they would gradually impregnate less cows, producing less calves to be killed and etc. a reversal of the process.” <font color="brown"> Maybe I am really thick. But the way I understand is the more the milk consumption the more the chances of cow survival/care/protection. Lets take an example : Hearing all your arguments - suppose Vijay prabhu and family decide that they won’t use cow’s milk for Prasadam. Suppose they were spending $100 for milk/milk prasadam every month – so annually around $1200. Now for the farmer or whoever owned the cow – its $ 1200 less money. If more people stop consuming milk – a huge loss for those cattle herders. They would have to kill these milk yielding cows. They would probably full scale move towards beef ranchers and leather industry </font color> Theist :”gHari, first thing is they do kill the females. They kill them for slaughter for meat as soon as their milk production begins to slide. But this is after they have artifically impregnented them every year to keep the milk flowing. By artifically impregnating them they produce an unnatural amount of cow births. Of these unnatural births they are procided with more males to be sold as veal calves and more females to us as milk producers, even more calve producers and finally to be sold themselves for meat.” <font color="brown"> I agree the above process is horrible – but how will stopping milk usage change the above process. Please prove using the above example that atleast one cow will be saved if a devotee stops using milk Prasadam !!! I have never worked on a farm/cattle maybe you have some inner knowledge about how this works. I want to know what exactly would happen behind the scenes when milk consumption drops that would result in cows being saved. I am repasting the NEWS articles from your post in support of my assertion. </font color> http://www.thedenverchannel.com/money/3990386/detail.html <font color="red"> More Dairy Cows Slated For Slaughter Milk Producers Want To Cut Production, Keep Prices Up POSTED: 3:03 pm EST December 11, 2004 WASHINGTON -- A dairy trade group is expanding a program that pays farmers to kill some of their dairy cows to keep milk prices up. The National Milk Producers Federation will pay farmers to send nearly 52,000 dairy cows to slaughter over the next few months. The federation said the program will remove 931 million pounds of milk from the nation's food supply. This is the second year the group is paying farmers to reduce the amount of milk on the market. In the program's first year, 35,000 cows were slaughtered, removing 600 million pounds of milk. ….</font color> ************************* <font color="brown"> The above article proves that as consumption would drop they would either throw away the milk or worse still kill the cattle !!! And as for Putana – what I understood is that anybody who makes an offering(directly and indirectly) to Krishna will benefit to extent of their devotion/dedication. So both the cow and person offering will be benefited. I am reusing some of Bhabru Prabhu’s words : Very often I see vegans/PETA/atheists… trumpet that the cows are benefited by devotees not using milk prasdam. However, I have never, ever seen any evidence offered in support of this assertion. Can anyone here do so? I'm talking about real evidence; any inference should be supported by full evidence. Haribol ! </font color>
  5. Hare Krishna Theist Prabhu , Thanks for providing the answers to most of my questions. I am very impressed by your dedication to this cause. >>LOL Horsesh_t! You are looking for little areas of contradiction so you can call me a hypocrite. The phony humility game is so irratating. Just talk straight please. No phony humility game here !! Just respecting the senior Vaishanvas and hoping to learn from them. I want to learn to live this lifestyle so wanted to make sure how much you practise of what you preach and I am glad you do take this as seriously as you talk about it. Anways, >>>>8) Do you avoid using a mrdanga or listening to a mrdanga ? 9) Do avoid using or hearing a shankha/ conch shell ?<< >>Now you are getting too stupid to get a reply. Mrdanga/Conchshell/Yak tail fans are/use animal products, thats why I thought you would avoid any usage of these products. As for Soy milk - I have given it a try - the taste wasn't to my liking. Later I found that most of the Soy milk have number of additives to make their taste acceptable. And apart from that most of them contain Vitamin D - which cud be animal based. That was the reason I was asking you about your soy milk brand/ingredients. I have also read not so good reports of daily consumption of Soy milk. The only option remains is to make milk at home using Soy /other nuts. but that may not be possible for me at this juncture. but will surely give it a try. Again thanks for your kind response. Haribol !!!
  6. Hare Krishna Theist Prabhu, I think your stand on the milk issue is really appreciable, I agree with you that more people should become serious about cow protection rather than just paying lip service . I personally have not been able to adopt a diet without milk and I don’t think it would be possible for me in the near future. I would be glad to pay extra money if it would have been possible to get milk near where I live from a goshala. When I looked at soymilk – most of them contained ingredients I avoid. I am curious about your life style and diet though. How do you get the required minerals, vitamins and other essentials ? 1) Do you drink any other milk – like soy or nut .. etc – -- which brand and what are its ingredients ? 2) Do you avoid all leather goods ? 3) Do you avoid gelcaps or capsules ? – what if you were sick and the pills the doctor prescribed come only in those forms ? 4) Do you avoid using any films for photos etc ? 5) Do you avoid white sugar ? 6) Do you avoid glycerin, glycerides in soaps, shampoos, shaving creams, eatables? 7) Do you look for any animal based ingredients in your toothpaste, body lotions ? 8) Do you avoid using a mrdanga or listening to a mrdanga ? 9) Do avoid using or hearing a shankha/ conch shell ? 10) Do you write to companies selling/using animals products – the reason you have stopped using a certain product? Please do not take this as criticism of your stand, I would really like to know what alternatives you use so that I or others who are interested in avoiding animal products can atleast consider the alternatives. I am sure given a choice most devotees would be more than willing to take the extra time/money to consider the alternatives if not today maybe some time in the future. One last question – would you drink cow’s milk – if it came from a cow belonging to a cow protection program (goshala) ? Haribol !!!
  7. If the media decide to term the religion of people of Jordan (Christians, Muslim and Jews clubbed together) as ‘Jordanism’ since all the practitioners of Jordanism – believe in Adam , Eve, Noah, Moses and Eternal Hell and what not. And suppose it catches on. And goes on like that for 2000 yrs. Maybe the term Jordanism becomes extremely popular – since its all inclusive of the 3 major faiths. If a Jewish person then argues that he does not practise Jordanism - a person like Superman would argue no since Jordanism believes in Adam, Eve, Noah..Moses.. etc and Jews too believe in them – therefore both Jewism and Jordanism is the same. You cannot try to equate a corrupted derivative to the Original !!! Similarly, the only thing common between various belief systems you lump together as one under Hinduism is the belief in the reincarnation, existence of the soul and karma. Even though all of them are supposedly based on the Vedas – the conclusions are sometimes diametrically opposite. For example: Gita is considered as the essence of all the Vedas and though all Hindus take a oath on the Gita in a Indian court – they hardly accept the teachings of the Gita – that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, rather some Hindus consider Krishna as a myth, other hindus consider Krishna same as any other GODs or even babas etc.. Yet many so-called Hindus today reject even the Vedas, consider Vedas/Puranas as a figment of somebody’s imagination, do not believe in the soul or reincarnation. So what then is common in the various groups you said are Hindus ? <font color="blue"> Superman said “All in all, the word Hindu refers to anything that is Vedic in origin. And since HKs claim to follow Vedas (excuse me while I chuckle), they are Hindus.” </font color> <font color="red"> So superman – Do all hindus believe in the essence of the Vedas – the BhagavadGita ? Do all Hindus follow the Bhagavadgita ? Do all Hindus accept Krishna as the Source of all creation and as the Supreme Personality of Godhead as said in the Vedas and the Puranas ? Do all Hindus realize that they are eternal servants of the Supreme Lord Krishna – as said in the Gita ? Until all Hindus accept the above conclusions of the Vedas – YOUR CLAIM THAT HINDUS FOLLOW THE VEDAS IS FALSE !!!! The modern term Hinduism today represent a corrupted form of Vedic techings – with little semblance to the true Vedic conclusions . In short – Hinduism as a religion is as real as the made up religion – Jordanism. Just because the term Hinduism has become popular, has been there for 1000yrs or is generally misunderstood is irrelevant. </font color> <font color="brown"> As far as Hare Krishnas/Gaudiya Vaishnava are concerned they do not even consider modern Hinduism, Islam or Christinity as religions but just faiths. They generally consider religion as something so inherent that it cannot be changed whereas faith can be changed. And they mostly consider themselves as following Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Religion). Hare Krishnas are not against any religion and they do use the common beliefs most hindus have in Sri Krishna, reincarnation, soul etc as a starting point when preaching to Hindus. And yes they do take help from anybody (Hindus, Christians, Muslim…) whoever is ready to help them in their preaching activity. </font color> Hare Krishna !!! PS : This example of Jordanism is not mine but it has been used before to clear the misunderstanding of the term Hinduism.
  8. Hare Krishna !!! Neelkanth Prabhu, Thank you for taking the time to answer my query. Neelkanth Prabhu you wrote earlier : “Parabrahman or Purushottam is the highest reality, the supreme Godhead, one and unique. He is, at once, transcendent to everything and immanent in everything. He is the concrete reality with divine form and perfect personality who is the controller and supporter of everything. Jiva, Ishwar, Maya and Aksharbrahman constitute the body of Parabrahman who is their soul. And Lord Swaminarayan Himself is Parabrahman or Purushottam. “ Neelkanth Prabhu then you wrote : “That Shri Purushottam Nãrãyan, after first taking birth from Dharmadev and Murti, performs austerities in Badrikãshram in the form of Narnãrãyan. “That same Shri Narnãrãyan assumes the forms of Matsya, Kurma, Varãh, Vãman, Rãm, Krishna, etc., on earth for the fulfillment of particular tasks.” So if I put your above 2 statements together - You believe that Lord Swaminarayan Himself is Parabrahman or Purushottam. That Shri Purushottam Nãrãyan, after first taking birth from Dharmadev and Murti, performs austerities in Badrikãshram in the form of Narnãrãyan. That same Shri Narnãrãyan assumes the forms of Matsya, Kurma, Varãh, Vãman, Rãm, Krishna, etc., on earth for the fulfillment of particular tasks.” <font color="brown"> In short you as the followers of Swami Narayan sampraday believe Lord Swami Narayan is Purushottam Narayan and that HE takes the form of Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Vaman, Ram, Krishna etc… Did I understand you correctly ? Let me ask you a few simple questions – and I would like to know the answers according to the Swami Narayan sampraday 1) Is Lord Krishna any special compared to others avataars ? 2) Do you understand the full meaning of this verse krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 chapter 2 verse 28). 3) Why do you think in the Srimad Bhagavatam Srila Vyasadeva gave a very indepth coverage to the Lord Krishna's lilas compared to other avtaars ? 4) You wrote “….This would lead to moksha - ultimate salvation. “ What do Swami Narayan followers believe happens when one attains moksha ? One other follower of the Swami Narayan Sampraday in a different posting said this : “God (Parbrahm) is both Nirgun and Sagun. He has a definite divine Sakaar form and resides within his abode along with the redeemed souls who are merged into the bliss of Brahm (Supreme light which may also be called Chidakash and is the body of God just like the souls are)!” Just wanted to confirm that you too believe in moksha as merging into the Supreme… I appreciate your time in letting me become more aware about the Swami Narayan sampraday.. Haribol !!! </font color>
  9. Hare Krishna !!! Please pardon my ignorance about the Swami Narayan sampraday. I had one question - Do the Swami Narayan followers believe GOD has a form ? If Yes - What do they believe is GOD's original from ? OR Do they believe belive GOD is formless and takes on a form or avtaar like Shri Krishna ? Hoping you understood my question - and please I don't mean any offence - pardon me if I have mistakenly committed any. Thanks for your time. Haribol !!
  10. and don't let anyone make u believe otherwise. By this time most hindus girls wud have gone hook - line and sinker. There is nothing wrong with Muslim guys per se its just that they use their religious philosophy in a deviant manner. Don't try to hate ur muslim friend but defeat his poor understanding of GOD and our relationship with GOD. And try and adopt a vegetarian diet at the earliest and try chanting GOD's name in the form of 'Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare' This will make your problems vanish and give you the strength and the understanding to take on any challenge. anyway here is my msn and is - hare_krsna_das@hotmail.com and hare_krsna_das@ (its hare underscore krsna underscore das) Send me an e-mail - I will delete my email id from this post once you reply to this post. Take care - once again u r doing great !!! Hare Krishna !!!
  11. Priyaji, Take this advise as if from a older brother. Many muslim guys take it as their religious obligation to convert ‘kafirs’ i.e. non-believers like yourself to their faith. They stoop down to any level to achieve their goal – nothing is considered wrong so far as converting kafirs is concerned. I don’t know which country you reside in but in India as well as most of Europe, Denmark ,Holland, England(esp London and other big cities) its very common for Muslim guys (especially Pakistani muslims) to purposely cajole Hindu girls and the more religious the hindu girl – the more zeal they display to entice these girls. Most of the times these stupid Hindu girls are just trophies to be displayed among their Muslim friends. They seldom marry them. And of those who marry by saying that the girl does not have to convert they make their lives LIVING HELL – if not the boy himself and then his relatives. Its always a struggle to stand up for your faith once you are married – In Islam its pretty easy to divorce too just say ‘Talaq’ ‘Talaq’ Talaq’ and he is free bird. And its not really a big deal in their society. Most girls go after them for ‘looks’ or ‘physique’ i.e mostly lust because beyond that they don’t possess much. You have to use your GOD given intelligence wisely – don’t be a sentimental fool. Its possible he is a nice guy and really loves you for who you are etc…but very unlikely. If he has really read the Ramayan – casually ask him – what does he think of Vibhisan’s role or what does he think of Valmiki. Ask him about Shabari. Ofcourse if he is from India - he might know some of it thru TV serials. Show him how the stories of Ramayan are not myth – for example the Rameswaram bridge - http://www.vnn.org/world/WD0210/WD07-7592.html Tell your muslim friend – that most of the Temples, Vedas are lost today due to India being attacked by Muslims barbarians and British colonizers. Many of the so called Veda translations available today online or otherwise cannot be relied on since they have been tampered by English missionaries and other ill-informed people – whose main purpose was to undermine Hinduism and convert them to Christanity. Before them the Mughal emperors did similar things. Convince him that the essence of all the Vedic scripture is contained in the Bhagavad Gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam. Tell him that if he really loves you as he claims – ask him to read the most authentic Translation of the Bhagavad Gita – i.e. by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prahupada The online version is available here - http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/en Ask him to read it thoroughly and find faults in it. Tell him if he has any questions and to get a better understanding of all the things explained in the Bhagavad Gita he will have to read the Srimad Bhagavatam - http://srimadbhagavatam.com/en If you do not possess a copy of the ‘Bhagavad Gita As It Is’ by Srila Prabhupada – please send me your address by a Private message by clicking on my id and I will glad to mail one to you or for your friend. I hope you are a vegetarian else it will very difficult to develop in your spiritual life. This is a good test of faith for you. It might be a wake-up call for you to pay attention to your spiritual life – which most ‘Hindus’ lack. Most Hindus are just ritualistic and don’t know want to understand the philosophy and thats why become easy targets for these missionaries or mullahs types. It would be better to convice yourself and him that you being Hindu is a just a type of faith and not your true eternal religion. Throw a curved ball or googly tell him you belong to Sanatan Dharma (eternal religion) and that these religions like Hindu, Muslim and Christianity are nothing but faiths and meant for us to progress in our spiritual lives and the Gita is the highest because GOD himself spoke it. Any questions about the how a person comes into existence or what was God doing before he created Adam and Eve ? What happens to righteous people who never know about Allah ? Why does Allah punish people for eternity if he is that merciful ? – will stump them. If he answers anything ask him for a reference from the Quran. And ofcourse ask him why does allah not kill Satan ? Ask him the difference between dead body and living body - he will say its the soul - next - then ask him that wud mean animals too contain soul ? REINCARNATION Prove reincarnation to him - http://www.childpastlives.org/stevenson.htm is a good site to visit. He is not a good muslim Prove to him that he is not even a good muslim – because he does not eat Halal food items. If he eats in a fast food or restaurants – challenge him that his food is 99.99% of the time not halal. Halal animals has to be checked for defects and the kalma has to be chanted while killing it . –Most halal certifications are fakes. Most chicken items sold are pumped with pork fat to make it more tasty and juicy. Convince him that being a vegetarian will make him a better Muslim - http://www.islamicconcerns.com/halalproducts.asp If he is even more adamant – ask him why they worship the Shiv Ling at the Kabba ? ask him what was the temple at Kabba before Mohammed destroyed ? Show him how the moon is associated with the worship of Lord Shiva and that why Muslims have Moon symbols all over the place. Show him a picture of Lord Shiva with the moon in his matted hair. Refer to this article = http://www.swordoftruth.com/swordoftruth/archives/byauthor/aditichaturvedi/vpopia1.html Anyway good luck – if you can chat on – I could answer more of your questions and provide you with more information. You have to yourself read the Bhagavat Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam too – to properly convince him of your beliefs. Let us know if you need any help !!! Hare Krsna !!!
  12. Hare Krsna !!! Thanks for the nice explanation. Question 1 : Is it mentioned in the Shreemad Bhagavat that Lord Krishna lives in Akshardham - if yes please provide the verse number. Question 2 : You wrote earlier "Lord Krishna who lives in Akshardham, who is Vasudev Bhagvan and God supreme, glanced at Akshar who " and then later you wrote :"God incarnates through Vairaj Purush (Ishwar) by various incarnations such as Krishna, Ram etc." Your second statement indicates you do not understand the statement krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 chapter 2 verse 28). You are making contradictory statements intentionally or unintentionally – First you say Krishna starts the creation and later on you say – GOD incarnates as Krishna -- Please try to understand the subtle difference between the two statements. To understand the Srimad Bhagavatam in its pure form please visit http://www.srimadbhagavatam.com/ By the way do you chant the Mahamantra? <font color="red"> Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare </font color> Hare Krsna !!!
  13. Hare Krsna !! I think most sour cream and yogurt are fine. Watch out for the low-fat or fat-free ones. Beware of the 'Great Value' or 'GV' brand they almost always contain gelatin. Danon's plain yogurt are fine but their yogplaits are not neither are many of the fruit on the bottom yogurts most of them contain gelatin. I use sour cream from the Daisy brand - I checked out their website too - they seem to be fine. http://www.daisybrand.com/Products/DaisyRegular.html Sandra - thanks for your research and providing that link. Haribol !!!
  14. Hare Krsna !!! In this age the best remedy to counteract all kinds of evil spell etc.. from taking effect is chanting the holy name of the Lord - Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare The person who resorts to this kind of black magic/spell etc invariably suffer the same if not worse reaction later on in life themselves. I am saying this from personal experience - I mean know a person who did something like this and the person's son who was normal is now suffering a terrible mental illness. There is always justice in this world, everybody has to suffer for their karma - just that we don't realize it. But in any case Chanting is a sure way of protecting your self from all such nonsense and the easiest way for attaining the mercy of the Lord. Hare Krsna !!!
  15. Hare Krsna !!! In the online Bhagvadgita pdf from e-book at krishna.com the Fifth guru in the discplic succesion is given as 'Madhva (Advaita)' and the eigth guru is given as 'Madhava' (Ma in this name is with the dash on the top indicating its Maa). In the present printed versions the word Advaita is no longer present for the fifth guru. Another thing is the picture posted by Govindaram Prabhuji is probably not correct , it should probably be this one Got it from : http://www.rvc.edu/iskcon/disciplic_succession.html My question is does anybody know why the older editions (and the ebook at Krishna.com) of the Bhagavadgita As-it is term the fifth Guru Madhva as Advaita ? Another information I request is - Can anybody tell me a where I would find list of disciplic succession as followed by the Madhva sampradaya ? Does Gaudiya and Madhva sampradays list of disciplic succession match up till the 18th Guru Vyasatirtha ? Hare Krsna !!!
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