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  1. Dear Tej Narayan ji, May i get your email i.d , I wanted to discuss with you your experiences related with Apsara Saadhna. I also wanted to perform it under your guidance if you allow.. Regards Pradeep Sharma pradeep2910@gmail.com
  2. Dear astrologers, I have read that child born in visakha nakshatra has to live like a orphan. he stays away from his/her mother because of ealry death of mother or any other reason. i wanted to know is this true? please share your knowledge/ Regards Pradeep
  3. Dear Experts, I wanted to know the effect of retrogate planets. I have got different opinions on this nature of planet. some says retrogate planet act like exhalted. some says it brings sorrows and troubles in life. i have retrogate jupitor in my chart. how would it affect me ? please add to my knowledge. Date of birth- 29-10-1976 Time of birth- 04:26 A.M Place of birth - Kashipur(Uttaranchal) Thanks and best Regards Pradeep
  4. USR jI, Thanks from the core of my heart.I will do all as you and sharma ji said.
  5. Dear sir, I am a virgo ascendent with moon in capricorn.currently i am running under rahu mahadasha and mercury anterdasha. september 2008 onward i will come under rahu/ketu dasha. someone told me that this 1 year period of rahu/ketu will be a desastrous period for me and there are very much chances that my life will end up in an accident during this period. kindly check my horoscope and tell me the truth regarding the affect of Rahu/ketu dasha on me. I have recieved analysis from sharma ji(thanks to him),I just want you to please go through my birth chart once and give your opinion. my birth details are as follows. DATE OF BIRTH - 29/10/1976 TIME OF BIRTH- 04:26 A.M PLACE OF BIRTH- KASHIPUR (UTTARANCHAL),INDIA Thanks and Best Regards Pradeep sharma
  6. USR ji ,May i request to you also to look at my birth chart and discuss my querry. Thanks in advance
  7. Dear Sharma ji, Many thanks for your prompt reply.I will do all what you have suggested. Thanks again.. Regards Pradeep
  8. Dear sir, I am a virgo ascendent with moon in capricorn.currently i am running under rahu mahadasha and mercury anterdasha. september 2008 onward i will come under rahu/ketu dasha. someone told me that this 1 year period of rahu/ketu will be a desastrous period for me and there are very much chances that my life will end up in an accident during this period. kindly check my horoscope and tell me the truth regarding the affect of Rahu/ketu dasha on me. my birth details are as follows. DATE OF BIRTH - 29/10/1976 TIME OF BIRTH- 04:26 A.M PLACE OF BIRTH- KASHIPUR (UTTARANCHAL),INDIA Thanks and Best Regards Pradeep
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