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  1. Dear Deepaji & Sandhuji, Thanks for the great discussion and analysis of Jupiter's conjuction with Saturn! It is very useful for astrology learner/students like me! One little comment on Barack Obama's horoscope: I notice that Jupiter is debilitated but retro and according to what I have learnt that would act like exalted. Regards, SINGH
  2. Thanks ppena ji for your post/comments! I guess health/illness issues in Rahu MD were predicted beause Rahu is enemy of my Ascendant lord Sun as well as they have 1/12 relationship. It is just a guess. Thanks for your suggestion about Ruby, I guess it is very essential since Sun is my Ascendant lord, but It is in 12th house from my Arudha lagna; woulldn't it increase my expenses? Another question: What are the effects of Rahu + Venus combination in Arudha lagna? This occurs in Libra making Venus in its mooltrikona sign as well as in Swati nakshatra which is ruled by Rahu. I see clearly how much importance is given to the Signs planets are in, but what about nakshatra? Would Rahu give good results since it is in his own nakshatra regardless to that it is enemy of Ascendant lord? Thanks for all the attention/help I am receiving from this forum!
  3. Thanks Sasisekaran ji for the quick reply! Regarding 3rd Q. I have no idea about thithi ashtotarri and thithi pravesha chakra, so I will google it and check it out. Thanks for the tip! 4. I asked about combustion of Mars because Mars is 1:9 degree in Libra and Sun is 14:21 degrees in Virgo and I read somewhere that Mars is combusted within 17 degrees from Sun, so in my case it is just combust as it is 16.48 degrees away. Will this make Mars weak? However, it is low in degrees(1:9), does this make it anyway weak? (I read somewhere that planets in first 5 degrees are like children and in higher degrees(25 to 30) like old/aged hence weak; can't give results of their general significance as well as of the houses they rule/lord). So, this question was raised to know whether many astrologers in this forum believe in this theory? 5. Just like 4. this question was also concerned "the degree theory" Thank you very much for showing your interest in my post/thread, and helping me gain my astrological knowledge!
  4. Hi again, Sorry Sasisekaran ji that I look long to get back to this forum/thread. As you asked, my other details are followings: Moved to Norway: January 2002 Marriage: May 2002 in Bergen, Norway Study: Studied norwegian language at Uni. til Dec.2002, started studying IT at Uni. from Jan. 2003, got good grades all the time and started Masters Degree from Aug 2004 (Simultaneously worked at an elderly home/hospital as asst. nurse and financed new home for the family in India as well as sisters wedding). I am just a thesis away from my degree (completed with courses part); have been passive in studies since Feb. 2006 (have been confused with my thesis topic + have been working much for collecting money to buy an apartment here in Norway + taking care of family back in India). Job: working as IT Systems analyst in Norway's biggest Life Insurance company since July 2007 My wife is norwegian and her birth details are: DOB: 9th July 1978 Time: 23:10 (Source: Hospital register) Place: Oslo, Norway (59n55, 10e45) +1 H GMT She has been having some health issues off and on since 2002 (got operated in stomach because of some severe pains; the reason for which Doctors tend to not find), but these pains are no longer there. As I mentioned earlier we have been ill with fever/viruses several times since we moved into our new apartment (since october 2006). We have one daughter, her details are: DOB: 28th April 2006 TIME: 07:47 Place: Bergen, Norway (60e23, 5n20) +1 H GMT Some questions: 1. 5-mukhi vs 7-mukhi rudraksh? I have still to receive an answer to my dilemma. 2. Gemstones: I know that coral is essential (Mars being yogakaraka for Leo ascendant) for me but should I wear it in ring (right hand or left hand) or in a pendant in gold chain? Should I wear Ruby since my ascendant lord Sun is in 2nd house (parivartna yoga with retrograde Mercury-lord of 2nd and 11th) but aspected by Saturn in 12th house(cancer)? What about golden topaz, jupiter being the 5th and 8th lord and in 10th house but retrograde? 3. I have been having some misshapes since feb. 2008, got ill with Pneumonia and then got mysterious pain in my left leg (started while playing squash); it starts from my left hip and streches across whole left leg to left foot. First I though it is Sciatica/Isjias and went to a chiropractor for treatment, the treatment (6 times in a span of 4-5 weeks) resulted in no relief and the pain is still there. On 4th June, I fell down while playing football and got hurt on the left side of my chest (have been to a Doctor, had painkillers for a week but pain is still there til now). On 23rd June, got stolen my wallet with some good cash in it in Copenhagen, Denmark while I was visting my wife's family over there. Now again on 11th July, while playing football (again :-)) hurt my right foot. All these things are ofcourse small in front of what some people face in life everyday (so I am not complaining) but from astrological point I think this is because of Saturn's transit in Leo (my ascendant). Do you guys (please read: learned astrologers) agree with this? When is Saturn going to transit into Virgo? 4. Is my mars combust? In chalit chart it is in conjuction with Sun in 2nd house but in Rasi chart it is in Libra (3rd house) with Venus and Rahu. I see that it is just 1 degree, does this mean that it is weak? My mars is vargottam as it is also in Libra in Navmasha, if it is combust then will it be able to give me good results? 5. In my daughters horoscope, she has neechbhanga rajyayog (exalted Venus in the 10th house along with debilated Mercury and Rahu, but Mercury is 23 degrees and Venus 0.16 degrees. Does this effect the neechbhanga? I am sorry if I went too much in details here (you see the effect of Sun in Virgo), but I need help with these questions. Hope that I will find some answers/ good discussion out of this. Once again, Thanks in advance to all who will bother to take part in this thread/discussion!!!
  5. Hi Coolgimmy, Sorry, If I am interfering; As per my astrological knowledge (which is quite little, but anyway) the sofware seems to be correct and without any bug as Arudha langa can never be in the 7th house. One calculates 10 houses from 7th to assign Arudha langa in these kind of cases, so it falls in 4th house. Hopefully this solves your problem :-) For more info you can always google : Arudhapada Note: Sorry Deepa ji, I noticed your reply after I had already posted! so never mind! :-)
  6. Thanks USR ji for your opinion! I don't have any brother just two younger sisters, but we have a lot of love for eachother escpesially after I moved away from my home to Norway (since 2002). But arguments were always there between us :-) The elder of the two sisters has gotten married and now moved to Australia. For the other one we have been looking a suitable match... I have been supporting my family back in India for 7-8 years; my father has been unemployed for last 10-11 years so it was me who arranged the marriage of my sister. Namaste Sasisekaran ji, Thanks for taking interest in my case :-) Well, the period from june 2006 to aug 2007 has been quite OK/good. In October 2006, we (I+ my wife) bought a big appartment here in Norway (with loan ofcourse but still it is a positive achievement), and we have been renovating this appartment since we moved in (new kitchen, new bathroom etc) and still there are things left to be done so this has resulted in much tension. Health of all three of us (we have a two year old daughter) has also not been so good since we moved in here; I have been twice ill with Pneumonia (december 2006 and feb 2008). My wife and daughter have also been ill several times not only in this period but even til now. However, in July 2007, I started working in Norway's biggest Life Insurance company as an IT systems analyst, which is also a great achievement (espesially when I am still not finished with my masters degree in Information Science) :-). So all in all this has been a mixed period for me. Hopefully, it was good enough information from my side. Please do not hesitate to ask any further questions if you have any. I will be more than happy to reply them :-)
  7. Thanks once again for your reply. I really appreciate it! Regarding Moon I tend to agree with u, actually I used to have the impression that it is not good in my chart but after reading an article about the significance of Navamsha I started wondering that it is not so bad for me since it is quite ok in my Navamsha (being the lord of 11th and placed in 2nd with vargottam Mars). So that was merely a question (just wanted to have an opinion on it). Anyone else interested to give an opinion(about Moon as well as Rahu)? And nevertheless about Rudraksh(5-mukhi or 7-mukhi?). I'll be grateful for all the discussion and opinions! Thanks in advance!
  8. Thanks a lot for the quick response! Being a vedic astrology student (self-student:-)), I would like to ask you why do you think that Rahu's dasha could cause me illness/disease/physical injury? and why would the antardasha of Moon be bad? I know Moon is the lord of the 12th house and is placed in the 5th house but in Navmasha it is the lord of the 11th and is placed in the 2nd along with Mars which is vargottam. I think it should give me good results? One more thing: Would you recommend me to wear a 7 mukhi rudraksh? I used to wear a 5 mukhi rudraksh (in thread around my neck) and a coral (moonga) in gold ring, which gave me quite good results for last 7-8 years but last year I happened to lose my rudraksh as well as coral, and since then I have been very pessimist, agressive and kind of depressed. I know that coral is very essential for me but I can't find some good and trustworthy place on the internet to buy one so that is going to be bought when I am in India next time, but I found some good places to buy rudraksh on the net so I am going to buy one but just can't decide which one (5-mukhi or 7-mukhi)? 7 mukhi is for Saturn and Saturn, in my rashi chart, is the lord of the 6th and 7th houses and is placed in 12th, aspecting my ascendant lord Sun in the 2nd house. But in Navmasha Saturn is the lord of the 5th and 6th houses and is placed in his own house (5th house), So I thought 7 mukhi rudraksh can be more helpful than 5 mukhi, but my Jupiter is supposed to be good in both (Rashi as well as Navmasha) charts so 5 mukhi would also give me good results. Which one would you recommend? And will wearing a rudraksh (either 5-mukhi or 7-mukhi) be good from Moon's prospective? Since rudraksh is supposed to please lord shiva and thus help to eliminate the ill effects of Moon(?) Thanks in advance for all the help!
  9. Hi all, I am new to the forum. I am very interested in Vedic Astrology so I find this forum very interesting and useful. People seem to be helpful here. So I am going to try my luck with the following query: One question that has been worrying me lately is that how is Rahu in my chart? I am going to start with Rahu's mahadasha from March 2009. My details are followings: DOB: 01 October 1976 Place of Birth: New Delhi, India Time: 04:15 (morning) Current location: Bergen, Norway I am attaching my Lagna chart & Navmasha chart here. I am having a Leo Ascendant, Retrograde Murcury in 1st house(Leo), Sun in 2nd(Virgo), Venus, Mars and Rahi in 3rd(Libra), Moon in 5th(Saggitarius), Ketu in 9th(Aries), Rertrograde Jupiter in 10th(Taurus) and Saturn in 12th(Cancer). I read somewhere that Rahu in 3rd house gives good result, it is Kuberyoga(?). Rahu is in Libra with Venus and Mars and in Swati nakshtra that is its own nakshtra. Is that good? What do you predict about Rahu's mahadasha? How is my chart over all? Any significant yogas/doshas? Thanks in advance for all the help!
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