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Dear Shri Sasisekaran, I agree with your idea. I also want to compare the horoscopes of a couple of completely normal people to make sure that the same things aren't present in them as in the horoscopes of those with illness. I will take quite long because I'm moving to another house in the next couple of weeks and there's confusion everywhere. Once everything is unpacked, I'll also send you the details of Case E. Regards, Medan
Dear Shri Sasusekaran, Please note that in addition to all the valid points you have made, 5th lord (mind) is again with 6th lord (illness) and Rahu is square to Moon, combinations which I have found in many mentally sick people's charts (of course these have to be accompanied by other considerations, too). Another factor that seems impotant to me is that affliction to AK can show in many ways - not necessarily mental illness only. So there has to be some way of narrowing down the mental illness part of it. Other than Moon square Rahu, Moon (karaka of mind) is not only in marana sthana in rasi, but is also in 12th house in navamsa, with 6th lord Mars, aspected by 8th lord Mercury. I am just trying to explore and see if we can add anything to our knowledge by our experience. Regards, Medan
Dear Shri Sasisekaran, Thank you for the information. Regards, Medan
Dear Ram and Shri Sasisekaran, I'm surprised that Ram has not clarified the issue. I had not seen his earlier mail, so I used the time given in the second mail. I went through the trimsamsas of some charts to try to improve my reading of them. Shri Sasisekaran, your advice about focusing on AK and 9th lord's disposition is valuable because it is very confusing to go into all the planets. For example, it is said that planets in the D-30 lagna indicate the ills acquired in this life, those in 8th indicate ills inherited from past and those in 10th indicate mental ills. Supposing a person with Pisces lagna in rasi has Virgo ascendant in the D-30, with Moon and Mars in it. Will we judge the nature/cause of the illness by the karakatwas of Moon and Mars, or their lordships in rasi, or their lordships in D-30? If one considers all of them, it is confusing and too many aspects come into play. Regards, Medan
Dear Ram, I will try to say the little that I can make out of your brother's horoscope.The position of Saturn in the 5th is not at all good, which is so both in rasi and D-30. Moon (who is karaka for mind and 5th lord) in 6th house is also not good. The current dasa is Moon-Saturn. AK Venus is strong in that it is exalted in rasi & navamsa. This is good in itself. But in both it is 8th lord exalted, placed in lagna, which indicates misfortune & suffering. The first depression coincided with Sun's main period. Sun is in marana sthana and can cause great suffering. It was Jupiter sub-period and Jupiter is also in marana sthana, besides being debilitated and with badhak in D-9. The problem got aggravated again under Jupiter's sub-period under Moon. 9th lord Mars seems to be good for him (please confirm). Things should improve considerably from 2013, when Mars dasa starts. The present transit is not favourable - Ketu is transiting natal Saturn and Rahu is transiting natal Mars. He is in the thick of sade saati. Transit Saturn is also aspecting natal Sun, which is always a difficult period. But the situation will not remain quite so bad forever, though he may become chronically ill off and on. Do not lose hope because with the help of medicines and the right kind of support, he should be able to pick up the threads of his life even if he is on medication. I have written on the aspect of his health. As to if and when he'll come back, I'm not qualified enough to say. Good luck, Medan
Dear Shri Sasisekaran, Could you please answer my questions about Saturn in Case A my last post to you? Especially if Saturn being 12th lord in D-30 will provide any relief, even though it is afflicted by all malefics? (Please refer to my last mail to you.) I am waiting to hear from you. Regards, Medan
Dear Ram, Could you please give your e-mail address, or write to me at mdo3@rediffmail.com. Regards, Medan
Dear Ram, I think Shri Sasisekaran, Shri USR and Deepa-ji are much better qualified to see your brother's horoscope, so you should definitely ask them. However, I will try to help in my own way. Just give me a little time. Regards, Medan
Dear Shri Sasisekaran, Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, as it has been of great help to me. There is a lot to learn and I need time to absorb and apply the information to many horoscopes to be able to gain a better understanding. According to what you say, it is true that AK is badly afflicted both in Case A and B. 9th lord's disposition in rasi and navamsa seems to be making the slight difference between the two cases (bhagya is worse in Case B). In Case A, when Saturn dasa comes, what will be the effect of Saturn being 12th lord in D-30? I should think that going by D-30, Saturn dasa will have two effects - primarily, there will be a very bad effect, as it is conjoined with all the malefics in the 4th house, thus also afflicting the house of cure. Second, it will manifest the effects of its own houses (in D-30) - 11th and 12th - and since 9th lord Jupiter is in the 12th, there might be some little relief. Are these conclusions right? Leaving aside D-30, Saturn is with 9th lord in rasi and perhaps this will help. Do you agree? (In D-60, too, Saturn is with Jupiter, but it is debilitated.) What I cannot guess at all is how Saturn's exaltation in D-9 will work. Regards, Medan
Dear Shri Srisasisekaran, I asked earlier about cure. If I am not wrong, I remember that 4th house in D-30 indicates cure. Also, 12th house. Case A looks drastically bad if we consider the 4th house of the trimsamsa. It seems that whatever improvement there has been will be lost once Saturn dasa comes in 2014. In D-60, Saturn is debilitated. Could you please give your views? Regards, Medan
Dear Shri USR, Still waiting to hear from you. This is a democratic forum and I would like to have a discussion not only with Shri Sasisekaran, but also with you and anybody else who would like to join in. Deepa-ji, have you been following this thread? What are your views? Babu 786, is it possible for you to send the details of your brother and the period during which he was depressed? Regards, Medan
Dear Shrisasisekaran, Yes, I agree that the AK should be given the maximum importance. However, that is so for all horoscopes, so I think one has to take into account other specifics, like mind (5th lord, Moon), wisdom (9th lord, Jupiter), intelligence/rationality (Mercury), and strength/resilience when considering a mental illness. You have commented on will power, which I think is essential for recovery. For this, we will have to check the dispositions of 3rd lord Mercury and Mars (karaka for will) in both horoscopes. Can you please throw some light on two things? 1. How de we see what is the particular destiny indicated by the AK (taking case A, for example) - how do we say what is the karma the person has to achieve? 2. How is the area of 'cure' examined? That would be very important. Regards, Medan
Dear Shri Sasisekaran, Going along the lines you have described, it is still difficult to balance out the negative and positive factors of Cases A and B. Yes, Case B is worse as in D-9, AK is in randhra and so is 5th & 10th lord Mars. But then in Case B, AK & Mars are not much better either, both being in 6th house in badhak's sign. Lagna lord is worse in Case A (being in badhak's vargas many times). As for 9th lord, it is better off in case A - unafflicted in 7th house in D-9; unafflicted in 12th house in D-30; in 7th house but afflicted by badhak and Saturn in D-60. Also, it is swavarga 6 out of 16 times, which is not so in Case B, and is involved in Adhi yoga. In case B, 9th lord is much worse off - in 6th house in D-9; in lagna in D-30; in 2nd house with Rahu in D-60. If we consider 5th lord, Mars, it is much worse in Case A. It is in 12th in rasi, 6th in D-9, 4th (together with Saturn, Sun, Rahu and Ketu) in D-30, and 8th (in badhak's sign) in D-60. How do we balance out which factors are more important? How much comparative weightage do we give to the Moon (karaka for mind and lagna lord), AK, 9th lord and 5th lord, respectively? Regards, Medan
Dear Shri USR, We can keep this forum open - it is up to us. I don't believe that any one person can know everything and I think there is always room for exploration as well as other people's views. I am interested in pursuing knowledge or the truth and whatever seems relevant is welcome and we must keep it that way. So please continue to write, as I am interested in knowing what you have to say. Regards, Medan
Dear Shri Sasisekaran, On looking into the vargas, I find that in Case A, the ascendant lord is not well placed - it is in badhak venus's signs 7 times. Further, it occupies 12 vargas of its enemies. The only redeeming feature is that it is exalted 4 times, importantly in rasi and trimsamsa. Moon is all the more important, being karaka for mind. 9th lord Jupiter is swavarga 6 times, which is extremely good. It is in friendly signs 10 times, which is also good. AK is in swavarga 5 times and occupies 11 friendly vargas. The bad thing is that it is in badhak's signs 4 times, importantly in rasi and trimsamsa. You asked for my opinion, but I don't really know much. The lagna lord's placements in vargas is bad. Other than that, there are the argalas you mentioned and papakartari to lagna. Then the aspect of 8th and 6th lords on 5th lord, who in addition is in dusthana (12th). I want to ask you: would Jupiter being in swavarga 6 times and AK 5 times help the native's case? In comparison, in Case B, there is nothing either extremely good or bad in the placements of lagna lord, 9th lord or AK. But there is one interesting feature. AK (Rahu) is placed in Sun's varga 6 times - Sun is an enemy and is debilitated in rasi. 2nd house (Leo, in the case of Cancer) also stands for our resources (take it here as resources of the self) and Rahu placed in Leo in 6 of the divisional charts couldn't be good. Also, it seems the debility of Jupiter in rasi and combustion of Mars (5th lord and karaka for will/effort, and rajayogakaraka for Cancer lagna) have certainly affected the native adversely. And there seems to be nothing exceptional to counter the ills. Please do give your views. Regards, Medan