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  1. lokeshvara, Dharma is your nation, mother tongue and your caste(physical body as well as upbringing). This things you just cannot change in this lifetime. There are a plenty of lady monks in TM organisation, and it is great for them what they are doing, but real reason for this is that they have good financial karma to pay their stay there. But TMO is also financing 10000 brahmin boys from poor families allover the India to meditate and worship their deities: You can think it in both ways, because gods are laws of nature according to maharishi's understanding, and this laws are in your body to. So if you meditate upon "Om Sri Ram" you actually just healing you self and bringing in accordance with your own nature. It is just a different point of view that you don't have because you don't have the knowlege of vedanta. What I know TM is maybe most related to Kashmir Shaivism, it has both vedanta an bhakti. There is a text called Yoga sutras and one shaivism text called shiva samhita where hopping and other efects are exactly described. http://www.outercol.org/pdf/SHIVA.pdf "41. In the second stage, there takes place the trembling of the body; in the third, the jumping about like a frog; and when the practise becomes greater, the adept walks in the air." Now there are some words from our dear Guru Deva:"People debate many concepts related to bhakti and jnana. Some argue that devotion is superior, and some that knowledge is. Only those who don't know the true meaning of bhakti and jnana feel this way, seeing devotion and knowledge to be opposed, and are willing to fight over it. It has been said that to know Paramatma is jnana, and, having known Him, to worship Him is bhakti. If you don't know Him, then how can you worship Him? You see, it is very clear that without knowledge, bhakti is not possible. Neither those who are against jnana and in favour of the bhakti, nor those who favour jnana but oppose bhakti, are aware of their own spiritual blindness. How can one trust the testimony of the blind? We can only trust the words of someone who can see."
  2. I think it can be any of these things or all of them or it may be that you get from her something what you need, but reason why a man is attracted to a women lies in power of archetypes and their symbolism. For example, women's hair is fire of life or man's hair with beard is like the rays of sun
  3. Well I personally am not an Indian and I don't know maybe I was some Indian or at least an animal in India or tribal person in former life. I think that you are wrong about number of western mystics, who exactly do you think of? You are made of bodies of your father and mother. Why are Eskimos able to eat so much animal fat and have perfect cardiovascular system. Why do you think that in Indian tradition, acetics since immemorial times went to forest to meditate and set there their ashrams. It is stated in vedas that forest is a place of gods whereas a village a place of man. For instance: it is not allowed in yajna to offer a wild animal but only domestic because they belong to gods. I think you are an romantic idealist like christians are. But to reach god it is not enough just to wish it, you must search for him also and have a good karma. Hari Om!
  4. You can not understand scriptures well, if you never went in to yourself. How can you than reach and know God? Chopra is new age, but as long he was with maharishi he was not "diluting" and this short talk is OK. May a just add that my gurus guru was a Shankara of Jyotir Math
  5. Born brahmin is more pure, because there is genetical aspect to consider. Brahmins where always chanting vedas, this job is purifying. But if brahmin eats meat or drinks this is polluting him, than I don't know how clean he is. Indian mind is more used of meditation than western, it is in the blood, consciousness. Because nature is god, and people living in accordance with nature are closer to god.
  6. I also don´t like new-age guys who just simplify and dilute eternal thruts for the sake of ego or profit, but there is also another movement in the last century, the one of science. This scientific logic is the great advantage we have today since the most of us lerned mathe in the school. And why are than Vedas writing about it and why and whatabout are you philosophizing on this forum? Why where you not impressed, maybe some explanation?
  7. OK, nice expirience! I don´t wanna argue with this. I don´t know which meditation you tried but normally if you are doing some pranayama, you should be calming your mind down, like it says in yoga sutra:"yogas citta vritti nirodha", "The aim of Yoga is the intentional stopping of the spontaneous fluctuations of consciousness". When you don`t have "fluctuations"(thinking), you steel have consciousness, it is not nothing, how come you are still aware if there is nothing to be aware of? Consciousness is mystery for modern sience, they don`t even try to solve it. In order to be effective, prayers should be executed out of this calm state of awareness because this state is more close to God. If I pray god of ocean to show up, I can wait for thousand years, but if Lord Ram prays, he will come immediately. Why only Brahmins sing vedas? Because they nervous systems are more pure, they don´t eat meat and so on.. If a person lives in the city, where you don´t hear the singing of the birds,don´t see the dawn, but just work in a factory and watch tv, your nervous systems is continuously directed outwards. Of what use is a prayer of this person to Jesus? But if you live with nature as a part of some indigenous tribe, than of course your prayers to rain and so on have an effect.
  8. I don`t know about the flower in my tradition we repeat sound, mantra(you can also use yantra) and when mantra disappears, you stay alone with yourself without thoughts. You can have the same effekt if you run and go out of oxygen, or when you long time concetrate on somethnig and mind just breaks down(I thin goenka vipassana), can not think anymore. I thought about samadhi without object. yes you are Well, bhakti make sense if you first meditated, and felt the presence of god because not till then you knew how god looks like, and where to search him. How can you love somebody if you don´t know him? After you got expirience of transcendence you should not stop there but refine your senses, emotions and intellect to see god everywhere, in every person and every stone. This is what did Chaitanya, Ramakrishna, Krishnamurti, but they where born at very high level and had not to meditate but just to praktice bhakti.
  9. You are right, I read this part now and it is not looking easy to understand. I give it once more a try: So this part is OK: ****************** What is your consciousness? Your consciousness is its content. What you see you become, things around you, your thoughts, your emotions.. But what happens when consciousness is empty? You see god, because you are "made in the image of God". ****************** explanation: Well you stay only with God since your consciousness is always aware, since this is its nature. If you have nothing to see and you are aware, not in deep sleep where your awareness shuts down, you see God since he is only who remains. This is famous theorie of yoga,budhism and advaita and should be well known. When you stop thinking you see who you realy are, "yogas citta vritti nirodha" But this part I would modify: *************** Now, one thing is just to see that you are realy this state of emtiness of thoughts and maintain this state during activity, the other thing to learn to act out of this state. When you act out of this state, you become "gods servant", MMY would call it "gods consciousness" *************** Well, when you saw god in this short moment of stillness of your thoughts, you are still not realy aware of god when you come out of this state. You have to make your emotions,thoughts more subtile to see god also later. Even if your state of stillness is there after every thought, if you didn`t refine your thinking, emotions, senses you will not be aware of god in every object. And this is actually your "bhakti" way. But it has much more sinn when you are experiencing this stillness... Greetings from MMY
  10. What is your consciousness? Your consciousness is its content. What you see you become, things around you, your thoughts, your emotions.. But what happens when consciousness is empty? You see god, because you are "made in the image of God". That´s why god is transcendent. Now, one thing is just to see that you are realy this state of emtiness of thoughts and maintain this state during activity, the other thing to learn to act out of this state. When you act out of this state, you become "gods servant", MMY would call it "gods consciousness" This all Indian gods are just parts of our physiology as they are parts of our universe, beacause we are "made in the image of God". When you revive them, your brain is functioning properly, one can say you are in devotion to god. please fill the gap between www in link w ww.youtube.com/watch?v=sIXCVoxTpwE&feature=channel_page
  11. Two things can be in a relationship only if they have similarities. One can see something only if he gets a picture of this in his brain. How you recognise a desk? By desk picturing in your brain. My enviroment is a picture of myself, of my consciousness. Everybody gets what he deserves. To see a God you need too be similar to him. Humans are "made in the image of God", that is why we can reach him. So by picturing desk in your brain, you are actually becoming desk. But are you realy desk or stil separate? I think whether you are different from god as dvaits say or the same as advaits, is just a philosophical play
  12. We are different only because we have limited vision and understanding. The higher our vision and understanding(our consciousness) are the more equal to each other we become. Because at the root of us is unbounded consciousness of god. I try to post a video link fill the gaps: ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=8vcnVV3NKgk&feature=related
  13. The ego depends on how much is your consciousness expanded Itzhak Bentov a pupil of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi draw this diagramn of two guys, lets say + is Tim and * is John: gods consciousness(overlapping).+.....*................+...* level of the higher self.......................+.....*.........+...* level of the soul.....................................+.....*+....* physical level.............................................+....* Tim an John are separate on the physical level, but as their consciousness expandes there is more overlaping and they are more the same, the individual ego becomes universal one.There is a video on youtube
  14. Well as a long term vata sufferer I think ultimate medicine is to accept life circumstances that a person lives in,not to always look for a escape like going in to monastery or changing life.(Easier said then done) You should not eat refined food, should have friends, play music in some band, have stabile job or income and no worries...
  15. h**p://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4629224515225521546&hl=en
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