Please analyse the charts and kindly let me know whether this match is suitable for me. The chart details of both is given below:
As per local astrologer:
in my chart:-
Simha lagna, Rahu, Saturn & Guru in 1st house, Moon in 2nd, Ravi, Budha & Sukra in 3rd, Ketu in 7th, Kuja in 12th house.
in girl's chart:-
Simha lagna, Moon in 1st house, ketu in 2nd, kuja, ravi & budha in 3rd, sukra & saturn in 4th, Guru & Rahu in 8th house.
Please see the matching of these 2 charts. I am afraid of rasi kuta because of 2/12 combination (girl -simha rasi & boy-kanya raasi). Please see and suggest whether this raasi kuta has any exception in this case.
Sorry for the inconvenience causing you,
awaiting an ealry reply.
Thanks & regards,