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  1. Namaste! Please predict marriage period: Female, DOB- 17.09.80 night at 02:31 hrs (early hours of 18.09.80) POB- Visakhapatnam Star- Mula 3rd Pada When she is expected to get married and how about her married life?. Any remedy for quick settlement of marriage?. She performed Rahu-Ketu puja in Srikalahasti on advice of local astrologer. Please have a look on the chart, Thanking you in advance.
  2. Dear USR Ji! Thank you very much for remembering me. My problem is also not solved yet, Sir.
  3. Namaste Deepa ji / USR ji. I would request you to kindly read chart of below girl and give remedies for quick settlement of marriage: Female, DOB- 17.09.80 night at 02:31 hrs (early hours of 18.09.80) POB- Visakhapatnam Star- Mula 3rd Pada Kindly read the chart and predict: Is there any problem in her chart? When she is expected to get married and how about her married life?. Any remedy for quick settlement of marriage?. She performed Rahu-Ketu puja in Srikalahasti on advice of local astrologer. Please have a look on the chart, Thanking you in advance.
  4. Namaste Madam, Please find your valuable time to analyse the chart. Thanking You in Advance. Regards.
  5. Namaste Madam, Kindly analyse the chart. Thanks & regards,
  6. Namaste Madam, I am giving the details of a girl which is not getting married and her parents are literally worried about her marriage. They are searching for a suitable match since past 6 years but all remain in vain. Her details are: DOB- 17.09.80 night at 02:31 hrs (early hours of 18.09.80) POB- Visakhapatnam Star- Mula 3rd Pada Kindly read the chart and predict: Is there any problem in her chart? When she is expected to get married and how about her married life?. Any remedy for quick settlement of marriage?. Problem periods have gone or still is there any problems in her chart. She performed Rahu-Ketu puja in Srikalahasti on advice of local astrologer. Please have a look on the chart, she is having an younger sister also and their parents want to marry first elder girl and because of this it is causing delay of her younger sister also. Thanking you in advance.
  7. NAMASTE MADAM, Please find some time to read this chart and predict marriage period, how about her married life and professional life. Female, DOB - 15.11.87 night at 12:20 hrs (early hours of 16.11.87), POB - Visakhapatnam, Pubba 3rd padam, Simha Lagna. Thanking you in advance. Regards
  8. Namaste! Thank you very much for your analysis. Birth date & Time given you is accurate, Father expired on 7.6.97. Is there any dosha to father in his chart?. After a lot of struggle and pressure from our side, he passed his xth class and ITI. Since childhood, he is not listening to anybody and do whatever he wish, that is what causing mental tension to me and my mother. He always wants to go abroad, out of state to work. Please see will there be any progress if we put him in business or we shall ask him to do job only?. Please suggest us how to keep himstable. Thank you in advance.
  9. Namaste Deepa Ji, I would request you to kindly analyse the chart of my brother whose details are : DOB - 05.07.82, TOB : 11:25 AM, POB : NAGPUR, BIRTH STAR : MOOLA. He is very poor in studies, after a long gap we could succeed him to complete his ITI (Electrician) last year. He is not staying any job and always looking for change of job. Query :- Is there any chance to get a good job in his chart, if so, when can I expect it. Should we continue his studies?. We are planning him to put in any business, Would he progress in business or we should keep him in job only?. Please have a look on the chart and advise us as he is always interested to go out of home and work in out of state / out of home town. Thanking you in advance.
  10. Respected Deepa ji, Bhaskaran ji. Please give your suggestions / views on this match, it would help me a lot. Please tell me if I am asking anything wrong?. Thanks & regards.....
  11. Please analyse the charts and kindly let me know whether this match is suitable for me. The chart details of both is given below: As per local astrologer: in my chart:- Simha lagna, Rahu, Saturn & Guru in 1st house, Moon in 2nd, Ravi, Budha & Sukra in 3rd, Ketu in 7th, Kuja in 12th house. in girl's chart:- Simha lagna, Moon in 1st house, ketu in 2nd, kuja, ravi & budha in 3rd, sukra & saturn in 4th, Guru & Rahu in 8th house. Please see the matching of these 2 charts. I am afraid of rasi kuta because of 2/12 combination (girl -simha rasi & boy-kanya raasi). Please see and suggest whether this raasi kuta has any exception in this case. Sorry for the inconvenience causing you, awaiting an ealry reply. Thanks & regards,
  12. Dear Respected Deepa Ji, Bhaaskaran Ji, I thank u very much for having spent your valuable time for reading my chart. Greatful, if you please tell me matching of the following charts for marriage: my details (Boy) : dob : 18.10.79 (night at 2:52 hrs) early hours of 19.10.79 pob : visakhapatnam (andhra pradesh) star : uttara phalguni (4th pada) Girl : dob : 15.11.87 (night at 12:20 hrs) early hours of 16.11.87 pob : visakhapatnam (andhra pradesh) star : pubba (3rd pada) Please see whether this match is suitable for me for marriage. I have a doubt that the girl's raasi is 12 from my raasi, and my raasi is second from girl's raasi (simha and kanya rasi) Is there any exception for this 2/12 combination raasi kuta in this case. Hope you would help me in this. Thanks & regards, Awaiting an early reply from you.
  13. mam! kindly see my chart & predict my marriage period. thanks & regards
  14. Madam, Namaste!. waiting for your kind reply. Thank you in advance
  15. Dear sir, Thank you very much for your kind reply. My Rahu MD and Ketu AD is starting from 16 Oct'2008 to Oct'2009, where as you mentioned as 7/5/2008 till 20/5/2009. Please see and predict my marriage period accordingly. Please guide me the things I should follow for better married life. Thank you in advance.
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