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About beesan

  • Birthday 02/13/1979

beesan's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Dear Deepa and asrtoseeker, Thank You for your quick reply! For sure you have my exact birth time for Sharma ji already checked on it once, due to another query that was bothering me. He told me that I'm running Mars Mahadasha, and that although my chart is not the easiest ones, I have great saving factors in it. So my current question refers to my career prospects, and its effect on my personality- as already mentioned. Sometimes I lack self-confidence, although I have an excellent educational background and outstanding language skills.
  2. Dear All, Can anybody tell me what effect Saturn will have on my career, my personality? I'm struggling a bit recently. I applied for a governmental job/and scholarship, but there are disturbing factors, and things slowed down. I feel like I lost my path. For I'm a European can anybody suggest remedies that I can carry out in accordance with my knowledge? Female: 13/02/1979 18:24pm Budapest, Hungary Thanks in advance, T
  3. Dear memberes does anyone have some pieces of advise for me? Scholarship is available, but there are some disturbing factors. Will I get the scholarship? thanks in advance T
  4. Dear All, I need some career guidance. Lately I applied for a governmental job, and also for a governmental scholarship. I haven't received any reply so far. Although I have confidence in my knowledge, I got indecisive if I'm on the right path. Would somebody care and have a look at my chart and helping me out with some pieces of advise? (I'm also interested in journalism, and jobs relating to my language skills) Further is there any parivartan yoga in my chart? Can somebody tell about a possibility to settle abroad (for a few years) in near future? My DOB, (I'm a female): 13/02/1979 18:24pm; Place: Budapest, Hungary With respect and a lot of thanks in advance. T
  5. Dear Sir, Just to tell in advance Shri Sharma ji will revert to me within a few days- regarding my chart, he has already fixed my birth-time, and he is helping me a lot. (I think this is because my chart is not the easiest one). However I just wanted to know if my boyfriend is manglik (14/09/1984, 15:00 or 15:05, Long: 20:23 E, Lat:47:57N). I really don't want to interfer in Shri Sharma ji's work, and don't want to offend him in any way. I hope You can understand this. Thank You for your help and caring.
  6. Respected Sir, thank You for answering. Well, as You can see I'm really a beginner in astrology. I just felt sorry for those couples - worrying about being maglik or non-maglik. However, I know that my birth star is Poorvaphalguni. So the above mentioned exceptions don't fit in my case. Dear Sir would You mind affirming wether having manglik dosh (with mars in scorpio, in 12th for sagitaurus lagna) does get cancelled? Thank You in advance!
  7. I'm sorry, I need to correct my statement. I know for sure that I'm not manglik (leo lagna, mars in 6th in exaltation), but I'm not sure about my Love, (he has sagitaurus lagna with mars 12th in own sign). Maybe this gets cancelled? However my question remains the same. Isn't success of a marriage due to love, due to our effort by knowing our mechanism, knowing our reactions, knowing our nature? I was just wondering about this, because I've seen so many sites with anxious couples writing about this. ...and these couples ended up in doubting their love. However thank you for your response.
  8. Namaste! Dear All, can anyone throw light on why a maglik and non-maglik marriage is doomed? I mean if there is love, and everyone is aware of its disposition/temperament, why should a relationship get doomed? Or am I much to idealistic? (...by the way I'm a non-manglik , loving a manglik) beesan
  9. Thank you so much for your advise, for giving me hope. You really took a heavy fear off my shoulder. I've always been frightened of mental illnesses, and you gave me hope. Let me just ask one more thing about regarding my birth time and the my ex-boyfriend. So, you are telling me, that there is no need to be afraid. I can live a "full life" ( by full I mean that I have the sound mind, and the will to accomplish things, just like anybody else). And is there something You can say or You can advise even if I can't provide the exact birth time of my ex-boyfriend, even if the time is just approximate? As far as I'm concerned, I have premonitions regarding his state. But would love to give his mother hope, I really feel sorry for them. If there's nothing to do, I'll keep calm and quite. You heve my deep thankfulness!
  10. Sorry for misunderstanding you. For me, it is the birth-time of hospital and it is almost exact. I had it corrected by my mother, it is 18:24-18:30 app. But for sure it is not before 18:20. My parents are married for 40 years now. (love marriage) My father is very loving, caring and very supportive in everything. I'm thankful to have him as my father. We are close to each other. My mother is also caring, but she is caring in her deeds, not in emotions. But yes, she is a bit difficult, and we do have sometimes troubles get get along. My parents are strict, but loving. And one can count on them. Further I have one brother and a sister, both elder. My parents worked a lot, so my grandparents took care of us children. So in first years I grew up with my grandparents. But I remember having had a nice childhood, although parents have been absent sometimes. We have been abroad a lot. From the time I got 7/8 we moved around Europe, due to my father's work. In '95, a gave up moving around, and stayed in my country. For my ex-boyfriend, I'm not sure about the birth-time, and there is no chance to ask anyone about it. His childhood was more stressful, His parents divorced, when he was 1 or 2. His father was aggressive. And I know that there is sombody mentally ill regarding his father's relatives. I think it's his uncle, but i'm sure about that. He grew up with garndparents also, but principally stayed with his mother. His mother moved around quite often, they had financial issues also. He lacked parental happiness because of that and because of his restless mother. They moved to Hungary because of the war in Yugoslavia. That's all.
  11. Dear Sir, Thank you for your interest and for the quick answering. For me: Budapest, Hungary,birth time 18:30 pm local, for him: Subotica, Serbia, birth time 21:00 pm also local. regards, beesan
  12. Nemaste Dear Sir, dear All! I'm looking for some guidance! I just signed up to be a member of this site, because I got very much interested in vedic astrology. Although I'm European I'm very much inclined into vedanta and the scriptures. I've have come the read these posts, because of the fact that my ex-boyfriend (a genius musician and mathematician) was diagnosed with scizophrenia. (And he fits the criteria of having no will power at all) But as I was reading carrying on with reading these special posts, I became anxious and frightened, because I realized that even I fit all the above mentioned creteria, as far as I'm well read in astrology. Please woluld anyone with proper knowledge mind to take a look at my chart. Born: Female. 13/02/1979. 18.30 Palce:Lat: 47:29N Long: 19:05E. I just had once depressions in 2003 approx. in Apr-May-Jun. Since then, no serious setback happened to me. Maybe because I changed my way of living? No meat at all, much yoga, and small meditations. Thank God, I consider my self healthy, I'm just about to make my dissertion, and planning for future.I admit that mind tensions are sometines present, but I really got frightened, because I'm running my Saade Sati period. (For case study, I'm going to post my ex-boyfriend's data: 28/01/1975 21:00 Place: Long: 19'40E Lat:46'5 N) Looking forward to any answer! Kind regards, beesan
  13. Namaste Dear Deepa, I was reading your kind and helpful answers. Your comments are captivating regarding how you manage to give hope to others. That's why I 'd like to ask you to give me some picies of advice. Would you be so kind to tell me what to expect regarding marriage? Is there hope left? :-) I know that I have Mo/Sa conjunction, too. (Data, female born 13/02/1979 18:30 Place. Lat: 47:29 Long: 19:05E) Thanks a lot in advance! Looking forward to your answer beesan
  14. Dear Sir! I just signed up to be a member of this site, because I got very much interested in vedic astrology. Although I'm European I'm very much inclined into vedanta and the scriptures. I've have come the read these posts, because of the fact that my ex-boyfriend (a genius musician and mathematician) was diagnosed with scizophrenia. (And he fits the criteria of having no will power at all) But as I was reading this special post I became anxious, because I realized that even I fit all the above mentioned creteria, as far as I'm well read in astrology. Please woluld you mind to take a look at my chart Born: Female. 13/02/1979. 18.30 Palce:Lat: 47:29N Long: 19:05E. I just had once depressions in 2003 approx. in Apr-May-Jun. Since then, no such thing happened to me. Maybe because I changed my way of living? No meat at all, much yoga, and small meditations. (For case study, I'm going to post my ex-boyfriend's data: 28/01/1975 21:00 Place:Long: 19'40E Lat:46'5 N) Looking forward to your answer! Kind regards, beesan <!-- / message -->
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