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  1. pls throw some light on this frnds
  2. why go for parashara lite when you have JHora(Jagannath hora) i have PLite 7.0 but i thnk Jhora is far better. moreover its free to download. google it you will get the link.
  3. DOB : 7-10-1981 Time: 4:55 PM Place :Calcutta (West Bengal) When will her marriage life improve? Is she destined for divorce in FUTURE? Does she have any chance of extramarital affairs?
  4. Actually this is dedicated to Krushna of the famous Krushna's ashtakvarga system I am getting almost 90% success rate with it. LOVE AFFAIR When the lords of the 4th and the 12th houses become linked with the lords of 2nd and the 10th houses,either by association or by sight, there definitely becomes a chance for a love affair with the opposite sex. If Mars were to have sight or association with Saturn, the end of such an affair will be a heartbreaking experience for the native. If the sixth lord makes aspects or associations in the above combinations, the affair is restricted and does not lead to marriage. The association of Mars and Venus increases the tendency for having love affairs,as the attraction towards the opposite sex increases. If such a combination aspects or has sight of Saturn, then the attraction increases even more
  5. what is the combination or yoga to judge whether a native will be into astrology or not??? in kolkata there is a research astrologist named ronotosh saha and his predictive methods are named under "RS poddhoti". idont know if anyone has heard him or not. he says 1,2,10 combination but it is not yielding satisfactory results to test cases .maybe i am wrong in judging as he is a great astrologer and there is very less chance he will say something outright without considerable testing. so frnds if you people know any such combinations for being into asrology it will be great help to all learners of the science
  6. DOB- 19-06-1958 Time: 7.15 am Place: Kolkata(West Bengal) Will she survive Ketu mahadasha and Saturn antardasha if yes when will her maraka dasha-sub dasha occur? Is there any measures to postpone the time ? Plss frnds I need help
  7. Deepaji can you give your views on this case
  8. Deepaji why we take Rahu and not Saturn as lord of aquarius or lagna lord in this case. If we take saturn AL falls in Gemini with Rahu and if we take Rahu yah according to software AL falls in Libra with Saturn. But why do we not consider Saturn 's lordship here. I am unaware of the reason so if you or anybody gives it i will be very much thankful.
  9. DOB :23.12.1982 Time: 10.55 Place: Calcutta (West Bengal) Jhora gives AL at Libra with saturn but as far as I know it must be in mithuna(Gemini) i.e.with rahu. I may be wrong . Frnds if you kindly point out my mistake if I am wrong. its Jhora v7.2 According to me I think as far accuracy of calculation is concerned the software Horoscope Explorer by Publicsoft is great.
  10. i think that was not proper answer to the questions???
  11. my paternal brothers marriage life is in hell.I am giving his and his wife's birth details.Kindly advice sir. Boy: DOB: 07-06-1972 at 01.32AM at KOLKATA(WEST BENGAL) Girl: DOB: 07-10-1981 at 16:55PM at KOLKATA(WEST BENGAL) 1.i thnk the next house transit of saturn will be very bad in married life for the GIRL.am i right?? 2.by ashtavarga analysis i see in the 39th year the girl has a bad phase and through dasa analysis i thnk she will hv a female disease.am I right??? Main questions: 1. how long will their bad phase for married life continue.is there any chnce of divorce if yes then when??is there any remedy for improving their married life. 2.who will die first boy or girl.i thnk boy and according to my calculation i thnk between 60-65 ie when he hv just strted mars mahadasha. at wht age you thnk boy and girl would die???? 3.when would be the glorious phase of their conjugal life???? i am asking this as i see from girls ashtavarga tht her third part of her life will be worst of three parts. ONE GENERAL QUESTION wht is the age range generally of three parts namely balya,yuva,and bridhya in ashtavarga analysis.
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