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  1. What a great site, Sephiroth. I have bookmarked it. The image of the child will never leave me. Tomorrow as I go about my happy day with my healthy child, I will remember, I am truly truly blessed. Thank you krsna, for breaking my heart. I cannot remember the last time I cried like this. Namaste
  2. The yogi practices presense. Their reaction to good or to bad is the same. It is nonreaction, nonresistance or observation. Such as: "This is what I'm facing now. This too shall pass.". This state of presence does not imply a lack of goodness on the part of the yogi. Nonattachement may seem cold on the surface but it is not. For example you may hug your ----- and feel -----, your observation can allow that to be in the moment without holding on to it or artificially trying to make it last: "This is lovely, this too shall pass.". Alternatively you may need to do something unpleasant to yourself: "This is unpleasant. This too shall pass.". In this way one does not hold on to unpleasantness. There is no need to carry emotions or sensations from the past with us. They have passed. Eventually, the "label" drops away, and the observance becomes: "This is. This too shall pass." Hot shall pass, Cold shall pass, Good shall pass, Bad shall pass, I shall pass, You shall pass. What one does before they pass is up to them. Namaste
  3. If God is all, including good and evil, then no action takes us futher from God. The seperatness is an illusion. As such, one could extrapolate that nothing can bring us closer to God as God is always there. Perhaps the key is an awareness, or an awakening to the realization of Godhead. Here is a paraphrase or quote from Shakespear: There is nothing truely good or evil but thinking makes it so. Namaste
  4. The suggestion of 'I am a gentleman' is good. I suggest that to keep a good woman's attention, you do not seek to possess her. You may meet a woman, you may spend time with a woman, you may even make a commitement with this woman... Yet you do not 'obtain' a woman. One may say, it is simply semantics. Choice of words can reflect subtler thinking. Namaste
  5. Thank you again. I did not purport to mean Krishna is not here in our beautifull vision, hearts, minds and spirits. I mean physically in all his glorious blue splendor. Should I come face to face with Krishna on this material plane I would be forced to look at myself if he told me point blank, kill those people. However, because of, the frailty of the mind, proven over and over in our actions as fellow humans, I would be leary to believe someone who said a Godhead told them to kill another. I would consider them ill, delusional and dangerous. In short, I would not believe them. To your earlier point of Krishna being here in our beautifull vision, how could he not be? He is remembered so many ways in texts, in artwork, in disscussion, devotion, and is present in hearts. Whilst I would accept someones claim that said: "Krishna told me to give that beggar money." or "Krishna guided me to jump in the raging river to save this child.". I would think this is beautifull, how inspiational, and never would I doubt the authenticity of the claimants beliefs. But... should they claim Krishna told them to cause death... Theist, can you shed Illumination on these light and dark subjects. You are reportedly the best teacher out there. And I welcome, of course, any one else to comment. Namaste
  6. Thank you cbrahma, Amlesh, bhaktajan (pokemon :-), As you can probably tell I am not of any one faith. I do believe in one Divine Creator Lord of all the Universe. Multiple faiths would argue about the name and specifique attributes of such a Lord, but I will not. I am greatly enjoying this forum as a place to learn, reflect and exchange ideas. Amlesh, I would like to thank you for quoting the GITA. In particular the last two sentences. This truth is absolute: "The body is born and is destined to be vanquished today or tommorrow; therefore the body is not as important as the soul. One who knows this is actually learned, and for him there is no cause for lamentation, regardless of the condition of the material body." This for me causes no reaction. It is a fact. What does cause my fear to react is when people claim that they kill in the name of God. Or worse because God told them in this instance it is ok. Facism in all its forms be it US, Nazi, or whatever often has tentacles that go out into religion. It can find texts and passages to substantiate it's position. No problem. I do not claim to be wise or "learned" or to know the answers. That being said I do have opinions. And in my heart of hearts I find it difficult to comprehent a Godhead sending humans to kill humans. Couldn't he have a flood? Famine? Disease? Nuclear accident? What is the difference? I do not know. I am simply very resistent to the idea of people thinking they are justified in murder. Yes Krishna came, but he is not here now to direct. Or am I simply showing my ignorance again?
  7. Well then let's burn the witches and stone the heretics, gas the Jews and murder those with glasses, eat the rich and kill your television. NO NO NO NO NO NO! Well, maybe your television. Coulds Arjuna's war have been figurative? Steeped in meaning or a literal story from a book? So killing can be for the good of all in general!! Says Krishna? You condone this? I will not kill a fruit fly or eat a cow, but I can kill for the good of all when Krishna tells me? Very dangerous... Makes me want to pray feverently. Hare Krishna x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Om shanti shanti shanti Om x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Sarve bavantu tsukinah Sarve shantu nira maya Sarve vadra ni paschantu Makaschit dukkavahk vavette OM shanti, shanti, shanti OM likely spelled wrong and translated to: May all be happy May all be healthy May all see goodness May there be no suffering OM peace, peace, peace OM P.S. Please forgive me for finding fault in the above quote and making such an outlandish offensive exaggerated statement in response. Peace. Namaste
  8. Is this too PC? You can sign me up. When will we learn (myself included) that allowing peace (substitute God, Krishna etc..) to flourish in our own hearts and minds can be our primary aim. And by extension bringing peace to our global community, especially those places most desperate for it. War is a human condition that firstly exists in the mind. Unfortunatly for many men, women, and children, it also ends up killing them. Let us pray for 'akarma' or 'delivery from evil' or what have you. P.S. Must a message be stamped with the Lords name to be worth considering? In that case, for good measure, Hare Krishna! Namaste
  9. When truth resonates clearly we can feel it. I felt it. WOW! What wise and well stated words.
  10. What would you suggest as a way to encourage a swarm of fruit flies to leave my home. My home is clean, I have allowed my plants to dry out. But those pesky bugs don't want to leave. I'm interested in knowing what to do if I am not to kill them. Namaste
  11. Yes, I've had a manic episode. The lead up was good, I felt great, enlightened even. I could dance with my eyes closed and feel the walls before touching them. I thought I'd met an incarnation of our Lord and he was pleased with me. He could tak to me through birds or flashes of light. He challenged me to a race. I hopped in a truck and flipped and rolled it doing 80 MPH on a 30 km / hr corner. Miraculously I escaped unharmed, which of couse was further proof (to me) of my significance. Fantasies of grandness etc... And then the reprecussions of my actions began. They affected me and my family for a long time. Apparently when someone is delusional, manic, schitzophrenic, whatever, the most common delusion is of greatness (ie. enlightenment etc), the second is paranoia. Or something like that. In the hope of helping another, Namaste
  12. The trancendental nature of cow dung?? Are you kidding me? Perhaps I was kidding myself. "Gee I found this great forum for spiritual disscussions. Very interesting and open." To be honest, I am glad I do not know the cow and bull dung perpetator. It sure must stink to be associated with you. There now I too have resorted to juvenile behavior. Shall we call it a day, or continue to devolve?
  13. Boys, boys, tsk. Yes mental illlness can lead one to believe they are enlightened. This is common. As far as I can tell it is a beautifull experience. Beware of the descent however. Inevitably there is one, and depression can result. In the meantime enjoy the ride. Namaste
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