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  1. Deepa, Thanks for message but just need to know when 'saturn moves into virgo in transits' can you let me when is that period? in general how is my life ?
  2. Dear Astrology Gurus, My Birth deatils are Follows DOB: 18-06-1972 Birth: 7:18am Place of Birth: Hyderabad, India). Birth star is Uttara Phalguni ( 1 pada) Currenlty in Rahu Dasha(Mahadasha) I got married and divorced , Will I remarry again if so when and in genaral how will my life be . i have Guru Mahadasha from 2013 --2029 is that period good for me?
  3. Dear Astrology Gurus, My Birth deatils are Follows DOB: 18-06-1972 Birth: 7:18am Place of Birth: Hyderabad, India). Birth star is Uttara Phalguni ( 1 pada) Currenlty in Rahu Dasha(Mahadasha) I got married and divorced , Will I remarry again if so when and in genaral how will my life be . i have Guru Mahadasha from 2013 --2029 is that period good for me? Thanks in advance
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