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  1. Hi All Pranams to the learned in astrology Born on 5th October 1962 at Tiruchirappalli in TamilNadu at 14.40 hours. I joined a new assignment on 5th December 2008 as a Manager in IT industry operations after a gap of 5 months. Though I work with different strategies and dedication (management appreciate the work), but I am not paid well. I wanted to know when will I get a job where I am paid well and also any abroad settlement or travelling abroad are involved. I am in software solution sales. I am currently based in Hyderabad and wanted to know whether I will shift my self for job from Hyderabad Looking forward to hear from you Regards Srikanth Iyer
  2. Hi Shonna, There is nothing like that. Moon in the 12th house depends on moon is lord of which house
  3. Deepaji Pranams What will be the effect of Jupiter, when he transits makara rasi, I believe it is going to happen soemtiem from Nov/Dec 2009
  4. Hi All, Pranams can any body give some guidance on the same Regards Iyer
  5. Raja Sekhar Ji I really appreciated your response and I dont know How to say thanks and express my regards. In fact I feel like tlaking to you and my email ID is (mgsiyer@hotmail.com) Please do let me know your contact details Regards Iyer
  6. Pranams, My date of Birth is 5th October 1962
  7. Pranams to the learned Astrologers DOB: 05/10/1962 POB: Tiruchirappalli or called Trichy or as Tiruchi (Tamil Nadu)/<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region> TOB: 14.40 hours, Sex; Male When will I get my next job?? i don’t have any bank balance and really confused and not able to decide. 2003 December got a job in Kolkatta lost it on 2004 2nd Sept, again got a job in 2005 March, and lost it on 2006 Feb2nd. Joined a job in <st1:City w:st="on">Bangalore</st1:City> 24th April 2006, joined the next job in 2006 Aug, in <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Hyderabad</st1:City></st1:place>, and lost the same on 17th July Aug 2007. Got one in <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Hyderabad</st1:place></st1:City> on 29th Jan 2008 and that is also in trouble now. Though I am a hard and strategic worker, and have good professional references from my past employers, I am not able to stick to a job Can you please guide me on my career (any chance of settling abroad), and also want to know will I buy my own house and any chance of doing business again with some stability Regards MGS Iyer
  8. DOB:05/10/1962 pob:Tiruchirappalli or called Trichy or as Tiruchi (Tamil Nadu)/India TOB:14.40 hours, Sex;Male Father:retired govt servant, mother house wife, My wife:House wife, and two daughters Compeleted my graduration with lot of disruptions in 1984 Service in IT industry, drawing a 6 figure salary and reduced to 50K a month. Good or bad things doing business till 2000 March, closed it abruptly and moved out to Singapore. 1997 Feb , I got married. 1997 Jan 3rd lost almost 30lac rupess. 92 Aug first marriage, got divorce in October. 2003 December got ajob in Kolkatta, lost in 2004 2st Sept, again got a job in 2005 March,and lost it in 2006 Feb2nd. Got a jobin Bangalore 24th April 2006, got the next job in 2006 Aug, in hyderabad, and lost the same on 17th July Aug 2007. Got one in Hyderabad on 29th Jan and that is also in trouble now. When will I get my next job?? i dont have any bank balance and really confused and not able to decide. though I am a hard and strategic worker, and have good professional references from my past employers, I am not able to stic to a job Can you please guide me on my career, and also want to know will I buy my own house and any chance of doing business again with some stability Regards MGS Iyer
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