I am sivarama krishna living in Guntur, my present situation as follows:-
1.Marriage life is disturbed, matter is in the court,wife is staying with her parents, waiting for divorce, Kindly let me know I have got very much vexation with her, waiting for divorce? shall I get near future?
2.Till now I do not have proper job/career present doing small job, very less salary, I am dependent on my parents?
3.I have been suffering with skin decease since 2007(after marriage) when will it cure completely?
Pls advice me that I would like to start a small business, which is best for me?
Now I am looking for 2nd marriage, when will I get 2nd marriage?(divorce is not granted till now)
when Will I settele? can I able to help to My Elder Brother in future?
My DOB:SivaRama Krishna D.O.B:31/08/1975 at 2A.M in guntur (Andhra Pradesh).
I am eagerly looking for your valuble advices,
pls guide me sir,