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  1. Dear Sirs, The below person gone way from home, due to debits in the year of 2007. We are failed to trace out him, and till now there is no any information from him. His DOB: 11/02/1979 in kavali (andhra pradesh) at 3.43a.m. rgds, pd
  2. Res.Gurujee, I am waiting for your valuable reply for my exact Birth Time. 11:24a.m to 11:31:58a.m???? Kindly reply Sir, pranaam, prasad
  3. Res.Sirs, I request you, Kindly let me know about my children education,career and future. which type of studies is better to them. 1. My son Name:Achuta Venkatesh DOB:27/06/1999 in Guntur in Andhra Pradesh at 13:45hrs. 2. Daughter's name: Goutami Sri Vidya DOB: 7th June 2004 in Guntur in Andhra Pradesh at 23:56hrs. Thank you Sir, prasad
  4. Dear Sir, My DOB:31/08/1975 at 2A.M in guntur (Andhra Pradesh). her correct birth details i am not able to findount. thanks & rgds, rama krishsna
  5. Thank you very much Sir, She does not have proper birth time details, now she is not living with me since 2008 onwards. Recently I have won case against her in district court reg. Compensation. The court gave judgment in favour to me. I need not give any property to her. I am waiting for further advices from you, Namastee, rama krishna
  6. All Res.Sirs, I am prasad, now I am worrying about very much my present Job, my position is uncertain also any time I may loose, Now I am working in small pvt.ltd co in Hyd. My DOB:27/02/1972 AT 11:31A.M IN GUNTUR (ANDHRA PRADESH). Kindly let me know that 1.Shall I expect better job near future? This or next year? 2.Is there any gaps in profession in future? (in past I lost 2 times un-expectedly). 3.After some time I would like to start Food centre? with help of my uncle(my wife's father) shall I succeed? 4.How is my future? Shall I reach Honorable ever in my life among our relatives? 5.Which is best for me Business(if which type) or Job? I have not got satisfactory results in my career till date. Requesting for your valuable advices sir, M.S.R.H.PRASAD
  7. All RES.SIRS, I am sivarama krishna living in Guntur, my present situation as follows:- 1.Marriage life is disturbed, matter is in the court,wife is staying with her parents, waiting for divorce, Kindly let me know I have got very much vexation with her, waiting for divorce? shall I get near future? 2.Till now I do not have proper job/career present doing small job, very less salary, I am dependent on my parents? 3.I have been suffering with skin decease since 2007(after marriage) when will it cure completely? Pls advice me that I would like to start a small business, which is best for me? Now I am looking for 2nd marriage, when will I get 2nd marriage?(divorce is not granted till now) when Will I settele? can I able to help to My Elder Brother in future? My DOB:SivaRama Krishna D.O.B:31/08/1975 at 2A.M in guntur (Andhra Pradesh). I am eagerly looking for your valuble advices, pls guide me sir, M.S.Krishna
  8. All Res.Sirs, I am prasad, now I am worrying about very much my present Job, my position is uncertain also any time I may loose, Now I am working in small pvt.ltd co in Hyd. My DOB:27/02/1972 AT 11:31A.M IN GUNTUR (ANDHRA PRADESH). Kindly let me know that 1.Shall I expect better job near future? This or next year? 2.Is there any gaps in profession in future? (in past I lost 2 times un-expectedly). 3.After some time I would like to start Food centre? with help of my uncle(my wife's father) shall I succeed? 4.How is my future? Shall I reach Honorable ever in my life among our relatives? 5.Which is best for me Business(if which type) or Job? I have not got satisfactory results in my career till date. Requesting for your valuable advices sir, M.S.R.H.PRASAD
  9. All Res.Sirs, I am prasad, now I am worrying about very much my present Job, my position is uncertain also any time I may loose, Now I am working in small pvt.ltd co in Hyd. My DOB:27/02/1972 AT 11:31A.M IN GUNTUR (ANDHRA PRADESH). Kindly let me know that 1.Shall I expect better job near future? This or next year? 2.Is there any gaps in profession in future? (in past I lost 2 times un-expectedly). 3.After some time I would like to start Food centre? with help of my uncle(my wife's father) shall I succeed? 4.How is my future? Shall I reach Honorable ever in my life among our relatives? 5.Which is best for me Business(if which type) or Job? I have not got satisfactory results in my career till date. Requesting for your valuable advices sir, M.S.R.H.PRASAD
  10. Dear Members, Pls any one tell me about Yogas & Avayogs its results in my birth chart. the details as follows. D.O.B:27-02-1972 P.O.B-Guntur.,A.P T.O.B-11-31 A.M Thanks, M.S.R.H.PRASAD
  11. Dear All, One astrologers told me that I have both Guru-Mangala&Chandra-Mangala yogas, pls tell me what is merits and demerits of these yogas? M.S.R.H.PRASAD:)
  12. Deepa ji, I weare both no saphire and emerald - i haven't met both good or bad. regds, prasad m.s.r.hanumath
  13. sorry guru jee, my reply to mr.uner mohan, my intension is quitely differnt. I don't want hurt any one, pls excuse my silly mistake. thanks, hanumath prasad
  14. sorry mohan jee, for my reply, my intention different. pls dont mistake me. hanumath prasad
  15. Deepa jee, I think you are on line, pls gvie your response. rgds, prasad m.s.r.h
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