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  1. im still havent cured from black magic.i need a powerful healer
  2. dear all gurujis im going thru sun dasa and moon bukti. is it favourable to me? i born on 3-3-78,8:45am,kuala lumpur,Malaysia.tq
  3. now im going thru partial recovery
  4. to all b magic victims contact the guruji
  5. dear all, the first step you should to for those who is affected by black magic is bury some of your falling hair in a ground.the effect will be reduced to a certain degree.
  6. try nadi leaf remedies thru a nadi astrologer.visit www.kagabujandar.org
  7. dear appolonius, visit www.babajisannidhan.com
  8. dear deepaji one of friend of mine jobless for more than 3 years and decide to suicide but i stoped him.can u give any remedies?he born on 25-3-1972,1:45am,Madras,India,tq
  9. dear all b magic victims, i just found a pro who can remove black magic.visit www.vedicwisdom.com
  10. tq ravikishore could u send me the durga sapta sloka
  11. dear trichicambalam, i meet more than 10 tantric masters and they are saying the same thing and failed to break the spell.i feel body weakness all over the body and an evil voice from my left ear but medically 100% alright. i dont feel hungry and experiencing memory loss.bad dreams at night and my body will shake whenever i pray to God.
  12. hi is foreign travel indicated in my chart?
  13. hi astroseeker i wouldd like to know my istha devata too.i born on 3-3-78,8:45am kuala lumpur,Malaysia.tq
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