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  1. can you PLEASE send me the english version of the puja listings, story and arti to nikita_d@hotmail.co.uk i'm having sooo much trouble looking for the english version and if you could please send it to me i would really appreciate it. thank you so much.
  2. hello i am from england and this is my 1st year doing this vrat. i would really appreciate it if you could please send me the english version of the pooja listing, story and arthi please. and could you please tell me what exactly it is you have to do for the pooja because someone replied saying you only have to do the pooja on the last day, i thought you had to do it everyday(?) anyway i would really be very grateful if you could reply and send the english version to me by the 15th july (as the vrat starts on the 16th july) to nikita_d@hotmail.co.uk thank you very much
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