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swati mehta

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Everything posted by swati mehta

  1. "jagchat01" pl help me with my just started psoriasis<JAGCHAT01 wrote: <SNIP> > However you have to do pranayam EVERYDAY to get relief. Do kapalbhati > for 30 mins (six sessions of 5 minutes duration) and also anulom > bilom for 30 mts similarly, 15 mts in the morning and 15 mts in the evening.
  2. hi jay Dr. just diagnosied guttate psoriasis. is it curable? i leave in DC -VIRGINIA. CAN U HELP ME ANYWAY? as i m very depressed as i heard there is no cure Please anybody can help u can ask me question regarding this and I m also doin pranayam but i dont have exact method of doing it thank you Pitta Diet = Eat all food which does not aggravate pitta dosha. I am using pitta diet guidelines as given in Dr Vasant Lad's book. my food is v simple, little sugar, no chilly, pickles, fried food, outside foods etc. a lot of cabbage, mung dal, ghee khichadi, boiled vegetables, cucumber. no wheat also to see if i have celiac disease as i have observed a little improvement whenever i stop wheat. basically to see if a elimination diet works. all cooked food uses sunflower oil as recommended for pitta 2.) am trying to do 30-40 mins of yoga and pranayama 3 times a week. kapalbhati, anulom-vilom,shoulderstand,vajrasana, pawanmuktasana etc as per Ramdev baba. 3.) stopped allergy foods = am stopping all the allergy foods like peanuts, potato(because of starch), milk ( all dairy products),rice (starch and to lose weight). 4.) Herbals = I take the following list of supplements once a day with ghee. Neem capsules - 3 Turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon licorice - 1 capsule - for any ulcer type disorder acidophilus - 2 caps burdock capsules - 2 caps - to purify blood. aloe vera juice - 2 glass primrose oil - 2 caps lecithin - 2 caps triphala - a little as a tonic elm powder - 1 teaspoon i take all these herbs togather 5.) a little meditation when i can in the night. I have two questions to the elite group. would appreciate any suggestions or comments. 1.) Is this the right path. anyways i want to walk on it for 7-10 days to see if i get benefitted. 2.) fasting - do fruit fasting or veg juice fasting for a long period help in removing toxins from a body.
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