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  1. do i have to go back to india can plz reply watt r my job prospects here
  2. Date of Birth: 17-10-1981 Time of Birth:01-20 am Place of Birth:moga (punjab ) Gender:female I am neither married nor hav not started working till now .. I am abroad since jan 2008 to study and now hav to search for a job . will i get it soon or do have to struggle and wait... will i ever get married? will i ever hav loved one in my life . dats doubtful..if yes then when i am going to get married what profession will my spouse hav , abroad or india ? will i hav arrange or love marriage? i want to do choice marriage but dont hav anybody in my life . parents r searching for a groom without success since 7-8 mnths, is there any chance of marriage finalising in yr 2009 or is it delayed m wearing gomed since 2000 , moonga since 2007 , pearl since 2006 - end . however i want to replace moonga and pearl with a diamond any suggestions. <!-- / message -->i dont want to go back to india <!-- edit note -->
  3. plzz reply USR ji deepa bhadari ji will I settle in India or foreign, I dont want to go back to India uless I am getting married to sumone of my choice, Incase of arrange marriage I would prefer to settle Abroad Any chance of me getting job abroad from next mnth on....
  4. Date of Birth: 17-10-1981 Time of Birth:01-20 am Place of Birth:moga (punjab ) Gender:female I CONTACTED U THRU THIS THIS WEBSITE N U TOLD ME TO WAIT FOT JAN 2009 FOR MY MARRIAGE ... I am neither married nor hav not started working till now .. I am abroad since jan 2008 to study and now hav to search for a job . will i get it soon or do have to struggle and wait... will i ever get married? will i ever hav loved one in my life . dats doubtful..if yes then when i am going to get married what profession will my spouse hav , abroad or india ? will i hav arrange or love marriage? i want to do choice marriage but dont hav anybody in my life . parents r searching for a groom without success since 7-8 mnths, is there any chance of marriage finalising in yr 2009 or is it delayed . is it poosible dat i will hav to marry sumbody already divorced / married becoz lots of replies hav been from such people. m wearing gomed since 2000 , moonga since 2007 , pearl since 2006 - end . however i want to replace moonga and pearl with a diamond any suggestions. or pukhraj wud b better
  5. thank u very much u mean to say there is possiblity of meeting sumbody at d age of 28 . isnt luv suppose to happen when u r younger. yeah i know rahu dasa is going on since 1994 it has given me great trouble. whenever i think my life is going to turnaround , another problem surfaces.i hav had drops in my education twice , completed my engg with gr8 diificulty , now done management course. relationship front is no better. can i wear pukhraaj , dat also has been suggested to me.is my spouse going to b handsum ? buisness field ? can predict d time of my marriage mnth yr etc , hows is my jupiter mahadasa going to b from 2012 . is it going to b troublesum??
  6. Date of Birth: 17-10-1981 Time of Birth:01-20 am Place of Birth:moga (punjab ) Gender:female I am neither married nor hav not started working till now .. I am abroad since jan 2008 to study and now hav to search for a job . will i get it soon or do have to struggle and wait...faced gr8 problems during my foreign stay will i ever get married? will i ever hav loved one in my life . dats doubtful..if yes then when i am going to get married what profession will my spouse hav , abroad or india ? will i hav arrange or love marriage? i want to do choice marriage but dont hav anybody in my life . parents r searching for a groom without success since 7-8 mnths, is there any chance of marriage finalising in yr 2009 or is it delayed m wearing gomed since 2000 , moonga since 2007 , pearl since 2006 - end . however i want to replace moonga and pearl with a diamond any suggestions
  7. Date of Birth: 17-10-1981 Time of Birth:01-20 am Place of Birth:moga (punjab ) Gender:female I am neither married nor hav not started working till now .. I am abroad since jan 2008 to study and now hav to search for a job . will i get it soon or do have to struggle and wait... will i ever get married? will i ever hav loved one in my life . dats doubtful..if yes then when i am going to get married what profession will my spouse hav , abroad or india ? will i hav arrange or love marriage? i want to do choice marriage but dont hav anybody in my life . parents r searching for a groom without success since 7-8 mnths, is there any chance of marriage finalising in yr 2009 or is it delayed m wearing gomed since 2000 , moonga since 2007 , pearl since 2006 - end . however i want to replace moonga and pearl with a diamond any suggestions.
  8. my group ? just wantd to confirm whether its age group or you are talking abt intra-caste thing ? it love or arrange ? guess its too late to fall in love at my age group what abt my work ? i havnt started working till now , just studying with gaps. hav been in lot of tension for last 5 yrs due to one thing or another, worries dont seem to end at all
  9. kk what abt my mrrg prospects- when likely this yr ? arrange or love expected characteristics of husband- business or service , age nearby mine good looking? nobody in my life now though ? but waiting for d rite person n time
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