Thank you Pabloji!
I completely agree with your readings about my deep interest in astrology and other mysterious things in life. I get bored easily with my job, and even if I am performing well, I'd switch to a different company. So now I understand this is all because of my 8th house!
Does debilitated moon gives mental agony even if it has 6 bindus in ashtakavarga? Does it completely spoil the gajkesari yoga?
In fact, for a person with debilitated moon, we will never see his or her rashi (moon) that correct? We should then always read a chart from the lagna and never from the moon, as ascendant would always be stronger than the moon sign.
Reading from saravali confuses me all the more:
51. Should the Moon be in Scorpio at birth, one will be a miser, will have round (well grown) thighs, coarse physique and nose, will be cruel in acts, be a thief, be sick in childhood, will have spoiled chin and nails, but beautiful eyes, will be plentiful, industrious, skillful, fond of others' housewives, devoid of relatives, insane (or infatuated with passion), valorous, will lose wealth due to royal wrath and will have a big abdomen and a big head.
Should Mars aspect the Moon in Scorpio, the native will have incomparable courage, be equal to a king, be endowed with wealth, be valorous, unconquerable in battle and be a voracious eater.
If Saturn aspects the Moon in Scorpio, the native will have base sons, be a talebearer, be sick, poor and untruthful.