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  1. Hi I am unable to understand effects of detrimental venus for Capricorn lagna. I will appreciate your thoughts, and suggestions on how to read the chart. Venus is a yogakaraka for Capricorn lagna as it is the lord of 5th and 10th house. If this Venus is placed in 4th house in aries, it is said to be in detriment. My confusion is on the two points below - which one of them is true??? 1. Yogakaraka in kendra, i.e. in 4th house is considered excellent. So Venus mahadasha for the native will be excellent. Is this true? 2. Yogakaraka is in detriment i.e. in Aries, so Venus mahadasha for the native will be ok to average. Is this true? Thank you Confused S
  2. I got that book. Pablo ji recommended in one other post, and I picked up form there. Thank you!
  3. Thank you Sasisekaran ji. Your explanation and guidance is extremely helpful for me to understand more about the chart. I will do the mantras as you suggested. I am still learning the concept of arudhas. I am surprised to know that even if the moon is debilitated, the chart can be assessed from chandra lagna. I am unable to fully comprehend though if it is good to have those 6 planets in 2 kendras - because it involves the rahu-ketu axis. (you said whooping - which i assume u meant as good) Does the debilitated moon affect for lifetime, or is it based on dashas?
  4. That only Krishna knows - He and His mysterious ways!
  5. Thank you Pabloji! I completely agree with your readings about my deep interest in astrology and other mysterious things in life. I get bored easily with my job, and even if I am performing well, I'd switch to a different company. So now I understand this is all because of my 8th house! Does debilitated moon gives mental agony even if it has 6 bindus in ashtakavarga? Does it completely spoil the gajkesari yoga? In fact, for a person with debilitated moon, we will never see his or her rashi (moon) chart..is that correct? We should then always read a chart from the lagna and never from the moon, as ascendant would always be stronger than the moon sign. Reading from saravali confuses me all the more: 51. Should the Moon be in Scorpio at birth, one will be a miser, will have round (well grown) thighs, coarse physique and nose, will be cruel in acts, be a thief, be sick in childhood, will have spoiled chin and nails, but beautiful eyes, will be plentiful, industrious, skillful, fond of others' housewives, devoid of relatives, insane (or infatuated with passion), valorous, will lose wealth due to royal wrath and will have a big abdomen and a big head. 52-57. MOON IN SCORPIO IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should Mars aspect the Moon in Scorpio, the native will have incomparable courage, be equal to a king, be endowed with wealth, be valorous, unconquerable in battle and be a voracious eater. If Saturn aspects the Moon in Scorpio, the native will have base sons, be a talebearer, be sick, poor and untruthful.
  6. I have not read all scriptures or other books, but I believe in that Krishna knows it all. He has decided your destination, and given you the option to pick your path. The path you opt for as a result of your free will was also destined - this means - that this path itself was a type of destination and your thoughts to pick that path were your options. And the recursion continues.. What we know at a moment is exactly what we are supposed to know at that moment. Krishna knows more about it than what He reveals to us - that is His playful nature - to give us this pleasure of thinking that we had a choice. He does not have to prove himself. If today, you think that your will is to not do anything as Krishna will give you what you are destined for - believe me - Krishna would have destined you to not receive anything
  7. Yes Pabloji, I am the same girl, I had queried if I should switch my career from technical to non-technical mangent-related field. I am wearing emerald, blue sapphire and jarkan. I can wear a pearl pendant. Please confirm if pearl is suitable with all the other gemstones I am currently wearing. I am very interested in astrology, and have unshakeable faith in it. I am very thankful to look at my chart again. I request you to please elaborate on how you read the chart, it would help me learn a lot. For example: what shows lack of people skills? what makes a chart good to read for an astrologer? what shows that i would get bored in the business world? I have had particularly tough period since Nov 2007 (Ketu Md-Saturn bhukti). I am hoping mercury bhukti starting in aug will bring some relief. Next month I plan to take MBA entrance exam. Thank you once again
  8. Thank you Pablo ji. My birth details are: 9th March 1980 4:30 am in New Delhi. You have seen my chart from a previous post before. I am female - given up that I would ever be married, so concentrating only on building a career.
  9. Thanks again Unanth. I do have a combust retrograde mercury (it is within 5 degrees of the sun), as well as low balas for sun. Now I can understand why it was predicted that my people skills are not good. I will have to take extra care and learn them
  10. Thank you Unanth, that helps. I m still curious to know about the combinations for lack and loss of people skills.
  11. Thank you Pablo ji, Unanth ji. My mars is in 10th from the moon and the moon is at 12 degrees scorpio. Mars in fact has a 4th aspect on moon. So I undertsand from your above posts is that debilitation is reduced but is not cancelled. The site where I read about anuradha nakshatra was: http://barbarapijan.com/bpa/Nakshatras/17anuradha.htm What are the combinations for lack of people/interpersonal skills in a horoscope? Regards SoGo
  12. Please help me to understand the above... I am new to astrology and these topics above seem to be contradictory to me...
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