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  1. http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/vedic astrology-jyotisha/450502-kind-request-advice.html
  2. Deepa ji said that it was ok for my being manglik even if hubby is not.. Now do we need to get the mangal shanti done too?
  3. forgot to mention that he said to do mangal shanti too.. please clarify..
  4. My MIL just got the kundlis done and the guy said that I have to get ashwini nakshtra & kal sarp shanti.. I never knew I had kal sarp problem.. could someone please tell me if I have that or not.. Its really scary as I am manglik and hubby is not.. my 21 january 1975 5:28am, fazilka hubby 13 april 1971 7:10am, pune Thanks
  5. I feel so sad reading all this.. were you in computer field? because if you were, I can try to get you back in USA on h1.. Pm me..
  6. Thanks for your reply Webyogi ji. Could you please recommend some mantras for my moon dasa. And even though later on but did you see the possibility of heart problem in my chart? Regards
  7. Well it was just out of nowhere.. one night I experienced heart attack like symptoms. I was fine in few minutes.. They happened again and went to ER. Nothing came in blood test, Ekg. few more visits to ER after the scary episodes still nothing in any test. Changed doctors. Got almost every possible test, ct scan and MRI done still nothing. It started around end of feb and begning of march. no medication until now but I was experiencing the same attack few times a week. now 2 weeks ago they found hital hernia and stomach not contracting problem. addition to this my relationship with hubby and my family is not how it was used to be. everything is falling apart.. Just hoping to find the reason behind everything.. Thanks
  8. nothing works when you are feeling like crap:-( atleast not in my case.. still I felt good when they found the possibility of the cause.. Thanks
  9. Thanks mylilangel! It all started feb end of 2007. It came without any illness or any problem. It was a mysterious thing until now as nothing came in any test. Do you know when will this end? and about exact birth time, what if someone doesn't know it. I just wanted some help.. Thanks!
  10. last week I found out that pregnancies might have caused Hiatal Hernia and my stomach is not contracting as it should.. Hernia is not that bad that it needed the surgery but it is there.. still only acid reflux meds is what he prescribed. I still get those symptons.. not that frequently or swearly but I still experience them.. Doc is still not 100% sure if he found the culprit.. can anyone take a look and see if some dasha is responsible and I am not getting any wrong diagnosis.. Thanks
  11. anybody!! Its because of my birth time? You all want the easy ones with the correct timing and all, don't you.. j/k:) Please anybody!!
  12. Hi! I am still going through the mysterious health problem.. Still no answer as to why I am having all the symptoms. Can someone please take a look at my chart and help me out.. Female January 21, 1975 5:28am Fazilka, India (I don't know the exact birth time. Someone calculated it based on what I was going through. Below is my hubby's chart.. it might help) April 13, 1971 Male 7:10am, Pune Thanks.
  13. "Genuine" is the keyword here.. I went to jewelry store but they don't have it as they can't tell if its real or fake.. In case I go to India I will get it but in the mean time is there anything else I can do?
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