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  1. Gurujis Please tell me whether the delivery will be in my native or in UAE
  2. Gurujis, I am currently residing in UAE. I am not in a position to go to temples. Also my husband want to go to India for delivery due to financial problems.But I am confused as all my relatives are here. I also like to be my delivary in India. But my relatives are not accepting it. Please give me a solution. Where will be my delivery? In my native place or in UAE? Please help me to find a solution.... Thanks in advance
  3. Respected Gurujis Valuable prediction is expected
  4. Respected Astrologers, I am a 6 months pregnant woman and my delvery will be on November. Currently I am very much feared that something wrong will happen to me.I had problem with a disease and currently having medicine for it. Will there be any problem to me or my child? My details are as below DOB : 19/09/1983 Time : 10:45 AM Place: Kannur, Kerala Expecting valuabe predictions from respected astrologers
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