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  1. My details are as follows : TIME OF BIRTH : 6pm DATE OF BIRTH : 01 april-1976(thursday) PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY : Nellore,Andhra pradesh,India. SEX : male Your current status : jobless,staying in sydney for the past 26 months(more than 2 yrs) Educational background : BA(hist,eco,politics),Diploma in Fashion designing,Diploma in hairdressing Work Industry and current salary.: unemployed at present Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember : 21-6-1996(I got a job in canara bank),15-11-2002(I quit the bank job and joined fashion designing which is my passion.29-11-2006(I got study visa to australia. Family background Father : retired,doing voluntary service in bhagawan satya sai baba ashram. Mother : house wive ,doing voluntary service in bhagawan sri sathya sai baba ashram Brothers : none Sisters : 1 elder ,dob: 14-11-1974,born in nellore andhrapradesh india,presently in sydney working as a nurse. (here i have to tell you that since sep 2006,I have been doing chandi path/durga saptha sathi on every ashtami and chaturdasi days.but after coming to sydney,due to certain restrictions,I did the elaborate pooja only when time and the divine mother permitted me,but daily i recite ganapathi atharvasirsham,lalitha sahasranamam,lalitha panchadasakshari,lalitha trisathi,khadgamala,durga kavacha,sidha kunjikastothra,aparatha stothra,maha mruthyunja mantra and aditya hridayam..... apart from doing these myself,i got poojas done by some astrologers,but my condition has only worsenedwith these people not doing any good to me.? My questions are : 1.I have been jobless for more than 8 months till now and i am undergoing a lot of mental trauma.when will i get a joband when will the happiness come inmy life? 2.when will I marry and will it be love or arranged? 3.when will my parents and my sis be happy because of me? 4.is there any chance that i will win a lottery or something like that? 5.I am interested in mantras,spiritualism and occultism.Is there a possibility that i will aquire a guru who can initiate me,can i get mantra sidhdhi? please answer me and help me .....krishna <!-- / message -->
  2. My details are as follows : TIME OF BIRTH : 6pm DATE OF BIRTH : 01 april-1976(thursday) PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY : Nellore,Andhra pradesh,India. SEX : male Your current status : jobless,staying in sydney for the past 26 months(more than 2 yrs) Educational background : BA(hist,eco,politics),Diploma in Fashion designing,Diploma in hairdressing Work Industry and current salary.: unemployed at present Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember : 21-6-1996(I got a job in canara bank),15-11-2002(I quit the bank job and joined fashion designing which is my passion.29-11-2006(I got study visa to australia. Family background Father : retired,doing voluntary service in bhagawan satya sai baba ashram. Mother : house wive ,doing voluntary service in bhagawan sri sathya sai baba ashram Brothers : none Sisters : 1 elder ,dob: 14-11-1974,born in nellore andhrapradesh india,presently in sydney working as a nurse. (here i have to tell you that since sep 2006,I have been doing chandi path/durga saptha sathi on every ashtami and chaturdasi days.but after coming to sydney,due to certain restrictions,I did the elaborate pooja only when time and the divine mother permitted me,but daily i recite ganapathi atharvasirsham,lalitha sahasranamam,lalitha panchadasakshari,lalitha trisathi,khadgamala,durga kavacha,sidha kunjikastothra,aparatha stothra,maha mruthyunja mantra and aditya hridayam..... apart from doing these myself,i got poojas done by some astrologers,but my condition has only worsenedwith these people not doing any good to me.? My questions are : 1.I have been jobless for more than 8 months till now and i am undergoing a lot of mental trauma.when will i get a joband when will the happiness come inmy life? 2.when will I marry and will it be love or arranged? 3.when will my parents and my sis be happy because of me? 4.is there any chance that i will win a lottery or something like that? 5.I am interested in mantras,spiritualism and occultism.Is there a possibility that i will aquire a guru who can initiate me,can i get mantra sidhdhi? please answer me.....krishna
  3. Pranams bhairoji, sorry for replying late to you.as per your advice,I have done ganesh jab 1080 times(10 rounds) of om vakratundaya hum, also i have done hanuman sadhana recently,but i dont know, I am not having any positive results. I hope kali maa is not angry with me.I think she is all full of love. than why is this happening to me.please give me any mantra which will give me happiness and good results. krishna
  4. Respected elders, I want to gain spiritual as well as material success.Please tell me is there any mantra to gain an alround success? I am staying in sydney,and due to time restrictions,i am reciting durga sapthasathi when I have time(ashtami and chaturdasi days).Daily I am doing pooja starting with ganapathi atharvasirsham,sri chakra navavarana pooja,followed by lalitha sahasranamam,then doing panchadasakshari jap(108 times,I am not initiated),then lalitha trisathi,lalitha kavach,durga kavach,bhavani ashtakam and kshama prarthana. I have been doing this method since 3-4 months,I dont find any improvement in my condition.all those whom i trust cheat me,I dont have a job,no love life,no money,nothing.Sometimes I feel like ending my life. Is there any mantra which can make me overcome these hurdles,gain money,job,etc.(recently I have given IELTS exam and I want to get good score.I have fared averagely in two subjects and good in two).please help me .can i get a positive result within 15 days? please help mmeeeeee krishna
  5. surenthar ji thanx for replying.I dont know the birth time.I remember my mom saying me that i was born on thursday evening at 6pm when the namaz was going on. I dont know the duration of my birth.may be 1/2an hour I think.mine was a normal delivery. pls let me know when my condition will start to improve thanx krish
  6. Respected elders, This is my first post in this forum.My name is Krishna Mohan,I was born on 1st April 1976,Thursday,Evening 6 pm approx.Rasi is Mesha,aswini Nakshatra,4th paada. I am suffereing from all sorts of problems since 2002.I have consulted so many astrologers,got remedies and poojas performed by them,but of no use.I feel that I have been cheated by them.there is no development in my condition at all.I dont have a job,My parents are not happy with me,all those whom i trust are cheating me,and I am still dependent on my parents and my sis for food and petty cash.Some times I feel like ending my life. Like an oasis in a desert,the only thing which i think is making me happy is that Divine mother had given me chance to worhip her.I have been reading durga sapthasathi for quite some time till now,reciting lalitha sahasranama,lalitha trisathi and doing navarna pooja of srichakra(diagram on a paper and not the sri yantra).I am not initiated into any mantra. Do you think that reciting these without initiation has negative affects on the pooja? please let me know when my condition will improve and when i will get a job,and make my parents happy.what do i need to do ? please helpme in this regards thanx
  7. i have been reading durga sapthasathi/chandi paath since one year.Of late due to time restrictions,I am not doing the elaborate pooja daily,instead,I started doing sri yantra navavarana pooja followed by japa of panchakshari,followed by lalitha sahasranama,lalitha trisathi,lalitha kavacha,durga kavacha,rajeswari ashtakam,bhavani ashtakam and them kshama prarthana.i am doing the elaborate pooja of durga saptha sathi on ashtami and chaturdasi days.(I am not initiated by a master,I think of maa as my initiator) I want to devote more time but the worldly bondages,time restrictions,job,study etc are restricting me.I am losing interest in leading this mechanical life.salutations to maa who has given me time to worship her,in this life. can anyone help me as to how to spend my time more meaningfully in worshipping maa,and get her blessings. jai maa krishna
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