Dear Amy,
A very late reply but just to share:
Q1:Rudraksha s really work. As highlighted, it depends on your faith. It will bring along a lot of benefits and if it i senergised, it will be a powerful tool to posses. As you know, Rudrakshas can only bring good and never anything negative. As a Rudraksha user & suppler, I can testify it works!
Q2:1 mukhi sold by Rudraksha Ratna is genuine. They only sell genuine beads and all beads coem with Certifictaes of Authenticity. Only problem is 1 mukhi from Indonesi ais very small. A better option (and cheaper) is 1 mukhi found largley in india which is bigger and cheaper (1/2 moon)
Q3:Not abl eto comment
Q4: You are guaranteed genuine product sfrom Rudraksha Ratna. I cannot comment on teh others. Being based in KL, Malaysia and a user for almost 1.5 years and adealer, must be careful as tehre are many fackes going around.
Warm Regards
Julian Arulappu
KL, Malaysia