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  1. Hmm.. a bit testy today are we? Anyway, I'll take your reply as a thankyou?
  2. Sometimes changing where you are is a good idea. Still, the grass isn't always greener. The mind will follow us wherever we go. If you can get to a Temple, that would be ideal. Even the Christians have their outdoor "Revivals" now and then. Still, it may not be possible to make any changes in location. However, we can make changes in our daily routine, even subtle changes. For instance, we know that there are 9 processes of devotional service. Chanting, or kirtanam, is but one of those 9. I've found that sometimes I feel rejuvenated after reading from scripture, even if it's just for 10 or 15 minutes. Or singing the holy name out loud (instead of japa.) Or reciting a prayer from Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur. Or chanting Lord Nityananda Prabhu's name for a few minutes. I think there might be something to the mantrarajas, as Lord Nityananda and Lord Gauranga never consider our offenses. So, maybe try sravanama and vandanam to help get you jump started back into japa. I know the feeling, Pankaja, sometimes when I stop chanting it's hard to start back up, even when others tell me to "just do it." Sometimes we have to break our previous routine and try something different. Take baby steps. Even if we can't chant the full 16 rounds at first, try chanting 4 per day for a couple of weeks and then work your way back up to your prescribed number at your own pace. Better to chant just a little than none at all. Hope this helps. Nice discussion! I'm sure that it applies to many of us here at one time or another.
  3. Apparently his attitude hasn't changed. The above makes perfect sense; it isn't difficult to comprehend, yet he calls it "mumbo jumbo." When one is addicted to hate, addicted to offending others, then no matter how reasoned and thoughful one deals with such a person, when filtered thru his hate-filled mind and intellect, it translates into "mumbo jumbo." Thankyou Nsringhadev Prabhu for trying. Great post!
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