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About prasadkumar.313

  • Birthday 05/06/1982


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    Software Field

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  1. Science proved that the Dinosaurs were exists on this earth. Why do we not get any reference of them in any Scripture?
  2. Shri. Vasant D. Bhat 1412, Sadaashiv Peth, Near Pune Vidhyarthigruha, Pune 411030 Maharashtra, India
  3. I completely agree with Shri. U.Sanjeeva Rao ji. My dear friend Sandy, true love needs COURAGE, TRUST, Good planning to save the love, and the most important is the FAITH ON GOD only. If you both have it then do not wait for anyone. Just believe on the Creator (The God) and take steps, after that success is depend on the judgment of the Creator. The true love is not a game of bargaining (profit or loss). It is the path of the God. When a lover hold his/her beloved hand in his/her hand that time he/she should hold it for the life time, if he/she does not do it then he/she have no rights to use that love word. The love should not be for physical/mental pleasure. Love is a responsibility. Read the story of “Mata Rukhmini’s Swayamvar by Lord Krishna” and think what exactly you both should do? I have added my few lines here, because I have gone from the same situation. My dear friend the love has different philosophy. It is very simple to say “I love you or I cannot live without you” but it is very difficult to understand the deep meaning of this simple line. Wish you goodluck,Prasad
  4. Respected Atulji, I saw this site; it is very easy to understand. It will definitely help me. Thanks & Good Luck for the exams.... Prasad,
  5. Respected Friends, How can we calculate the accurate position of planet from a particular Latitude and Longitude? Could you please anyone guide me? I just want to know the logic or any resource to learn it. I want to create a program to find the current sky position (a Virtual Sky) with the accuracy of astrological point of view. Just like a Panchang! Thank you, Prasad
  6. Respected Atul, I really appreciate your thoughts. You have given it in just 2-3 lines and these lines are very meaningful. Thank you Sir. Yes, I would like to discuss in details but only when, if you can give your valuable time. I know it can take very much time and I don’t want to waste your time. So, if you want to stop this post, kindly let me know. Actually, I am very new in astrology. I have given the above details are absolutely correct. I have given these all, only to help you so that you can compare them with this chart. I just want to know your predictions with logics step by step. This is just to learn it, nothing else. Kindly take positive meaning of my words. Thank you, Prasad
  7. Hello Atul, Could you please give your general prediction on above chart just want to know that what do you think about it ? Kindly reply something. Thanks, Prasad
  8. Hi Mora, I am not an astrologer, but if you just want to know the marriage compatibility status then you can try this site http://www.astrosage.com/freechart/ .. .. do registration then check the points yourself. I hope the astrologer will reply soon to you. Thanks, Prasad.
  9. Hello Atul, Thanks for the reply!! Well, regarding marriage, I am very confused. As per the planetary combination, my beloved had all characteristics (as mentioned above). She was not from same cast. She was in upper cast (Shimali cast). Yes, as per you, now I can say that there is not much love marriage yoga. In my life I have never given attention on girls, she was one & only one to whom I loved. Even today also I am not thinking about any girl. I think Saturn and Moon both are in Leo the 2nd house of Navamsha. This combination will destroy my marriage yoga. And it could be happened that I will never marry. But as per chart the attraction between me and girls (vice-versa) will always be there. But this will be just attraction nothing else. Que : And at what level do you find yourself spiritually? Ans: I cannot count the level, but I am a person who believes in God, but not of any religion. I always try to find the answers that why we are here in this physical world? What is the meaning of this physical world? A birth then study then marriage then children then old age and then death. Is only the life? Or there is something else beyond it. Could you please send me the drawback and qualities, whatever you think about this chart? How did you say,delay in marriage is expected maybe after 30 years of age may be even more later ? Please give some details ... (This marriage matter is really a suspense. as per dasha period, the marriage should be now. it should be love marriage and then after breakup. I have given my points about the spouse, marriage and loveaffair.) Could you please give your prediction on it ? My email is prasadkumar.313@rediff.com. I know it will take your valuable time but on this basis I can do research on it. I found that you try to go deep and deep, that’s why I am requesting you. Just want to know your opinions about it ? Thank you Prasad.
  10. Hi All, If you want to create your chart then try this .. http://www.astrosage.com/freechart/ .. it is a good web site. Thanks, Prasad
  11. Hello Atul, Thank you very much to take interest in this chart. Your all above prediction is absolutely correct except one thing regarding my marriage/love affair. (I give details in below) Well, your all prediction is 100% correct. A person with a stressed but logical mind is also correct. Parents: Father is a very good man, a famous personality in relatives, honest, hard worker, religious, living a simple and stable life. But, my relation with my father is not good. I am not an adorable son. Same situation is with my mother. She is very good woman. My parents worry for me. Overall, I can say that the relationship with my parents is not good. We are living together only because I am their son. I did not get the normal childhood. There was no peace in my parental home as well as in school. No friends or any caring person that time. Health: I faced lots of health problems too. Age of 5-6 old, experienced a critical operation of stomach. In between age of 13-15, left hand was fractured. I have faced many injuries and operations on left side body part like left eye, left ear, and left hand. Overall, heath is not good from childhood. Study: I was not a good student. I never understood the logics and principles written by great people. All study was going over the head. However, my interested subjects were astronomy, science, history, and math. I gained most of the knowledge by experience, not from the school/college study. I completed B.Com and then software engineering course from a private institute. Having good software development knowledge and now working in international software incorporation but not satisfied with my job. The time period of 2002 to 2005 was very tuff then 2007 to Jan 2009 was not good. Marriage/Love: Yes, I had a beautiful love affair with a lovely girl. This affair was near about 3 and 3.5 yrs. Yesterday, on 1 Jun 09, she married with a good guy and then my love matter is finished permanently. Now there is no chance of love marriage in life. More details are given on http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/vedic astrology-jyotisha/448443-challenge-vedic astrology-science-please-try-solve.html Only because of my love matter, I tried to learn the astrology, I tried to find the causes and then this subject was going interested. I know myself so I have started to learn from my chart. OK, now I am giving my astrological points on above. In this chart, SUN the 8L in 4H exalted and the position of MOON are not giving good parental relations. Lagna is Capricorn, lord is Saturn. Lagna is week which is in Rohini Nakshatra. Saturn and Mars are together in 9Th house showing injuries, accident, scandal etc. 5th lord Venus opposite 7th lord moon & Saturn which is creating strong love (inter cast) marriage yoga but it is not happened. Don’t know why? However, the Venus is exalted, wife should be attractive, intelligent, sensible, well educated, and Fair etc… but 7th lord moon is not in good position so she should be short-tempered, self-respected and argumentative. Some planet combinations are showing other cast marriage but situation is not like that today. Saturn is in 9th house so showing interest in spiritual world but Venus and Mars combination is also showing interest in love & opposite sex etc. That means yogi and bhogi both characters. Ketu is exalted in 12th house, I think Ketu will give all but at the end will take all return. I have given too much information, could you please correct me. Please let me know what are your predictions about this chart? What will be future of this person and why? Please throw some light. Thank you Prasad
  12. Additional Info. I have Capricorn lagna. My current dasa is Guru mahadasha and Shani Anterdasha. I have Shani Sade-Sati. Saturn is the lord of 2nd house. I think now my Mrutu yoga (chances of death) is also running. Thanks, Prasad
  13. Hello Mr. Atul, This is only for you. I saw your knowledge and skills to analyze the predictions. Your knowledge is really great. Well, I am not an astrologer but because of my one personal matter. I tried to learn astrology and now I understood few things about the astrology but not have deep knowledge. Actually, I have complicated chart. Sometimes I think, this thing will happen in my life or not. Like if I study my chart for wealth astrology then I think there is Raj yoga & Lakmi yoga and dhan yoga in my chart. The 2, 11, 5 and 9 house combination is in my chart. Most of the planets are in Ninth house. Venus, Sun, Rahu & Ketu are in UCHAA position. Jupiter is in 10th house. The 5th lord Venus is opposite of 7th lord moon, Saturn and mars. Etc.. etc.. but in Navamsha the picture is different. While on the one hand I am likely to acquire name, fame and wealth, on the other I may encounter difficulties on the domestic front. So, these all combination creating confusion, could you please analyze my drawbacks and qualities? It is not a serious or urgent matter. I am just giving a case study to you so that I can learn something new from you. If you are busy then forget this all.. My Details are: DOB : 06 MAY 1982 TOB : 00:55:00 AM (Midnight of 5th May) Place: Nagpur (Maharashtra) INDIA Thanks, Prasad.
  14. hi Light worker, Where are you from and what is the age of your friend ?
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